Why You Are Fat And Get More Fat? | About Lossweight

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why You Are Fat And Get More Fat?

Why You Are Fat And Get More Fat?
As you have learned, you now must have understood how the BMI (Body Mass Index) of your.
Currently you need to understand why how we ride weight.
Because you eat breakfast is incorrect or just not breakfast at all.
The second type is what makes you often hungry, snacking and eating out of control.

Other factors below you need to understand:

  1. Our bodies burn a certain number of calories each day. Calories burned by the body of each person are different. Now we consider the average woman's body can burn 1300 calories per day for short. (In a state with no sports or known as RMR or resting metabolic rate). For men, the body is able to burn higher - between 2200-2500 calories.
  2. Any food and beverages have a certain amount of calories. For instance 1 cup of Starbucks has about 600 calories. (white water calories = 0.  So willing to drink as much as anything not make fat. The myth of white water make fat is not true).
  3. Excess calories into our bodies will be automatically changed our bodies into fat in the form of food reserves.
  4. Thus if we want to lose weight, we need to consume fewer calories than you burn our bodies. Due to lack of calories needed to be taken from reserves in our body that is fat. So we will lose weight. The challenge is that we should consume foods low in calories but still meet the nutritional needs of our bodies. If we just eat less or diet with radical way our bodies actually make your metabolism is slow and the result is so difficult to lose weight.
  5. If we put calories = calories burned then our weight will be stable.
  6. If we want to go down an average of 1kg per week, we need to consume 500 calories less than the calories burned by the body daily. In the example above, the quota of calories that can be inserted into your body is 1450-500 = kira2 900 calories.

Now let’s see the following sample eating patterns :

  • Morning: 2 pieces of bread plus butter (300 calories) 1 glass of sweet tea (150 calories). Breakfast this model will lead to eating all day!
  • Morning snack 2 pieces of fried food = 150 calories.
  • Lunch (600 calories) soft drinks (200 calories).
  • Afternoon snacks drink Vanilla Latte (600 calories) muffin (300 calories).
  • Dinner (600 calories).

Well if in total what you eat 2900 calories whereas the amount your body can only burn 1400 calories. So a 1500 calorie excess calories stored by our bodies and become reserve a.k.a fat!

If you are the type of people who are overweight, it is better aware than now because there is no such thing as a healthy fat. If you are not on the ideal weight, you will increase the risk of diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke. In fact, 90% of people who develop Type 2 diabetes is fat people.