Imitate the following ways, you can making out with fun at the same time healthful.
1. Take a dance class
Try to take a dance class, like salsa, tango or waltz. Not only burns calories, but with your dance and your partner could be closer and more compact. That's because with you and your partner dance practice to unite the mind to do the movements simultaneously.
2. Playing roller-blades
When sunny weather would not hurt to play roller-blade around the house. You can also intimate with a more exciting way. If it does not support the atmosphere, playing ice skating at the mall can also be an option.
3. Bicycle
This method is very classical as well as romantic. You can ride around the park near the house with the couple holding a picnic box. After cycling, stay enjoy a snack together.
4. Running on the beach
Get up early and plan to work out at the beach. Simply by running or walking together with a partner. Morning air is very good and you can burn calories by way of a romantic.
5. Swim
Playing the water with a dip can also be an exciting way to spend time with your partner. For a more romantic, you can choose the time to swim together after work.