Studies conducted Professor Ali Khomsan, Professor of the Faculty of Human Ecology Department of Community Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University of parenting a child.
The study took place during 2009-2010 in nine provinces with 2334 respondents. From this it is known, the majority of child care in Indonesia is the mother. The result, from 80 percent of children are well cared for, 78 percent of them are located within the nutritional status of normal or healthy.
Furthermore, children with healthy nutrition is far more intelligent than children with poor nutrition or suffering from infection. "Generally, children are often brought to the well-nourished Posyandu greater opportunities for growth and development monitored," said Ali in the show "Come to Posyandu - 'Growing, Active Response' Helps Children Parenting", recently.
However, as the spearhead of integrated health and maternal child health still needs improvement. Of the 242,124 Posyandu throughout Indonesia, only 40 percent are functioning properly. New integrated health reaches 50 percent of children. Posyandu trained cadre was only 30 percent.
Minister of Women and Child Protection, Linda Amaliasari Gumelar, adding, the role of parents is very important for development of the child. Prioriotas welfare of children will be seen later when the little adult.
"golden period which passed with attention, affection, good nutrition, and support environment for future generations become more qualified," he said.