If this is you experience shortly after giving birth do not despair. Try to continue breastfeeding the baby. In addition to passing Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, introducing the nipple on your baby should also be done as often as possible.
"Many mothers become desperate when the baby is not too willing to milk. Do not despair if the baby immediately did not want to breastfeed, you have to keep trying try to bring the nipple to the baby. This is normal and eventually the baby will know the nipple, "said task force milk from the Indonesian Pediatric Association, I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Pratiwi during Lactation Workshop with the theme of Views and the Role of Religious Organizations in the Socialization of milk at the Park Lane Hotel, Jakarta, December 21, 2010.
Therefore, it is important for women who were planning to have babies or women who are pregnant, preparing to add knowledge about breastfeeding. So as not nervous and did not want to deal with babies who breastfeed, you need to recognize five successful behavior before the baby is nursing (Pre Feeding Behavior):
The first behavior
In the first 30 minutes after birth, babies are usually in the stationary phase standby. The baby lay still and occasionally open his eyes wide. This phase is the adjustment of the transition from state to state in the womb outside the womb.
The second behavior
In the next 30-40 minutes, the baby will make a sound, move the mouth like a drink, licking and kissing his hands wet by amniotic fluid.
The smell is similar to the smell of the fluid removed breast. The smell and taste that will guide the baby starts to crawl to find the mother's breasts and nipples.
Third Conduct
Babies begin to crawl moves in the direction of the breast, legs kicking mother's stomach, skin licking mother-jerking and stomping his head into the mother's chest as he turned to the left and right. Furthermore, the baby's hand began to touch the nipple area.
Fourth Behavior
Instinctively, the baby will salivate when the smell of mother's breast.
Behavior fifth
When found the nipple, the baby will lick, suck nipples, open mouth wide and well attached to the mother's nipple.
"If babies are not too willing to breastfeed even after Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, do not panic. Babies can survive 3 days without milk or other foods. Do not panic and hasty to give formula, because the baby still has reserves of energy, although the effect is the baby's skin will be yellow. However, this condition is fair, "he said.