Here are some myths that we often hear of everyday, and how you can react to it.
MYTH #1: Drinking water / cold water too much can make you fat.
This one is really just a myth. You already know we will increase the weight if the total calories we consume is greater than the total calories burned our bodies. Well, you need to know, the white water have no calories a.k.a 0 (zero). So basically the white water will not make you fat. You may even need between 8 -12 glasses of water per day for health and optimal body function.
MYTH #2: I Descendants Fat.
These words have a point but also arguably less precise. True because you inherit the gene from both your parents. These genes determine whether you're the type who easily overweight or not. Not appropriate because this is not the main cause of your fat.
Basically you fat largely due to an inherited habit. For example, your mom and dad like to eat food that had coconut milk, and cooking was always a coconut milk, fatty or high calorie. Automatic what is available at the dinner table for a meal your family will certainly also as a member of the family. Automatically, you often see a family of father, mother and children all the fat. Actually it will not happen if you can manage your diet properly and have sufficient activity. (So do not quibble if you are overweight because of heredity) because in essence you are choosing what you eat.
MYTH #3: Dinner makes Fat?
Dinner will not make you fat if you eat a timely manner. Normally you can have dinner between the hours of 18:00 to 19:00. What makes you fat is easier if you eat fried rice by 11 pm, and after eating you drowsy and went to bed. Your body will automatically convert excess calories into fat stores.
MYTH #4: I will lose weight if you reduce eating / not eating.
This is something not quite right. True, to lose weight you must reduce amount of calories that come in, or in other words, calories in must be less than calories burned. The problem is if you eat less or reduce calories in, you also automatically reduce the nutritional needs of your body needs. Instead, your body will slow metabolism, you will be more difficult to lose weight, and even if you lose weight, your weight will go up again as before or even more heavy.