"This condition has been the main reason women who choose not to breastfeed," said Brian Rinker, MD, a plastic surgeon in Lexington, Kentucky, as quoted from page news-medical.net.
In her research, she tried to identify risk factors for sagging breasts, as well as find the relationship between breastfeeding and breast aesthetics.
She uses data 93 patients who perform aesthetic surgery breast pad 1998-2006. All patients had a history of at least one pregnancy. However, only 54 patients (58 percent) who have a history of breast-feeding children. A total of 39 patients did not breastfeed.
Researchers look at the level of slack breasts through breast photographs of patients before surgery. In addition to reviewing the medical charts of each patient, researchers also collected information on age, number of pregnancies, history of breastfeeding, duration of breastfeeding, body mass weight, bra size, smoking history, and weight gain during pregnancy.
The data show, increase patient's body weight during pregnancy ranges from 5-45 pounds. As many as 39 percent of them had a history of smoking. A total of 51 patients had a change of shape or sagging breasts post-pregnancy breast muscle.
Based on the analysis, researchers concluded that older age, high body mass index, pregnancy, smoking history, also influence the risk of breast sagging. This means, without breast feeding will also experience relaxation. Breastfeeding in the long term not a major factor in breast slack.
However, further studies involving more patients is needed to assess effects on breast feeding, compared to other factors. "But this research is a good start in providing information for those who fear breast sagging due to breastfeeding," said Alan H. Gold, MD, President of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).