Mistletoe is a part of cancer treatment in the Independent Raphael Medical Centre in Kent. In this case, fir or in Latin Viscum album is used to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy such as fatigue, nausea, weight loss, low mood and infection.
According to medical experts there, mistletoe boost immunity and help kill cancer cells, especially breast cancer, cervical, colo-rectum, pancreas, lung, and lymphoma cancer and leukemia. Treatment is by injection twice a week for two years.
Professor Gene Feder, Professor GP and Primary Care at Bristol University, who started the first pilot study in the UK states, "Patients who received mistletoe treatment during radiotherapy and chemotherapy showed better results," as quoted by the Daily Mail.
Within 24 hours after injection of mistletoe, the patient will feel tired, headache until the flu, is reduced. But then will gradually increase the body's immune, Dr Maurice Orange added. Dr Orange stressed, mistletoe is an additional treatment to conventional cancer treatment.