Why I Failed? | About Lossweight

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Why I Failed?

Why I Failed?
Here are some of the main reasons why people fail with their diets :
  1. Always defer (Procrastinate): "I will start to lose weight on Monday" or "I'll start when my child is big" or "I will start when all the circumstances already support" is just a few examples of reasons for the delay. The fact is there will never be the right time to start! If you always reasoned that way you will never be successful with your program. The best time to start is now!
  2. Being in an environment that does not support. Although this is not the main cause, but very influential. If you are a housewife who always gather a community of its contents are the people who do not care about their health and appearance, the opportunity to be tempted when you run your program is very large. Choose the environment you hang out with caution.
  3. There is no support from the closest people. Most successful weight loss is due to the support of people closest to you, be it husband, wife or child. Can also your girlfriend or your best friend. But once again all of this back to yourself.
  4. There is no strong commitment. You can not start your diet with a half-hearted. Commitment to complete your program is very important or you will have yo-yo dieting or down then up again. So if you're still half-heartedly want to lose weight, you should not have to start at all.
  5. Selecting the wrong way for your diet program. This is one of the biggest factors that lead to diet failure. If you do not know the correct way to lose weight and follow the wrong way, you will be certain to meet with disappointment that will actually make the commitment and motivation you are getting weaker. Not only that, you can only endanger your health.

What I described above is just 5 of many factors that lead to diet failure. Of course there are many more factors that interfere with your diet program. 5 factors above are the main factors that cause people to give up their efforts to get the ideal body weight.