About Lossweight: January 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Laughter = Sport?

Laughter = Sport?
Exercise keeps the body fit. However, if you do not have time to do it, could you make the body fit through laughter? A U.S. study reveals that laughter seems to have a similar effect of exercise.

Based on studies conducted a number of researchers Loma Linda University Schools of Allied Health, laugh not only able to lower production of stress hormones, but also boost immunity, lower cholesterol, and blood pressure.

The study involved 14 healthy volunteers during three weeks. To see the effects of laughing merrily, they were asked to select and watch a video duration of 20 minutes. Anyone got a video genre of humor (eustress), other movies that trigger tension (distress). During the study, researchers routinely measure blood pressure, also took blood samples from each volunteer before and finished watching the movie.

The results show, volunteers who watched the movie suspenseful no change in beneficial. Meanwhile, those who watch videos funny experience changes in blood pressure and improved health conditions.

"These results show a variety of modulation and the response of the body due to repeated laugh together with the effect of regular exercise," said Dr. Lee S. Berk, an expert in psychoneuroimmunology, which is involved in the study. Study results presented at the conference 'Experimental Biology' 2010.
Read More Laughter = Sport?

Saturday, January 30, 2010

How to Burn Fat Fast

How to Burn Fat Fast
Each person needs a strong intention to succeed to lose weight. That accumulate in body fat is accumulated for months, even many years. But, do not worry, just follow these tips to reduce weight in a short time.

Options exercise can increase your chances of proper body weight for easy collapsing. Here are five types of physical exercise that can burn body fat more quickly.

Cardio exercise
Cardio is the best practice model for beginners. No one denies the fact that this exercise can burn calories optimally. Body shape without excessive fat accumulation that many women dream can be yours, without needing a lot of sweat.

Cardio exercises not only help you to achieve a good body, but also increase your stamina, making the body energetic and flexible. Walking on a treadmill, cross-trainers, cycling, swimming, and jumping is the most popular form of cardio exercise.

Exercise treadmill will move the entire body, while cross-trainers are very good for your hip and thigh muscles. Pedaling can also tighten your thighs and stomach muscles. Cardio exercises like aerobic exercise, since many use the movement in the muscles continuously and rhythmically in every move.

Balance the diet: After establishing a regular exercise, you should gradually reduce the consumption of red meat, fried potatoes, butter, cheese, and various types of junk food. Drinking water your body needs. Drinking coconut water and fresh fruit juices are also good for the body.

Spinning is an aerobic exercise performed on specially designed stationary bicycles called spinning bikes. You can adjust the speed, it could be like climbing a hill or down hill.

Spinning instructor-assisted exercise in the gym can help you to keep the tempo sport. In the fitness studio, to the accompaniment of music and lighting are varied, the atmosphere is calm and comfortable, makes you focus. This exercise helps to reduce fat and build muscle. You can do 30-45 minutes without stopping in eight days, if you combine with cardio.

Balance the diet: Reduce portion sizes of your favorite snacks or high-fat and high sugar. Avoid eating fried potatoes, butter and cheese.

Jump rope
This exercise can burn fat in large amounts in your body. The benefits are great for toning the calf muscles, thighs and your buttocks.

Balance the diet: A healthy diet, but avoid oily food and junk food of any kind. Drink plenty of water, fresh fruit juices and coconut water.

Aerobic and endurance exercises
A good exercise routine is performed at the health club under the guidance of expert trainers who understand your fitness level. Endurance and flexibility while training can help improve stamina. If done regularly, will be very good for you.

With background music, a very enjoyable aerobic exercise to burn fat and get fitness. To achieve best results, do the exercises at least three times a week. Warm up with cardio exercise sets such as jumping and skipping to build stamina.

Balance the diet: Avoid foods with high carbohydrate content such as potatoes and bananas. If you like to eat rice, reduce the portion of rice each time you eat.

Pilates exercises are one of the most popular fitness system in the world today. This type of aerobic exercise that includes a whole set of routines on the floor.

The group performed at the health club classes, where instructors will demonstrate new routine exercises periodically, depending on your ability. After two days of basic training, the body's status be decided and the goal is to stay for a week. This exercise can tighten and strengthen the muscles of the body.

Balance the diet: A healthy diet, but avoid oily food and junk food. Drink plenty of water, fruit and vegetable juices and coconut water.
Read More How to Burn Fat Fast

Friday, January 29, 2010

Best Food After Exercise

Best Food After Exercise
You probably already know that proteins are important nutrients to create build muscle faster, while maintaining the form of permanent body lean. You need to know, there are other nutrients in addition to proteins that should also be consumed after exercise.

Foods that you eat after exercising it should be noted that the results become more maximal exercise. Know the four best food should you eat after exercising.

1. Milk
Milk contains casein which can help reduce body fat and make muscle more shaped. Milk also contains lactose, and calcium that help muscle and bone recovery after exercise. By drinking milk after exercise, electrolytes are lost when you sweat can also be immediately replaced. Select only milk with less fat and less sugar.

2. Wheat
Carbohydrates are also nutrients that you must meet, especially after exercising hard enough. Exercise reduces the amount of glycogen in the body. With a healthy carbohydrate consumption can immediately help restore muscle glycogen. Glycogen also prevents damage to muscle tissue, which keeps the muscles supple and taut.

3. Eggs
Eggs, especially the whites contain high protein. Protein contains amino acids that help re-establishment of muscle tissue damaged by hard exercise. Part egg yolks contain lots of vitamins, like vitamin A, D and E. Eggs are also a source of minerals, phosphorus and iodine.

4. Banana
Bananas are a source of potassium that make the muscles work properly and can help relieve cramps and muscle pain. So make sure you include mandatory severance in the diet after exercise.
Read More Best Food After Exercise

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Healthy Slim With Swimming

Healthy Slim With Swimming
Mostly, people like to swim. Unfortunately, fun activity with a swim in the pool is more often simply acted while on vacation. In fact, many of the benefits you can feel if you do it regularly.

Swimming is a sport that can do all the people of any age or level of fitness conditions of any kind, even stroke patients and pregnant women are also advised to choose this sport. Not only that, it makes water sports as part of a weight loss program is also a good option.

As quoted from page Times of India, fitness expert Deanne Pandey said the swim was part of physiotherapy in the water. "Anyone can swim and also a good way to maintain the condition of the body and burn calories. CALORIES will easily burn when you are swimming, because swimming motion work in all muscles, distinct from regular fitness routines. "

The theory behind this is the fact that water is added pressure 12 times greater than air, thus requiring more effort to move through the water.

Pandey adds, if the techniques in sports pool conducted properly, this activity is also good for maintaining muscle. Swimming useful build resilience to the respiratory muscles and heart.

Swimming is also believed to be a natural low-risk sports injuries. Unlike jogging and running, swimming does not provide too much pressure on the muscles and bones of the body. That is why the pool is known as a sport without risk, especially if you use the correct technique.

Buoyancy of water is known to support and sustain the body's 90 percent, so the water can act more like a cushion and protect you from injury.

In addition, the swim also have benefits like meditation. Therefore, water activity requires focus. You need to concentrate on movement and breathing rhythms. Most importantly, this exercise has a calming effect, so that could affect therapy to increase stamina.
Read More Healthy Slim With Swimming

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Romantic Ways To Burn Calories

Romantic Ways To Burn Calories
To lose weight, many things you can do. Not only with hard exercise or strict dieting. But also a romantic way of spending time with your partner.
Imitate the following ways, you can making out with fun at the same time healthful.

1. Take a dance class
Try to take a dance class, like salsa, tango or waltz. Not only burns calories, but with your dance and your partner could be closer and more compact. That's because with you and your partner dance practice to unite the mind to do the movements simultaneously.

2. Playing roller-blades
When sunny weather would not hurt to play roller-blade around the house. You can also intimate with a more exciting way. If it does not support the atmosphere, playing ice skating at the mall can also be an option.

3. Bicycle
This method is very classical as well as romantic. You can ride around the park near the house with the couple holding a picnic box. After cycling, stay enjoy a snack together.

4. Running on the beach
Get up early and plan to work out at the beach. Simply by running or walking together with a partner. Morning air is very good and you can burn calories by way of a romantic.

5. Swim
Playing the water with a dip can also be an exciting way to spend time with your partner. For a more romantic, you can choose the time to swim together after work.
Read More Romantic Ways To Burn Calories

Monday, January 25, 2010

Myths About Lossweight

Myths About Lossweight
If the problem of weight loss, we will hear many myths that we do not even know the truth.

Here are some myths that we often hear of everyday, and how you can react to it.

MYTH #1: Drinking water / cold water too much can make you fat.
This one is really just a myth. You already know we will increase the weight if the total calories we consume is greater than the total calories burned our bodies. Well, you need to know, the white water have no calories a.k.a 0 (zero). So basically the white water will not make you fat. You may even need between 8 -12 glasses of water per day for health and optimal body function.

MYTH #2: I Descendants Fat.
These words have a point but also arguably less precise. True because you inherit the gene from both your parents. These genes determine whether you're the type who easily overweight or not. Not appropriate because this is not the main cause of your fat.
Basically you fat largely due to an inherited habit. For example, your mom and dad like to eat food that had coconut milk, and cooking was always a coconut milk, fatty or high calorie. Automatic what is available at the dinner table for a meal your family will certainly also as a member of the family. Automatically, you often see a family of father, mother and children all the fat. Actually it will not happen if you can manage your diet properly and have sufficient activity. (So do not quibble if you are overweight because of heredity) because in essence you are choosing what you eat.

MYTH #3: Dinner makes Fat?
Dinner will not make you fat if you eat a timely manner. Normally you can have dinner between the hours of 18:00 to 19:00. What makes you fat is easier if you eat fried rice by 11 pm, and after eating you drowsy and went to bed. Your body will automatically convert excess calories into fat stores.

MYTH #4: I will lose weight if you reduce eating / not eating.
This is something not quite right. True, to lose weight you must reduce amount of calories that come in, or in other words, calories in must be less than calories burned. The problem is if you eat less or reduce calories in, you also automatically reduce the nutritional needs of your body needs. Instead, your body will slow metabolism, you will be more difficult to lose weight, and even if you lose weight, your weight will go up again as before or even more heavy.
Read More Myths About Lossweight

Fat-Free Food, Can Make Grease!

Fat-Free Food, Can Make Grease!
Topic this time is a topic which I think is very important. Here I will give you a little "science" how do I read the label that is on almost every packaged food you buy at the supermarket or wherever it is. Nowadays almost all the food provided "Nutrition Facts" or composition of nutrients contained in the product and are listed on the label.

Well this is where we like to be deceived. Many products on the market that offers products to offer low fat, non fat, fat free and so forth. For people who want to lose weight will usually be immediately tempted by the offer because they will think "well ... if fat free means I can eat, after all, do not make fat?"

The biggest mistake is the perception or assumption that most people who say "Do not eat fatty foods, you will be fat!"

Well actually what happened so we've really eat fat-free foods or foods labeled "diet" but why not add trim even more fat?

We return to the previous lesson. General rule is: if you consume more calories than you spend, your body will convert excess calories into fat.

Well now every meal must contain calories. As well as non-fat milk or fat-free dressings or any product there must be calorie diet. Each of everything we eat contains calories. When our bodies move or perform daily activities, we burn calories.

Suppose that your body burns 1300 calories per day and you eat food with a total of 1500 calories a day, excess calories will be converted into fat. Well, fat-free foods or non-fat does not mean calorie free. Usually the calories are still too high. For example, you drink a day of non-fat milk, non-fat yogurt, low-fat crackers, diet cola and others who labeled diet. Now suppose that the total calories you eat of these products is 1500 calorie diet but your body only burns 1300 calories, the result is the excess 200 calories that your body will be stored into fat stores.

Well have not you understand why non-fat foods are not meant to be eaten as much as possible?

Now you must learn how to read food labels. Be alert to non-fat label because you have to check exactly how much calories it contains? If the large calorie, it's useless if your goal is to control your weight.

One thing that people do not understand is the serving size. Suppose that in one of the listed soda calories per serving is 80 calories. Then mentioned that the serving size is 100 milliliters. Well if we do not understand must immediately tempted to buy the drink and drink until they run out directly. What we forget to see is if the contents in one package is 400 milliliters. This means that if you drink one bottle directly, the calories that you enter is 80 calories x 4 servings each with 320 calories! no wonder why many people become overweight because they do not understand.

So counting calories is not easy and not comfortable. But if you are accustomed to, this would be an easy thing and you will get benefits in the long term.
Read More Fat-Free Food, Can Make Grease!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why I Failed?

Why I Failed?
Here are some of the main reasons why people fail with their diets :
  1. Always defer (Procrastinate): "I will start to lose weight on Monday" or "I'll start when my child is big" or "I will start when all the circumstances already support" is just a few examples of reasons for the delay. The fact is there will never be the right time to start! If you always reasoned that way you will never be successful with your program. The best time to start is now!
  2. Being in an environment that does not support. Although this is not the main cause, but very influential. If you are a housewife who always gather a community of its contents are the people who do not care about their health and appearance, the opportunity to be tempted when you run your program is very large. Choose the environment you hang out with caution.
  3. There is no support from the closest people. Most successful weight loss is due to the support of people closest to you, be it husband, wife or child. Can also your girlfriend or your best friend. But once again all of this back to yourself.
  4. There is no strong commitment. You can not start your diet with a half-hearted. Commitment to complete your program is very important or you will have yo-yo dieting or down then up again. So if you're still half-heartedly want to lose weight, you should not have to start at all.
  5. Selecting the wrong way for your diet program. This is one of the biggest factors that lead to diet failure. If you do not know the correct way to lose weight and follow the wrong way, you will be certain to meet with disappointment that will actually make the commitment and motivation you are getting weaker. Not only that, you can only endanger your health.

What I described above is just 5 of many factors that lead to diet failure. Of course there are many more factors that interfere with your diet program. 5 factors above are the main factors that cause people to give up their efforts to get the ideal body weight.
Read More Why I Failed?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Improve Your Diet

Improve Your Diet
Improving diet is one of the biggest secrets to control your weight permanently. Many people try to lose weight in a way such as acupuncture, liposuction, dieting, strenuous exercise, etc., but they do not change their bad habits.

Well, now imagine if you had to lose weight by any means, but you stick with your old habits such as snacking, eating too much fried food, drinking soda, eating foods high in fat, etc., to be sure your weight will go up again right? Some who do not understand this will blame the weight loss program being operated. They say that the gratuitous use tried to lose weight this way and that, but the result is yes rise again. Though the causes of rising again so ourselves.

Tips and Guides In Improving Your Diet :

  • Reduce bad carbs such as bread, rice, noodles, potatoes, pasta. You can multiply the good carbs that are usually present in vegetables. Reduce the white poison also include sugar, salt that usually it is present in fast food and snacks.
  • Adequate protein consumption. Protein will make you full longer. In contrast to carbohydrates, the more you consume, the sooner you are hungry. The best come from vegetable protein such as tofu and tempeh. White eggs are also good sources of protein. If you like to eat meat, the best is chicken (the chest), and fish. Beef is not good for you because your body will require more energy to process it that makes you feel tired easily. Compare the difference in your energy level after eating a steak with a salad!
  • Drinking enough water. Needs normal water is 8 glasses per day. If you are over 1 kg of weight, you need to add 1 cup extra!. How many pounds overweight you? Reduce soft drinks or containing high sugar levels.

Of course, to change your eating habits need to struggle. If you do the guide above for a minimum of 90 days, without your realizing it, you'll have a new pattern or habit. And this new pattern will be easier to defend because that have become your habits (just like you brush your teeth every day).
Read More Improve Your Diet

Friday, January 22, 2010

Potbelly Increase Osteoporosis Risk

Potbelly Increase Osteoporosis Risk
Does your body shape resembles an apple or a pear? Studies in the United States found that overweight women with body shape resembles an apple is more vulnerable than those with osteoporosis who have a pear shaped body.

As quoted from page Times of India, apple-bodied women generally have fat deposits that are concentrated around the abdomen. While fat woman pears concentrated around the hips and thighs.

Researchers involved 50 overweight female participants, aged 40 years and older with body mass index average of 30. In addition to the distribution of fat in the body scan, the researchers also measured the bone density in the body.

Those who have a concentration of fat in the abdominal muscle tissue have lower bone mineral density than those who have a concentration of fat in the pelvic area and thighs. Low bone mineral density clearly showed symptoms of osteoporosis.

"We know that obesity triggers a major health problem in society. And, now we know that obesity in the abdomen need to be considered as risk factors for osteoporosis and bone problems," said Dr. Miriam Bredella, radiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital as well as professors from Harvard Medical School, told Telegraph.

For those of you who have apple-shaped body problem need not be discouraged. Research Northwestern University, Illinois, found that women with apple body shapes have the ability in tests of mental agility that is better than those who have a pear body shape.
Read More Potbelly Increase Osteoporosis Risk

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Active Lifestyle

Active Lifestyle
When asked to exercise, people will give many reasons. Starting from feeling lazy, busy or pretended busy. But do you know if there are 168 hours in 1 week? Are you not able to find 1 hour per day or 6 hours a week to exercise? Surely you can!

As the saying goes "if you do not make time for exercise, eventually you have to make time for illness!".

If you do not take the time to exercise, someday you will need to take your time to be sick.

Sports such as what is good? You decide. Do what you like.

Active Lifestyle of course different with Sport.

OK, this is good news. Especially for those of you who super lazy to exercise. World Health Organization or WHO advises everyone to have an active lifestyle. In simple, you have a lot of movement. Many activities that you can do, for example, better take the stairs rather than elevators or escalators, a trip to the mall, playing hide and seek with your child, park your car farther from the entrance, wash your own car, and many other things . Use your creativity.

The key is to reduce activities that make you less mobile, such as watching TV (unless you watch TV while a treadmill).
Read More Active Lifestyle

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nutrition Secret

Nutrition Secret
What is nutrition? Conceptually different from the food nutrition. Food is anything that we eat.

Nutrition is what is contained in food. In simple you should consume foods that have a balanced nutritional value.

Your challenge
You need the nutrients that meet all the needs of your body, but with a low calorific value. We have a pattern of fast-paced life, people have a tendency to choose fast food, which actually has nutritional value is very poor with an excessive amount of calories. Or also known as empty calories.

Logically one would think, to consume fewer calories means we need to eat less. And we will begin a "diet" alone. The main problem of the diet is to eat less at the same time by reducing your food consumption you also reduce the nutritional value that goes into your self.

When you reduce the nutrients entering your body, your body will experience a nutritional deficiency. This situation is actually slows your metabolism. If this condition continues, you will feel tired or lethargic, and susceptible to stress. And if it continues longer, your body will experience a break-down. Usually you will experience problems with your health. Can be in the form of digestive disorders like ulcers, etc.

When you have problems with health, you will tend to return to normal eating. The tendency is that you usually will eat larger portions than before the diet (known as "revenge"). The result you'll get fat again. This is the reason why a lot of people who experienced yo-yo dieting. Fell but then rose again. And when your body back your going to diet again. This process continues like a circle that never ends.
Read More Nutrition Secret

How To Lose Weight Permanently?

How To Lose Weight Permanently?
The cause of weight gain someone could actually be concluded in 1 word, namely habit.

Habits that have been running for many years and has become part of your life, for example, is a toothbrush. Every morning you brush your teeth without ever thinking "Should I brush my teeth today?".
Brush your teeth has become an automatic habit you do every day without thinking twice.

Increase your weight as well because of your bad habits or habits. Starting from the habit of snacking, eating fried, poor food selection, including the lack of activity. The problem is, the habit, make you gradually increase weight. This gradual increase is sometimes not realized until you finally feel our clothes do not fit all and the doctor says you have to lose weight because you have symptoms of heart disease.

If for example you eat fried foods today and tomorrow straight up 10 pounds, certainly you will stop eating fries with it immediately right?

Now let us predict your weight in the future.

1. Remember what your ideal weight first and how many years ago? Suppose you had an ideal weight of 60 kg and that was 5 years ago.
2. Know what your weight now. Suppose that 75 kg.

From the above questions, you can conclude that in the last 5 years, your body weight increased 15 kg. Which also need to know is your weight increase was mainly due your habits such as snacking, less activities, etc.

If you now do not start changing your habits, (still snacking, eating fatty foods, etc.) can be predicted if your weight within the next 5 years will grow 15 pounds more! When this happens you will probably have a lot of problems with your health.

In other words, if you want to go down that permanent weight loss, you must fix your habit! Not trying to lose weight in ways that fantastic. And now is the best time for you to start changing your habits.

Secret fix habit, starting from early morning, with the right breakfast choices.

Try for 10 days first - use for breakfast, and on day 11 we can start a program for Weight Management.
Read More How To Lose Weight Permanently?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why You Are Fat And Get More Fat?

Why You Are Fat And Get More Fat?
As you have learned, you now must have understood how the BMI (Body Mass Index) of your.
Currently you need to understand why how we ride weight.
Because you eat breakfast is incorrect or just not breakfast at all.
The second type is what makes you often hungry, snacking and eating out of control.

Other factors below you need to understand:

  1. Our bodies burn a certain number of calories each day. Calories burned by the body of each person are different. Now we consider the average woman's body can burn 1300 calories per day for short. (In a state with no sports or known as RMR or resting metabolic rate). For men, the body is able to burn higher - between 2200-2500 calories.
  2. Any food and beverages have a certain amount of calories. For instance 1 cup of Starbucks has about 600 calories. (white water calories = 0.  So willing to drink as much as anything not make fat. The myth of white water make fat is not true).
  3. Excess calories into our bodies will be automatically changed our bodies into fat in the form of food reserves.
  4. Thus if we want to lose weight, we need to consume fewer calories than you burn our bodies. Due to lack of calories needed to be taken from reserves in our body that is fat. So we will lose weight. The challenge is that we should consume foods low in calories but still meet the nutritional needs of our bodies. If we just eat less or diet with radical way our bodies actually make your metabolism is slow and the result is so difficult to lose weight.
  5. If we put calories = calories burned then our weight will be stable.
  6. If we want to go down an average of 1kg per week, we need to consume 500 calories less than the calories burned by the body daily. In the example above, the quota of calories that can be inserted into your body is 1450-500 = kira2 900 calories.

Now let’s see the following sample eating patterns :

  • Morning: 2 pieces of bread plus butter (300 calories) 1 glass of sweet tea (150 calories). Breakfast this model will lead to eating all day!
  • Morning snack 2 pieces of fried food = 150 calories.
  • Lunch (600 calories) soft drinks (200 calories).
  • Afternoon snacks drink Vanilla Latte (600 calories) muffin (300 calories).
  • Dinner (600 calories).

Well if in total what you eat 2900 calories whereas the amount your body can only burn 1400 calories. So a 1500 calorie excess calories stored by our bodies and become reserve a.k.a fat!

If you are the type of people who are overweight, it is better aware than now because there is no such thing as a healthy fat. If you are not on the ideal weight, you will increase the risk of diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke. In fact, 90% of people who develop Type 2 diabetes is fat people.
Read More Why You Are Fat And Get More Fat?

Monday, January 18, 2010

What Is Your Body Shape?

What Is Your Body Shape?
The shape and your weight related, but they are not the same. You inherit one form of natural persons, depending on whether you tend to carry weight in your upper body or lower body or gain weight in proportion.

What Your Body Shape Meaning?
Upper Body Fat
Your fat spread in the upper body: face, neck, chest and waist. Including women and
almost everyone.

  • Upper body fat is usually caused by diet and lack of exercise.
  • Fat around the waist usually means that there are also internal fat, which can cause serious health problems.
  • Body shape is due to carbohydrate-based breakfast, and no breakfast at all.
  • Reduce internal fat can dramatically improve your health.
  • Cutting calories alone will not eliminate the upper body fat.
  • To lose weight with this type, you need to make your body more slender shape with the management of calories, protein and exercise.

Lower Body Fat
You carry fat in the lower body: hips and thighs. This body shape is dominated by women.
  • Body shape is caused partly by the descendants, partly due to diet and lifestyle that are less good. For example: consume less water, and often sat in the activity (often moving) and rarely eat breakfast.
  • This type of fat does not cause particular health problems.
  • Reducing calories and increasing exercise may not be sufficient to reduce body fat lower.
  • Eat more protein and include a lower body exercise in your workout.

Proportional Body Fat
When you look in the mirror, overweight / fat proportionately spread throughout your body.
  • You may not realize the weight gain because of the fat spread throughout the body.
  • It is recommended for overall body conditioning.

This is not just a weight problem, but overall is your body composition.

Target healthy weight is based on lean body mass, which includes muscle, bone, mineral and other non-fat tissue in your body. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn your body. Remember, our bodies still require fat 'healthy' in sufficient quantities.
Read More What Is Your Body Shape?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Is Your Body Weight Ideal?

Is Your Body Weight Ideal?
Many ways used by people to find their ideal weight. The most common way to do is reduce the height to 110. So, suppose you are 180 cm tall means your ideal weight is 70 kg.

Although this method is very easy, in fact this way is considered less accurate. WHO or the UN health agency suggested a way to determine your ideal weight based on BMI or Body Mass Index. And this is the guide:

If your BMI <18 you are too skinny If your BMI between 18.5-22.9 your ideal including If your BMI between 23.0-26.9 is overweight you are including If your BMI between 27.0-35 you including obese category If your BMI of> 35 you including morbid obesity category, which means to cause death.

Well, how to calculate your BMI?

Simple, all you have to do is divide your weight in kilograms by height in meters that quadratically.

Weight (kg) / (height (m) x height (m))

Let's say you weight 90kg and height 165 cm means your BMI is 90 / (1.65 x 1.65) = 33 means you are in the category of obesity.
Read More Is Your Body Weight Ideal?