In addition, psychological and genetic conditions also affect the growth of gray hair on someone who is still young. To prevent the growth of gray hair at an early stage, there are five steps you can do.
1. Consumption of vitamin B12
Expand the consumption of foods containing vitamin B12. You can get by taking supplements or from food ingredients such as cheese, beef or fish. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is not only you but also make gray hair so it grows faster.
2. Buttermilk
In addition to vitamin B12, you can also eat buttermilk. Drink every morning on a regular basis.
3. Massage on the scalp
Make a head massage using coconut oil. You can warm it first and then apply on the scalp to provide a gentle massage. After a massage let stand for 5-10 minutes, then wash with shampoo.
4. Hair Masks
Not only cream bath and massage the scalp, have a mask on your hair regularly. Not only make the hair look more shiny, but also absorb nutrients directly to the hair root. Thus, the hair become more healthy, do not easily fall out and prevent the growth of gray hair.
5. Reduce use of chemicals
The chemicals in hair coloring products can also make hair experience premature aging. not look dry and dull, gray hair can grow faster. So, if you should not be too often mutually hair color.