About Lossweight: February 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Secret Of Natural Beauty Of All The Time

The Secret Of Natural Beauty Of All The Time
Everyone wants to look beautiful even willing to spend much time, money and energy to beautify themselves.

Perform a variety of beauty treatments at the salon while draining pockets willing to do modern women. Being beautiful and attractive addition to being a part of the lifestyle also be a need for the modern woman.

But now, there are specific tips to beautify themselves without having to drain the bag, even if done with a regular, natural beauty you can enjoy forever all time. As quoted by the Times of India, the following tips to be beautiful forever:

Water Therapy
Most people underestimate the power of water. Water has detoxifying properties because it helps clean the intestines and is also able to eliminate bad breath and also make your skin glow.

Drinking water regularly also makes your skin stays well hydrated, because the skin can also be dehydrated. Dehydrated skin often feels dry and itchy. Although it is recommended to drink eight glasses of water a day, you should drink as much water your body needs. But do not limit the intake of a glass of water just after eating.

Sleeping Beauty
Spanish investigators believe, a nap can beautify the skin. However, for those who work, it will be difficult to do activities nap. Benefits trusted nap can refresh the body. Not only that, a quality night sleep 7-8 hours can refresh the mind and become a new source of energy for the next day. People who sleep less would feel weak, it also makes the eyes puffy and dull skin. Lack of sleep can make you irritable and absent-minded.

Banish Hunger
The body needs carbohydrates, proteins and fats in varying proportions. Kekurunagn nutrients in the body can damage your system. Eat a balanced diet of carbohydrates and protein and avoiding junk food would be very beneficial to the body.

If you eat unhealthy foods like junk food, you may look nice from the outside but all may not be good in your body. Every time you feel hungry, snack, fruit is a healthy alternative. Instilling these habits, to get healthy skin can make you look younger.

Reduce Caffeine
Many people choose to consume a cup of coffee while working on whole office activities and reduce stress. But remember if you still want to enjoy it, do not get addicted, because caffeine not only cause dehydration but also trigger acne. Caffeine also makes you sweat excessively. Gradually reduce the intake of coffee and black tea will make your skin stay healthy.

Exposure to sunlight in the morning helpful for you, but over-exposure to sunlight can cause skin cancer. In addition, sunlight can also make the skin burn. Wear sunblock every day is necessary to protect the skin. Do not skip apply sunblocks even if you live in the house, or winter or in the morning. Stay beautiful is an ongoing process. Being beautiful does not have to end up with a beauty treatment.
Read More The Secret Of Natural Beauty Of All The Time

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Watch Out, Loneliness Can Make You Fat

Watch Out, Loneliness Can Make You Fat
Internet and communications technologies that facilitate rapid communication and connection despite being in a remote place.

However, the increase of access to communications tends to make connections with fellow human beings less and less.

As a result, a sense of loneliness is often attacked. The impact of loneliness that can make the body elastic. Why is that?

Mary Jo Rapini, a psychotherapist in the Houston Methodist Weight Management Center said that a person will overeat when lonely or depressed. Most people affected by depression over in no more attention to appearance.

As published the Times of India, by Rapini, to reduce the sense of loneliness and avoid stress, everyone needs to express themselves.

It can be through talking to someone, write a journal, draw a self portrait of the feelings as well as poetry or short stories about the situation that you feel.
Read More Watch Out, Loneliness Can Make You Fat

Friday, February 26, 2010

Why Is Hard To Reduce The Salt From Diet

Why Is Hard To Reduce The Salt From Diet
Some people who undergo a special diet or certain illnesses usually should reduce salt intake from food. Not infrequently diets fail because it was unable to reduce the portion of salt. Why is that? A recent study called the gene is the cause.

In the website of the Times of India, scientists have discovered, there are people who are genetically less likely to reduce the portion of salt in their diet. According to research, low-sodium diet for some people very uncomfortable tongue. People who are sensitive to bitter taste tend to eat more salt. So that salty taste is used to disguise the bitter taste.

"Everyone in the world have a sense of taste is not the same. From the research we see an effort to reduce the sodium will be much more difficult," said John Hayes, a psychological Bio at Pennsylvania State University.

The study also revealed that about 25 percent of men have more sensitivity in his sense of taste. That was attributed to differences in small bumps on the buds of the tongue. Such people are often referred to as 'super tastets'.

They may feel that the fat is more tasty, more sweet sugar and green vegetables have a taste more bitter. They also can feel the saltiness of salt though in small amounts compared to people who have no such sensitivity.
Read More Why Is Hard To Reduce The Salt From Diet

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Beautiful Shine Because Papaya

Beautiful Shine Because Papaya
Dry and dull skin should not go unpunished. That's because, conditions could become more severe, such as trigger irritation and exfoliation and make wrinkles appear faster.

To fix this, you do not need to go to the expensive skin care center, simply by making their own masks.

Daisy Tang, founder of Aspara Aromatics, suggested to process the fruit papaya facial mask for your skin. Papaya contains enzymes whose function is similar to alpha hydroxy acids which can help to minimize wrinkles and make the face look more bright and humid.

Solvent acidity and enzyme protein in the papayas can also remove dead skin cells and brighten skin. The following materials and how to make papaya mask, as quoted from www.totalbeauty.com.

3 tablespoons of papaya fruit that has been blended
1 / 3 dark wheat
1 tablespoon honey
Mix all ingredients in a container, then stir until blended. Make sure the papaya fruit has smooth texture. After wrapping, stick papaya mask on face and let sit for 10 minutes. Then, wash with warm water. Try to use papaya maker at least once a week. Good luck!
Read More Beautiful Shine Because Papaya

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Healthy Diet For Pregnant Women

Healthy Diet  For Pregnant Women
Despite feeling happy, having tested positive for pregnancy, a woman must be observant watching food intake. Dietary choices affect the health of the fetus during pregnancy until birth and later adult.

However, the diet before pregnancy is equally important. One or two months before planning a pregnancy it is advisable to consume a balanced diet for more consistent ovulation.

Vegetables, beans and side dishes rich in protein and choline-containing isoflavones like soy and eggs to help regulate the reproductive hormones.

Here are some healthy guidelines for women pregnant or planning a pregnancy center, as quoted from ModernMom:

- Nutrition
Folic acid vital for pregnant women. Folic acid helps prevent neural tube defects, which can cause slow trasnmisi information from the brain. Folic acid works before pregnancy and during the first trimester.

You can get folic acid by eating fortified cereals, lentils, asparagus, spinach, black beans, peanuts, orange juice, broccoli, lettuce and whole wheat bread and pasta. Folic acid is also obtained from a multivitamin with folic acid 400 mcg or more. Other nutrients that help is vitamin C, vitamin E and zinc.

- Foods to avoid
So know you are pregnant, quit drinking alcohol habits, smoking and using drugs. Because some substance behind several times in the body, should stop him from planning a pregnancy.

If bad habits remain to be done to get pregnant, the fetus at risk of fall or born prematurely. Too much caffeine is also bad for the fetus, because caffeine is needed to absorb iron baby and mother.

- Select menu of fish
Increase intake of fish, especially salmon and tuna. But avoiding fish that contain lots of mercury such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel because it will precipitate in the mother and fetus.

- Avoid foods 'rubbish'
Eliminate food 'waste' from the table. Potato chips, cookies, soda and fast food contains no nutrients for mother and baby. While pregnant, make sure the body mass index between 20 to 30.

Normal weight gain between pregnancies eight to 15 pounds. Excess weight during pregnancy are vulnerable to gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and reduce the chance of a normal birth.
Read More Healthy Diet For Pregnant Women

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How To Easily Cure Menstrual Pain

How To Easily Cure Menstrual Pain
When coming months, the pain often comes from menstrual cramps. Could only vaguely or very painful. Conditions that in medical terms is called dysmenorhea usually occurs in the lower abdomen.

Sometimes the pain is also felt up to the thigh or lower back. To overcome this, there are some easy ways you can do.

- Increase intake of fluids to avoid dehydration. Lack of liquid will make the more painful menstrual cramps. Try to drink warm water to increase blood flow to the pelvic area and helps relax the pelvic muscles.

- Ginger is a herbal concoction that has tremendous health benefits. Including to overcome due to menstrual cramps. To create a concoction of ginger, boil some ginger slices that have been crushed in water. Drink ginger in warm water.

- If the stomach was very painful, place warm towels. It's a pretty simple way to temporarily relieve pain.

- Avoid drinking beverages that contain caffeine. Whether it's coffee or energy drinks because it can lead to irritation of the small intestine.

- Eating a mint-scented tea can also help relieve pain. It would be better if served warm in a state.

- Perform the stretch on the hands and feet in the morning. It helps blood circulation and reduces pain due to menstrual cramps.
Read More How To Easily Cure Menstrual Pain

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Is It True That Breastfeeding Makes Breasts Sagging?

Is It True That Breastfeeding Makes Breasts Sagging?
Many women are reluctant to give milk to her baby due to fear of breast no longer beautiful. They believe that breastfeeding will make breasts be sagging. Really understanding this?

"This condition has been the main reason women who choose not to breastfeed," said Brian Rinker, MD, a plastic surgeon in Lexington, Kentucky, as quoted from page news-medical.net.

In her research, she tried to identify risk factors for sagging breasts, as well as find the relationship between breastfeeding and breast aesthetics.

She uses data 93 patients who perform aesthetic surgery breast pad 1998-2006. All patients had a history of at least one pregnancy. However, only 54 patients (58 percent) who have a history of breast-feeding children. A total of 39 patients did not breastfeed.

Researchers look at the level of slack breasts through breast photographs of patients before surgery. In addition to reviewing the medical charts of each patient, researchers also collected information on age, number of pregnancies, history of breastfeeding, duration of breastfeeding, body mass weight, bra size, smoking history, and weight gain during pregnancy.

The data show, increase patient's body weight during pregnancy ranges from 5-45 pounds. As many as 39 percent of them had a history of smoking. A total of 51 patients had a change of shape or sagging breasts post-pregnancy breast muscle.

Based on the analysis, researchers concluded that older age, high body mass index, pregnancy, smoking history, also influence the risk of breast sagging. This means, without breast feeding will also experience relaxation. Breastfeeding in the long term not a major factor in breast slack.

However, further studies involving more patients is needed to assess effects on breast feeding, compared to other factors. "But this research is a good start in providing information for those who fear breast sagging due to breastfeeding," said Alan H. Gold, MD, President of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).
Read More Is It True That Breastfeeding Makes Breasts Sagging?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why Patient Pelvic Pain Often Experience Migraine

Why Patient Pelvic Pain Often Experience Migraine
There are two types of chronic pain conditions are often experienced by women: pelvic pain or migraine and around the pelvis. According to research the National Institutes of Health, United States, the pain turned out to be interconnected.

Known seven of 10 women who experience pelvic pain also had migraine. Chronic pelvic pain is usually characterized by discomfort in the area between the hips and below the navel, for six months or more.

The condition affects 15 to 24 percent of women of childbearing age, similar to the prevalence of migraine in women about 20 percent. Migraine is usually perceived as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. Some patients also experience nausea and sensitivity to light.

In the new study, researchers examined the relationship between migraine and chronic pelvic pain in women, with and without endometriosis (a condition that causes the tissue of the lining of the uterus migrate to other parts of the body). The women included in the study over 46 years old, and has experienced migraines and pelvic pain, about 10 years.

Studies show, about 67 percent of women who experience chronic pelvic pain also had migraine. Then, as many as eight per cent three times more likely to experience migraines than women who are not experiencing pelvic pain and migraine problems. Migraine is more likely to occur in women with endometriosis than those without.

"Migraines are likely to have a close relationship with pelvic pain compared with endometriosis. Further research could create a better understanding about the treatment of migraine, endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain," said Professor Stephen Silberstein, head of the American Headache Society, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

Another theory connects the pain is that women with chronic pain who have become more sensitive to other sources of pain. That's because the nerve cells growing in terms of sensitivity in general.
Read More Why Patient Pelvic Pain Often Experience Migraine

Fried Fish Consumption Can Trigger Stroke

Fried Fish Consumption Can Trigger Stroke
Consumption of fish is very good for health. The content of omega 3 in it useful to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. However, be careful, the wrong treatment would be a 'backfire'.

As quoted from page Aol, a study published in the journal Neurology found that high consumption of fried fish could increase the risk of stroke. Frying process has eliminated the beneficial fatty acid content in fish.

"When you eat fried food you get fat oxidized. That's not good for the body," says nutrition expert, Dr. Douglas Husbands. "One might make the mistake of saying, fish consumption is beneficial to health. Though fried fish that they have lost benefits."

The study involved 21,675 participants average age 65 years. Approximately 21 percent of which came from the coastal plain of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, which has the highest death rates from stroke (stroke buckle). As many as 34 percent of areas prone to the next level (stroke belt), and 44 percent of the number of countries in the Americas.

Research conducted by interviewing participants by telephone, followed by physical examination at home. They were asked to answer questions about how often eat tuna, clams, oysters, fried fish, and other fish species.

"If you more processed foods by frying, you will not be able to maintain any benefits. If you just saute it with a little oil and use low heat, it's better," said Husbands.

Husbands said, this study aims to tell people that the way food processing affect nutrition. "This study shows that the way to cook food more important than just what you eat."
Read More Fried Fish Consumption Can Trigger Stroke

Friday, February 19, 2010

Healthy by Playing Football

Healthy by Playing Football
Playing football the effect can improve fitness, reduce stress levels, while helping you stay active. In fact, the benefit is better than walking exercise.

These benefits are proven through research projects involving more than 50 researchers from seven countries. Researchers studying the physiological aspects, psychological, and sociological in the game of football, quoted from the Health Bulletin.

Research led by Professor Peter Krustrup and Jens Bangsbo from the Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences, University of Copenhagen to spend the next three years. Research involved men, women, and children aged 9 to 77 years. Respondents were then examined on the basis of division, ie, groups playing soccer, running and groups to take control of something.

As a result, football provides health and fitness effects are better than just doing sports run.

Peter Krustrup concluded, "Football is a very popular team sport. This sport embracing and motivating factors that can facilitate positive social compliance and contribute to the maintenance of a physically active lifestyle."

Krustrup added, with a round leather playing for 2-3 hours every week will make the body become safe and sound. "Playing football is very effective in improving performance in a normal organ so, including reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, falls and fractures."

Sport is also applicable universally. Men, women, children, young and old can play it and can get the same benefits. Waiting for, let's sports while playing with the round leather!
Read More Healthy by Playing Football

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mimicked the Way Men Damping Stress

Mimicked the Way Men Damping Stress
Stress can be experienced by anyone both men and women. But how to handle both very different. When stressed, women tend to be irritable, keep it to myself, or go shopping 'like crazy'.

For the distribution of stress does not become negative, try to imitate a man when a positive way to cope with stress.

- Sports
When stress many men who take it out with exercise. There is a direct take of running shoes and ran up to spend a lot of sweat. To vent their emotions, they also often do sports boxing or other type of high impact exercise.

"Exercise not only increases the amount of adrenaline in the body, but also releases endorphins, natural chemicals that make you feel better," says psychologist, Suzy Green from the Positive Psychology Institute, as quoted from au.lifestyle.yahoo.com.

- Selfish
Feeling like you are drowning in work and in need of 'me time'? Take time to have fun and forget their own jobs. Men are much easier to do this. They're not really sunk in uneasy feeling when you leave work temporarily in order to have fun.

So, just take a little time for yourself and for a moment forget the bustle of work.

- Hobbies
If a man has one aspect that is very intense in his life, namely work, they usually have other aspects in which they could 'turn'. That is a hobby, can be music, sports, photography and much more. Having a hobby is good for your psychological condition. Try to find activities and other fun, to relieve stress and boredom from routine.

- Laugh at Yourself
Men are very easy to laugh at himself when he was doing silly or make mistakes. This is very good and makes them easier to view problem with a more objective manner. Men also tend to gather with friends and can laugh out loud when talking about the problem. So, when stressed, try looking for fun and not too think about let alone be alone.
Read More Mimicked the Way Men Damping Stress

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Could Sex Before Football Match?

Could Sex Before Football Match?
There is a general statement that having sex before doing heavy physical activity, such as football, will lose stamina and jeopardize achievement. So many coaches require athletes to 'fast' lovemaking. Really?

These rules generally apply to football players since the 1970s. "There is really no good reason to justify this opinion. There is no physiological basis for it," said John Bancroft, former director of the Kinsey Institute For Sex, Gender, and Reproduction Research in Bloomington, Indiana, as quoted from Bioedonline.

Bancroft adds, sex does not affect strength, endurance or the capacity of the body utilize oxygen.

In his research, he was monitoring the 12 athletes who used a treadmill 12 hours after intercourse. As a result, they do not indicate a decline in performance. In addition, also found no effect on grip, balance, lateral movement, reaction time or aerobic power. The same applies to effects on the mental concentration of male athletes.

Problems that may occur is the period of re-Factories or lethargy for 20 minutes for adolescents up to 24 hours for men middle age. But in this downturn faster athletes due to physical performance.

Bancroft discovered during orgasm, men's brains directly induced and relaxation that can last until the next day. The possibility of relaxing time this is not the best time to play in the final big game.

Some experts suspect that the hormone prolactin, which is at the peak a few hours after sex, may be influential. "But its role is not known for sure." Another possibility according to experts is the presence of psychological factors such as alertness and aggressiveness that affect performance.
Read More Could Sex Before Football Match?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Babies Do not Want Milk, Do not Panic!

Babies Do not Want Milk, Do not Panic!
Breast milk is best food for babies, and there's no substitute for food nutrient content of breast milk. But often, when the process of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding many newborns are reluctant to breastfeed and do not recognize the mother's nipple.

If this is you experience shortly after giving birth do not despair. Try to continue breastfeeding the baby. In addition to passing Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, introducing the nipple on your baby should also be done as often as possible.

"Many mothers become desperate when the baby is not too willing to milk. Do not despair if the baby immediately did not want to breastfeed, you have to keep trying try to bring the nipple to the baby. This is normal and eventually the baby will know the nipple, "said task force milk from the Indonesian Pediatric Association, I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Pratiwi during Lactation Workshop with the theme of Views and the Role of Religious Organizations in the Socialization of milk at the Park Lane Hotel, Jakarta, December 21, 2010.

Therefore, it is important for women who were planning to have babies or women who are pregnant, preparing to add knowledge about breastfeeding. So as not nervous and did not want to deal with babies who breastfeed, you need to recognize five successful behavior before the baby is nursing (Pre Feeding Behavior):

The first behavior
In the first 30 minutes after birth, babies are usually in the stationary phase standby. The baby lay still and occasionally open his eyes wide. This phase is the adjustment of the transition from state to state in the womb outside the womb.

The second behavior
In the next 30-40 minutes, the baby will make a sound, move the mouth like a drink, licking and kissing his hands wet by amniotic fluid.

The smell is similar to the smell of the fluid removed breast. The smell and taste that will guide the baby starts to crawl to find the mother's breasts and nipples.

Third Conduct
Babies begin to crawl moves in the direction of the breast, legs kicking mother's stomach, skin licking mother-jerking and stomping his head into the mother's chest as he turned to the left and right. Furthermore, the baby's hand began to touch the nipple area.

Fourth Behavior
Instinctively, the baby will salivate when the smell of mother's breast.

Behavior fifth
When found the nipple, the baby will lick, suck nipples, open mouth wide and well attached to the mother's nipple.

"If babies are not too willing to breastfeed even after Early Initiation of Breastfeeding, do not panic. Babies can survive 3 days without milk or other foods. Do not panic and hasty to give formula, because the baby still has reserves of energy, although the effect is the baby's skin will be yellow. However, this condition is fair, "he said.
Read More Babies Do not Want Milk, Do not Panic!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mistletoe Eliminate Cancer Treatment Effects

Mistletoe Eliminate Cancer Treatment Effects
According to tales, mistletoe or plants that Christmas is a place synonymous with romance blossoming, signaling the abundant fertility and a sign of peace for the couple who were quarreling. In addition, these plants proved to have benefits for the healing and treatment.

Mistletoe is a part of cancer treatment in the Independent Raphael Medical Centre in Kent. In this case, fir or in Latin Viscum album is used to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy such as fatigue, nausea, weight loss, low mood and infection.

According to medical experts there, mistletoe boost immunity and help kill cancer cells, especially breast cancer, cervical, colo-rectum, pancreas, lung, and lymphoma cancer and leukemia. Treatment is by injection twice a week for two years.

Professor Gene Feder, Professor GP and Primary Care at Bristol University, who started the first pilot study in the UK states, "Patients who received mistletoe treatment during radiotherapy and chemotherapy showed better results," as quoted by the Daily Mail.

Within 24 hours after injection of mistletoe, the patient will feel tired, headache until the flu, is reduced. But then will gradually increase the body's immune, Dr Maurice Orange added. Dr Orange stressed, mistletoe is an additional treatment to conventional cancer treatment.
Read More Mistletoe Eliminate Cancer Treatment Effects

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Immune Disease in Rainy Season

Immune Disease in Rainy Season
When the weather changes from hot to cold, your body will adjust to the change of blood vessels. The point, for maintaining blood pressure the same as before. Climate change also weakens the immune system due to these adaptations.

Not surprisingly, if the monsoon season is identical with the disease. Health complaints are most common, including headache, sneezing, clean, cold and fever due to cold weather.

Not only the children and the elderly who are vulnerable, even the health of healthy people can immediately plummeted. People suffering from certain diseases such as heart rhythm disturbances, vegetative distonia, hypertension and hypotension are also very susceptible to the transition and winter.

However, there are things you can do to reduce the symptoms of sensitivity to the weather as quoted from Genius Beauty.

- Focus to treat your disease, because changes in the weather will worsen the health problems suffered by you earlier.

- Strengthen performance tirod gland. Iodine / create adequate to cope with weather sensitivity.

- Reduce or caffeinated soft drinks.

- Eat foods that speed up the process of adaptation of the body and strengthens the immune system such as ginseng, grapes, vitamin C and E.

- Physical activity, like jogging and walking will strengthen blood vessels and strengthen the nervous system. Bath is also very good for blood vessels.

- After all the weather, try to keep as much as possible to obtain fresh air.

- For patients with hypertension, try to keep themselves warm and avoid windy air.

- Patients with hypotension should do physical exercise to improve blood circulation.

For diet, food / create a balanced nutritional value. There are some foods that you can add in the daily menu, namely:
- Bit.
- Raisin.
- dried apricots.
- Plum dry.
- Orange.
- Nuts.
- Shallots.
- Honey.
Read More Immune Disease in Rainy Season

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Overcome Hair Loss with Sperm

Overcome Hair Loss with Sperm
Various ways have been done to cope with hair loss, but never succeeded. Maybe, you could try this one unique method.

'Salon Day' which is an upscale salon in London, England, has a unique treatment to cope with hair loss. Namely, "Aberdeen Organic Hair" which uses a mixture of bull semen and Katira plant root extracts.

This treatment takes only 45 minutes. Massage will be given to the head using the protein-rich ingredients. According to Benjamin Ahrens, one of the hairdressers at the salon, the owner of the salon, Hari Salem, has tried hundreds of products before using bull sperm material to make your hair always looks beautiful.

"We are always looking for a pure protein. That's because the hair is given treatment with the protein makes it more powerful and beautiful. Day and met with the breeder bull when he was on vacation and he was told to say," Ahrens said, as quoted from stophairlossnow.co.uk.

Ahrens added, "The farmer then suggested to use a bull sperm. It sounds weird but he tried it. We also tested on several clients in secret and the results are very satisfactory. Finally, we decided to sell it."

To make the potion, they also use Katira roots of Iranian origin, who previously had to be soaked for 12 hours. This is to make it change the texture of a gel. Then, serum from bull sperm added to the gel. Bull sperm are placed in small bottles are then stored in a refrigerator.
Read More Overcome Hair Loss with Sperm

Friday, February 12, 2010

Easily Show Sexy and Attractive

Easily Show Sexy and Attractive
Look sexy and attractive is the desire of every woman. Sometimes to get it up to have to pay expensive. But, really to be able to perform like that, you do not have to spend in deeply.

The key, depending on how the potential that already exists in your own self. Follow these tips to feel sexy amazing every day, the following, quoted from page She Knows.

- Stop worrying about your shortcomings, instead showcase your physical assets positively. For instance, wear pants or short skirts when appropriate atmosphere. The beauty of your lovely calves will improve the appearance.

- Learn how to dance, dance, or sing. These skills will definitely improve your confidence in public.

- Wear clothing that dominated the red color. This color will give the effect of self-confidence. Add the accessories are in tune with fashion. Surely, this will make you feel different.

- You can also wear a rather open in the shoulder. Parts of the body is nice also explored to increase your confidence.

- Try new sexual positions with your partner every week.

- Reading the novels of romantic novels.

- Wear sexy lingerie, of course, at the right time.
Read More Easily Show Sexy and Attractive

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rest often Danger For Pregnant Women?

Rest often Danger For Pregnant Women?
Feeling tired and carrying heavy loads on the abdomen is often complained about the women who were the two entities. So often many of them have always wanted to lay down in bed.

But the new study conducted by a nurse revealed that too much rest and too often lay down on the mattress turned out to have a negative impact for women who are pregnant.

Judith Maloni, a professor at the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing from Case Western Reserve University, said a comprehensive study was conducted based on 70 research evidence has been disclosed in the article that reveals whether a healthy break for the mother or baby.

Too much rest for those who were pregnant at risk of causing premature contractions and other pregnancy problems like high blood pressure, the potential for blood clots or bleeding, which may be experienced within a few days or several months.

"Over time, remaining in a resting position can lead to bone loss and muscle atrophy," Maloni said as quoted by the Times of India.

Not only that, if the expectant mother is less activity and more leisure activities in bed for almost 24 hours a day, also at risk of triggering depression, and it is feared could lead to premature contractions that can result in premature birth.
Read More Rest often Danger For Pregnant Women?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Child Intelligence Depending On Mother Touch

Child Intelligence Depending On Mother Touch
How to nurture parents, especially mothers very big influence on the physical and mental development of children. Evident from a recent study concludes, the better the mother's parenting, the better the quality of your child's growth.

Studies conducted Professor Ali Khomsan, Professor of the Faculty of Human Ecology Department of Community Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural University of parenting a child.

The study took place during 2009-2010 in nine provinces with 2334 respondents. From this it is known, the majority of child care in Indonesia is the mother. The result, from 80 percent of children are well cared for, 78 percent of them are located within the nutritional status of normal or healthy.

Furthermore, children with healthy nutrition is far more intelligent than children with poor nutrition or suffering from infection. "Generally, children are often brought to the well-nourished Posyandu greater opportunities for growth and development monitored," said Ali in the show "Come to Posyandu - 'Growing, Active Response' Helps Children Parenting", recently.

However, as the spearhead of integrated health and maternal child health still needs improvement. Of the 242,124 Posyandu throughout Indonesia, only 40 percent are functioning properly. New integrated health reaches 50 percent of children. Posyandu trained cadre was only 30 percent.

Minister of Women and Child Protection, Linda Amaliasari Gumelar, adding, the role of parents is very important for development of the child. Prioriotas welfare of children will be seen later when the little adult.

"golden period which passed with attention, affection, good nutrition, and support environment for future generations become more qualified," he said.
Read More Child Intelligence Depending On Mother Touch

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Appear 10 Years Younger Without Surgery

Appear 10 Years Younger Without Surgery
Usually people would do plastic surgery to 'alter' faces to be more youthful. But now there are techniques to beautify the face by following some dental repair procedures. This technique is known as dental facelift.

In America, the beautification of this technique is quite popular. With the cost of the procedure of £ 6,000, you can scrape the wrinkles due to the aging process.

Engineering dental facelift in America, a non-surgical techniques to beautify the face, and a new pioneer in the world of beauty which not only gives the appearance of perfect teeth, but also restructure the face to make it look ten years younger.

This procedure involves four steps manipulation with coating techniques teeth (veneers) are widely used by cosmetic dentists to fix your teeth crooked, cracked and also change the color of teeth to look beautiful smile. A thin layer of porcelain that are placed on upper and lower teeth functioned to reshape the face smooth.

Although it is known that the decreased production of collagen and elastin can cause the face to look older, but a change of teeth also can cause facial appearance to look older.

"Gigi has a role to play changes in the framework of the face," said Dr. Mervyn Druian of the Centre for Cosmetic Dentistry, as quoted from the dailymail.

However, as we age, teeth can also cause the lower jaw to be dropped so that the resulting elevation in the face of the nose and chin area is reduced and the face shape to 'fall'. All this causes facial proportions change and ruin the appearance.

Dental facelift is now much in demand among women. With veneers technique, you can lift the entire face, extending the arch of the face, make the cheeks look higher and so forth.

Veneers can also be used to lift the entire face. For example, by placing the veneers on the molars back, I was able to expand the arch over the face, "said Dr Druian.

Veneers can also change the side of the mouth that tends to look darker, becoming lighter and broaden smiles.

However, the facelift dental veneers manner, has potentially devastating consequences such as tooth sensitivity, swollen gums, nerve death, abscess or even loss of teeth.

"This problem never happened when people have to do 'make-over smile' in the period from 80 to 90's,"said the doctor.
Read More Appear 10 Years Younger Without Surgery

Monday, February 08, 2010

Prevent Gray Hair Grow Faster

Prevent Gray Hair Grow Faster
Naturally, the gray hair would indeed grow with age. However, if you still head age three and gray hair has started to grow gray hair could be a problem in nutritional intake.

In addition, psychological and genetic conditions also affect the growth of gray hair on someone who is still young. To prevent the growth of gray hair at an early stage, there are five steps you can do.

1. Consumption of vitamin B12
Expand the consumption of foods containing vitamin B12. You can get by taking supplements or from food ingredients such as cheese, beef or fish. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is not only you but also make gray hair so it grows faster.

2. Buttermilk
In addition to vitamin B12, you can also eat buttermilk. Drink every morning on a regular basis.

3. Massage on the scalp
Make a head massage using coconut oil. You can warm it first and then apply on the scalp to provide a gentle massage. After a massage let stand for 5-10 minutes, then wash with shampoo.

4. Hair Masks
Not only cream bath and massage the scalp, have a mask on your hair regularly. Not only make the hair look more shiny, but also absorb nutrients directly to the hair root. Thus, the hair become more healthy, do not easily fall out and prevent the growth of gray hair.

5. Reduce use of chemicals
The chemicals in hair coloring products can also make hair experience premature aging. not look dry and dull, gray hair can grow faster. So, if you should not be too often mutually hair color.
Read More Prevent Gray Hair Grow Faster

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Weight Down Up to 5 Kg in 3 Months

Weight Down Up to 5 Kg in 3 Months
Do you have tried various methods of weight loss, but so far not shown a positive development? Do not give up, try to imitate simple trick for streamlining these agencies. Who knows how this one works for you.

From now on, get used to drinking one or two glasses of water before eating. According to recent research conducted by experts from Virginia Tech, USA, which reports the Times of India, this method will work effectively curb your appetite so that the portion of food that enter the body is not much, which in turn can reduce weight.

"When this method is applied for 12 weeks, three times per day, will eliminate about 5 kilograms of weight," says Brenda Davy from Virginia Tech.

The simple reason to explain the success through this trick, with a drink of water before eating, you will quickly feel full so that the food you eat just a little. Thus, the number of calories you consume too little.

However, these studies do not recommend you to drink excessively, because this can cause new health problems to your body. So just 1-2 glasses of water before eating.

Even in previous research found, respondents were middle-aged and elderly who consumed two glasses of water before meals, amount of food they consume 75 to 90 calories less than those who do not consume water before eating.
Read More Weight Down Up to 5 Kg in 3 Months

Saturday, February 06, 2010

A stick of Toxins in Cigarettes

A stick of Toxins in Cigarettes
Maybe you think only smoking a cigarette alone will not cause health problems. Think again. Therefore, American scientists found a cigarette is enough to block arteries and trigger heart attacks.

Tobacco smoke contains hundreds of toxic chemicals can directly cause damage to organs. In a recent study surgeon found no safe level of exposure a person exposed to cigarette smoke, both for active smokers and passive smokers.

This is because the cigarette smoke seeping directly into the bloodstream, chemically changing the organ so that the clot and arterial pressure. As a result, the artery narrows and closed. The report also found that even exposure to cigarette smoke in a short time can trigger a heart attack.

"I advise people to try to avoid being around smoke any way you can," said Dr. Regina Benjamin is a medical advisor to President Obama.

However, for those who want to quit smoking, never too late. Start now! Because, in the report also described what happens in the body when a person stops smoking.

- 20 minutes: Blood pressure and pulse rate returned to normal.

- 8 hours: Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood is reduced half and oxygen back to normal.

- 24 hours: Carbon monoxide is lost from the body. The lungs begin to remove mucus and dirt from any other cigarette.

- 48 hours: The body cleanse nicotine from the body. The ability to feel the sense of smell and taste increases.

- 72 hours: Breathing becomes easier. Bronchial tubes begin to relax and increase energy levels.

- 2-12 weeks: circulation improves.

- 3-9 months: Coughing, and respiratory problems increase with improvement in lung function by 10 percent.

- 5 years: Risk of heart attack drops to about half compared to the smokers.

- 10 years: Risk of lung cancer is half of the smokers. The risk became similar to the non-smokers.
Read More A stick of Toxins in Cigarettes

Friday, February 05, 2010

5 Foods 'Haram' for Patients with Uric Acid

5 Foods 'Haram' for Patients with Uric Acid
Joint inflammation caused by buildup of uric acid often causes great pain. This pain usually occurs in the big toe. But pain can also occur in the ankle, knee and hand.

Uric acid attacks can happen in a matter of days or months. Males and obese people are the group at high risk of uric acid. In fact, pain due to uric acid can be prevented by adjusting the diet.

There are some foods that you should not consume or at least reduce the portions for pain due to uric acid can be prevented. What are these foods?

- Shellfish fan
To reduce the risk of gout pain, you should reduce the consumption of shellfish fan. Similarly, as disclosed Lona Sandon, assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA.

"Marine animals one is very rich in purines, which the body will be broken down into uric acid. If you want to eat them, you should not be too much," said Sandon, as quoted from Health.com

- Beer
Drinking beer will increase the risk of gout attacks up to two-fold. Not only increase uric acid but also makes the body more difficult to clean from the system. If you really want to drink, choose wine. Drinking beer will only make the pain worse uric acid.

- Red meat
Not all meat has the same levels of purines. Usually white meat healthier than red meat. Actually it does not matter if you eat meat, but make sure not too often.

- Sweet drinks
Avoid consumption of sweet drinks containing high fructose such as soda or fruit juice packaging. Artificial sweeteners contained in it will make the body produce more uric acid. Research also shows men who eat lots of high fructose drinks exposed to higher risk of uric acid.

- Asparagus
Asparagus, cauliflower, spinach and mushrooms contain more purines than other vegetables. But if you do not eat too much, no problem. According to Sandon, the body is actually easier to remove purine derived from plant materials.
Read More 5 Foods 'Haram' for Patients with Uric Acid

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Detection Of Health Through Nail Color

Detection Of Health Through Nail Color
Do you often notice the condition of your nails? Changes the natural color of the nail it could be a signal of health disorders in the body.

For that, do not take for granted if the nail color changed suddenly uncharacteristically. Each color 'odd' that appear to indicate different health problems :

As you age, the nail tends to turn a pale color. Nail color that younger people, usually appear brighter than those of old age.

Well, if you are still relatively young age, but the nail color looks pale in some time, this could indicate health problems. Maybe you are anemic, the symptoms of heart or liver disease. Perform medical tests.

Using red nail polish it can make a natural nail color fades and turns yellow. Do not think is trivial, this could be a sign that you have a yeast infection. But, do not panic! Nail fungus problem in general can be treated easily.

Bluish color
This could be a sign of problems in the body intake of oxygen. These colors often appear due to exposure to weather is too cold. However, if it continues to cling bluish color in the nail, you need to be vigilant. In serious cases, these colors indicate the presence of lung disorders, or diabetes. Perform medical tests.

Small holes
This case usually arises due to minor injuries of the nail. However, if the hole becomes too much, maybe you suffer from psoriasis or arthritis. Perform health checks.

Cracked and brittle
The skin easily cracked or broken nails into strong indication associated with thyroid disease. The test for the disease was swift and painless, so do not worry, you only need to do a health check-ups.

Red cuticle
If your cuticles are red and swollen, it could mean that some disorders of connective tissue. But do not worry, because the cuticle disruption may occur due to the removal of nail polish is too coarse to trigger irritation. Try changing nail polish remover which is more suitable for you.

Blue-black or red-black
Thus in the line of color under the nail is a symptom of serious diseases such as skin cancer or melanoma. You should immediately see a doctor and health consultation.
Read More Detection Of Health Through Nail Color

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Potato As A Substitute For Rice Makes Slim?

Potato As A Substitute For Rice Makes Slim?
Many women make weight loss programs to achieve ideal body weight. One trick for weight shrink, not a few women who avoid the consumption of rice and replace it with potatoes. However, is it true potato consumption can effectively lose weight?

No previous research which proves that potato beneficial for weight loss. However, the results of tests on men and women who made the potato as part of a weight-loss program, proven successful in reducing excess body weight.

"When experiencing complaints of weight, things to do is not to avoid certain foods or food groups. But, it is important to reduce the number of calories of daily food," said Davis, Head of Studies of Britt Burton-Freeman, University of California, as quoted by the Times of India.

The researchers studied 86 living patterns of men and women with excess body weight for 12 weeks. Researchers measured the effect of glycemic index diet modification to reduce calories by adding the potatoes in a daily diet of respondents. Glycemic index or GI is a measure of the impact of such known carbohydrates on blood sugar levels.

Three groups of people selected at random, observed each have a diet who ate 5-7 servings of potatoes per week. As a result, all three groups experienced weight loss.

One fruit of a medium-size potato contains 110 calories per serving, contains more potassium (620 grams) of bananas, and provides nearly half of the daily value of vitamin C (45 percent), and contains no sodium, fat or cholesterol, so good for health and vital to make your daily diet.

However, if you want to lose weight with consumption of potatoes should be steamed or boiled potatoes. Avoid fried potatoes, because the fat content in fried potato is high and can ruin your diet program.
Read More Potato As A Substitute For Rice Makes Slim?

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Cure Diabetes with 'Sperm'

Cure Diabetes with 'Sperm'
A number of scientists in the United States develop insulin production techniques using sperm stem cells. These findings continue to be refined to be useful for treating people with type 1 diabetes.

Diabetes occurs due to damage to cells that produce insulin in the pancreas, so that the body loses its ability to regulate blood sugar levels.

Professor Ian G Gallicanp daro Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC, change the initial precursor for human sperm, known as spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), a beta-islet cells.

Islet beta cells have the ability to produce insulin, which is generally produced in the pancreas. When injected into mice, these cells successfully regulate blood sugar levels in the body of the mice.

As quoted from page Guardian, Gallicanp his team presented the results of experiments at the annual meeting of the 'American Society for Cell Biology' in Philadelphia.

"Without stem cells, adult or embryonic forced to produce sufficient insulin to cure diabetes in humans. But, but we know that SSCs have the potential to do what we want, and we know how to develop it," said Gallicano.

Gallicanp and his team perform extraction of human SSCs from the testicles of the dead. "From the testicles, these cells will form three germ layers in a few weeks and will develop into tissue in the body," he said.

Of the approximately one gram of testicular tissue from humans, researchers produce about one million stem cells. These cells showed the content of biological marker that is identical to beta-islet cells, producing insulin.

Tues that then transplanted into the body of mice. This has been engineered mice have no immune system so that blood levels decreased. After obtaining the cell grafts for a week, the rat began to have the ability to produce insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.

Researchers continue to develop its findings. They experimented for humans, at least in men with type 1 diabetes, may use its own testicular tissue to produce insulin replacement. They are also being tested the ability of stem cells in the female egg cell.
Read More Cure Diabetes with 'Sperm'

Monday, February 01, 2010

More Slim, More Clever

More Slim, More Clever
If you want to keep your body to stay slim while improving brain function, the best way to exercise. "Sports is the 'magic key' to get the brain and body fitness," said John Medina, PhD, Chief of Brain Center for Applied Learning at Seattle Pacific University.

Physical activity in the blood flooded the oxygen-rich nerve network. These conditions will increase the production of chemicals and improve memory, attention and problem-solving skills. Here are five steps for you to stay slim and more clever.

1. The roads in the park
Researchers from the University of Michigan found that memory and attention increased 20 percent when one walks in the park. Nature has a soothing effect, which allows the brain to process information better.

2. Tai Chi
Studies have long shown, Tai Chi exercises improve balance. Recent studies also show that exercise can protect the brain areas responsible for the sense of touch, which tend to fade after the age of 40 years. In a Harvard study recently, showing people aged 50 to 60 who do tai chi has a touch sensitivity that is higher than that do not do Tai Chi.

3. Sports Intensive
A study in 2007 found that someone who made two sprints (sprint) for 3 minutes to memorize new words, 20 percent faster afterward than those who do not do the exercises. You can do cardio exercise to improve blood flow and trigger growth in the area of hippo campus is responsible for the development of memory and verbal ability.

4. Balance
In a Canadian study, older adults who are doing weight-bearing exercise while balancing exercise decision making abilities increased nearly 13 percent in 6 months. So, add balance exercises in your list of mandatory training.

5. Throw ball
Researchers in Germany found that adolescents who play throw the ball by hand for 10 minutes, can improve their attention and concentration in lessons and tests to be done. You do not need to be a teenager to get that advantage, because, according to researchers play throwing a ball can improve the focus controls on the brain.
Read More More Slim, More Clever