As quoted from page Times of India, apple-bodied women generally have fat deposits that are concentrated around the abdomen. While fat woman pears concentrated around the hips and thighs.
Researchers involved 50 overweight female participants, aged 40 years and older with body mass index average of 30. In addition to the distribution of fat in the body scan, the researchers also measured the bone density in the body.
Those who have a concentration of fat in the abdominal muscle tissue have lower bone mineral density than those who have a concentration of fat in the pelvic area and thighs. Low bone mineral density clearly showed symptoms of osteoporosis.
"We know that obesity triggers a major health problem in society. And, now we know that obesity in the abdomen need to be considered as risk factors for osteoporosis and bone problems," said Dr. Miriam Bredella, radiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital as well as professors from Harvard Medical School, told Telegraph.
For those of you who have apple-shaped body problem need not be discouraged. Research Northwestern University, Illinois, found that women with apple body shapes have the ability in tests of mental agility that is better than those who have a pear body shape.