About Lossweight: October 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Definition of Swimmer Ear Or Acute Otitis External

Definition of Swimmer Ear Or Acute Otitis External
External otitis or swimmer ear is an infection of the skin covering the outer ear and ear canal. Acute external otitis is usually a bacterial infection caused by the types of bacteria streptococcus, staphylococcus, or pseudomonas. Swimmer ear infections are usually caused by excessive exposure to water. When water collects in the ear canal (frequently trapped by wax), the skin will become moist and serve as an inviting culture media for bacteria. Incisions or wounds abrasions in the lining of the ear canal (for example, from a wound cotton bud) can also predispose to bacterial infections of the ear canal.

Swimmers Ear Symptoms

The first symptom of infection is that the ear will feel full, and it may itch. Next, the ear canal will swell and flow ears will follow. At this stage the ear will be very painful, especially with the movement of the outer ear. Ear canal can swell shut, and the side of the face may swell. Finally, the glands of the neck may swell, making it difficult or painful to open the jaw. People with swimmer's ear may experience reduced hearing capacity in the affected ear.

Definition of Chronic Swimmer Ear

Chronic swimmer's ear (long term) may be caused by bacterial infections, skin conditions (eczema or seborrhea), fungus (Aspergillosis), chronic irritation (such as from the use of hearing aid, revenue cotton bud, etc.), allergy, chronic drainage of middle ear disease, tumors (rare), or he may just nervous habit of frequently scratching the ear. In some patients, more than one factor may be involved. For example, a patient with eczema may subsequently develop black ear flow. This suggests a fungal infection that accompanies it.

Standard treatments and preventive measures, as noted below, is often all that is needed to treat even a case of chronic external otitis. However, in people with diabetes or those with immune systems are depressed, chronic swimmer's ear can be a serious disease (malignant external otitis). Malignant external otitis is a misnomer (a term that is not suitable) because he was not a tumor or cancer, but rather an aggressive bacterial infections (especially Pseudomonas) from the base of the skull.

Swimmers Ear Treatment

Regardless of the cause, moisture and irritation will prolong the journey of the matter. For these reasons, the ear should be kept dry. When bathing or swimming use earplugs, or use cotton with Vaseline on the outside.

Scratching the inner ear or using a cotton swab should be avoided. This will only aggravate the irritated skin, and in most situations will worsen the condition. In fact, the inner ear scratching will only make more itchy ears, and what medications are prescribed will be ineffective. Hearing aid must be paid as much as possible until the swelling and stop spending dirt.

The most common treatment consists of ear drops containing antibiotics or antibiotics with corticosteroids to reduce inflammation. Oral antibiotics may also be needed in some cases. It should be used as directed. In some situations, "wick" will need to be placed in the ear canal to make it open and serve as channels for ear drops. Periodically, and sometimes often, suctioning of the ear canal to help keep it open, removing debris, and reduce the amounts of bacteria.

Prevent Swimmers Ear

1. Reduce exposure to water. If you are prone to infection, it is advisable that you use earplugs when you shower or swim. Drugs swimmer's ear drops or drops of alcohol (Swim-EAR ®) used in the ears after exposure to the water followed by drying the ears with a hair dryer held at arm length distance will often help to maintain the ears free of moisture.

2. Do not include tools, scratching, or make use of a cotton bud in the ears.

3. Try to keep the ears free of wax. This may require visits to the doctor to get your ears cleaned.

4. If you already have an ear infection, or if you have a hole in your eardrum, or if you have had ear surgery or ear tubes, first consult your doctor before swimming and before you use any type of ear drops.

5. Prevention solution ear drops can be made cheaply and easily by mixing equal parts of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar (mixed 50:50). This solution will increase the rate of evaporation of water in the ear canal and has antibacterial properties. Using this solution to rinse the ear before and after exposure to water can serve as a precaution against infection.

6. Ear Mineral oil droplets can be used to protect the ear from water when a dry crusty skin condition present.
Read More Definition of Swimmer Ear Or Acute Otitis External

Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Cure Heat Rash In Babies

How To Cure Heat Rash In Babies
Prickly heat or heat rash in infants are small spots that can appear in all parts of the baby's body, usually occur in hot weather, so that your baby is a lot of sweat. Children can develop prickly heat, even in cold weather when wearing clothing that is too warm. Prickly heat can also arise if a child is using creams or oils on his skin.

Symptoms of prickly heat or heat rash is with spots of white or red on the skin that causes itching, especially in the chest, neck, and back are covered with clothes.

Tips Handling Prickly Heat/Heat Rash
- Often children change clothes wet with sweat. Control the state of children's clothing, especially when summer attack. Replace your child's clothing when wet with sweat. Then wipe clean your child's skin to dry, only then use the new clothes for your child.
- Wear clothes that are thin on the baby and do not use creams or oils.
- Use special itching powder or soap for babies.
- Immediately contact a doctor if:
1. Please note, if prickly heat is also lost after using the powder and soap above should immediately take your child to the doctor.
2. The rash gets worse, or the spots enlarge and watery.
3. The rash does not heal well within 3 days, or a child suffering from fever.
Read More How To Cure Heat Rash In Babies

Monday, October 18, 2010

How To Prevent Heat Exhaustion

How To Prevent Heat Exhaustion
Hot weather can trigger heat shock (heat stroke), which causes the body is dehydrated or dehydrated.

If the body is unable to cool down and restore body temperature to normal conditions, the heat can even be life threatening. Heat stroke can cause organ damage or death.

Those at high risk, among others, the elderly 65 years and older, infants and children, pregnant and lactating women, persons with physical unhealthy, especially people with heart disease or high blood pressure, as well as patients consuming drugs mental

Typically, heat stroke occurs when the air temperature rises above 40.5 Celsius. At this temperature, the heat started to potentially lethal internal systems in the body.

Normalize the body temperature in the heat can be done when the body sweats. When there is dehydration and the body does not sweat, the blood becomes concentrated so impaired organ function.

The result is a central nervous system changes such as delirium, coma and seizures. Heat stroke can affect liver function, kidney, muscle and heart damage.

To prevent this, drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids and avoid activities that will increase body temperature. Several types of drugs such as ecstasy and alcohol bridge can increase the body temperature causes dehydration.

Symptoms of heat stroke appear similar to heat exhaustion. But the skin can look dry with no sweating. Mental health of any person's condition worsens. The signs?

- Extremely high body temperature
- Skin flushed, hot and dry but do not sweat
- Tongue dry and swollen
- Rapid pulse
- Throbbing headache
- Dizziness, confusion, nausea
- Sometimes the unconscious

How to prevent it
1. Drink plenty of water or other nonalcoholic fluids. Avoid drinking extremely cold liquids, because it can cause stomach cramps.

2. Avoid too tired. Reduce physical activity and activity in hot weather. If unavoidable, rest more often. Should take shelter in a house or a shady spot.

3. Keep the cold air still blows around you. Use air conditioning if possible or go to the shopping center or library with air conditioning facilities.

4. Eat snacks regularly

5. Wear lightweight clothing

6. Using a cold water bath

7. Always check the condition of the elderly and people who are sick who need help coping with the heat at least twice a day.

8. Do not leave people or pets in a closed car.

Activity in hot weather tips

1. Limit activities during the day, is better done in the morning or afternoon.

2. Protect yourself from the sun during the move by using a sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.

3. Rest and shelter regularly and frequently drink liquids.
Read More How To Prevent Heat Exhaustion

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How To Make Smokey Eyes

How To Make Smokey Eyes
Style of eye makeup that is not consumed time is smokey eyes. On the occasion a party or clubbing, girls gothic-style make-up is still able to steal the attention. You just add eyeliner and eyeshadow just to make it look more alive.

The key to get smokey eyes that can accentuate your eyes is color mixing. Mixture of colors that match the exact dosage will make your eyes look prominent and sexy. For that frequently experimented with eyeshadow and eyeliner to get the right color for your eyes.

Be careful in choosing colors, do not let your eyes actually looks creepy.

The equipment you should provide are:
1. Eyeshadow base / skin color
2. Dark and light color eyeshadow
3. eyeliner
4. mascara
5. Make-up brush / shadow
6. Eyelash curler

Step 1: Prepare the eyelid
Clean your eyelids with cotton, then apply eyeshadow base. This is to reduce the oil content, and keep the color eyeshadow does not look cluttered.

Step 2: Use eyeliner
Wear dark eyeliner colors, like black, gray, or brown. Apply gently on your eye line. Trimmed line in the middle of the eye line. Be careful in using eyeliner. Do not get too thick, because your eyes will look scary.

Step 3: Create a line on the bottom eye lids
Use eyeliner to line the bottom eyelid. Give eyeliner thinner to make the eye line. Use eyeliner is very important because the basis of smokey eyes. The important thing is to line your eyes look clear and unequivocal.

Step 4: Give the base color on the petals
Give the lighter base color on the eyelid to brow bone. Better to use a cream eyeshadow.

Step 5: Combine the colors
To give color to the eyelid choose a dark color. Use a makeup brush to smooth eyeshadow. Combine light and dark eyeshadow color to color evenly, and eyeliner neatly closed.

Step 6: Check back to makeup
Look back at the color on the eyelid. Make sure the color is mixed evenly. do not let the eyeliner look messy. If it looks dirty clean them with a cotton bud, cover again with eyeshadow or powder until it looks neat.

Step 7: Use a mascara
Pinch your lashes up to look slender. Then, use a mascara that makes your eyes more volume. After that flops back to your lashes more tapering.
Read More How To Make Smokey Eyes

Friday, October 08, 2010

Healthy Diet for Office Workers

Healthy Diet for Office Workers
Office workers tend to have a poor diet. In addition to food choices that are far from healthy menu, office workers are also often violate the rules of eating right. For example, snacking between meals.

Work activities in an office that requires you to linger sitting in front of the computer is also not good for health. Too much sitting will make you at risk of experiencing low back pain and back. In addition, you are also less mobile so that over time, body weight increases.

In order for work activities in the office more effective, should follow the following diet.

Do not leave breakfast
Breakfast is very important to supply the energy body and brain at work. If no breakfast, you will be more difficult to concentrate and hunger would interfere with work.

If no time for breakfast, bring fruit or fruit juice. Choose fruit that can supply blood to the brain so that sugar inhibits hunger comes more quickly. For example, oranges, apples, and strawberries.

Reduce the habit of eating out
At lunch, you are with friends work together to find snacks at food stalls. Food choices in a variety of street stalls can also make you forget about healthy nutrition.

When the menu that you select meets all nutritional needs, no problem. Try selecting a balanced diet, there are carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and so forth.

But most of the hawker in the street level of cleanliness and health in doubt. For example, eating fried chicken, which used oil is not necessarily healthy. Oil is usually used to fry many times, so that could endanger health.

Forget the unhealthy snacks
In between meals, your stomach to keep working so that sometimes arise hunger. Surely you're tempted to snack.

Fries or potato chips is a fun friend in between meal breaks. But there was no food as nutrition and high cholesterol.

Prepare fruit for a snack
Try to eat fruit at least five times a day. When cravings come, eat fruit. Healthy nutrition content in the fruit need not be questioned again. High-fiber and vitamins can help increase the body's immunity and facilitate digestion.

Choose yellow fruit such as oranges, mangoes, apricots to meet the needs of beta carotene. Fruits were high antioxidants such as strawberries, blueberries or grapefruit can also be an option.

You can also eat in the form of fruit salad, salad, or fruit juice, or smoothies. In addition to fruit, you also can prepare vegetables for snacks, such as broccoli, spinach, or carrots.

Do not ignore thirst
Office employees spend more time inside a refrigerated chamber (AC). This makes the body more quickly dehydrated. Sometimes you delaying drinking because of busy work. But it is harmful to kidney function.

Recommendation of good drinking water at least eight glasses a day. But for you, you should add the portion of drinking. If you are lazy to go back and forth to take a drink in the dispenser, provide a pot on your desk.

Expand the fish menu
Working 8-10 hours a day makes you a lot of brain drain. So you need a high protein diet.

Health research reveals, those who ate fish at least three times a week had a lower risk of developing the disease. Omega-3 fatty acid content is very high in fish helps protect body cells from damage. In addition, high protein fish also helps repair brain cells and nervous system. Thus, the brain works and your concentration better.
Read More Healthy Diet for Office Workers

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Safe Diet for People With High Cholesterol

Safe Diet for People With High Cholesterol
What many may not realize is the problem of cholesterol not only those issues that get older. You are still young can be haunted by this problem if the daily diet is wrong.

Cholesterol is not all bad. This type of cholesterol is divided based on high density lipoprotein (HDL), which works 'hunt' cholesterol and make blood flow clean and smooth, and low density lipoprotein (LDL). LDL is often referred to as bad cholesterol.

Elevated LDL levels will accumulate along blood vessels, causing narrowing and blockages. As a result, the heart pumps blood that difficulties arise in the chest pain and headaches. Worse, it can cause sudden heart attack. Levels of bad cholesterol can also be higher than the increase in triglycerides (a fat in the blood that can damage arteries).

To work around this, right diet can be a strategy that should be played by sharpshooter. In addition to preparing the right menu, there are several things you must consider:

• Reduce the use of fat and sugar to balance the levels of triglycerides in your body

• Avoid organ meats (liver, intestines, tripe, kidneys, etc.), yolk (maximum of 2 tablets per week), full-cream milk, shrimp, lard (fat), which contain high cholesterol. Reduce use of oil or coconut milk in the food and limit consumption of sugary drinks.

• Stay away from foods that can cause gas, such as durian, jackfruit, radishes, mustard greens, cabbage, and red beans. Also Stay away from tea, strong coffee, and high alcohol content beverages, and food is too salty.

• Select the correct carbohydrate consumption by reducing refined carbohydrates (refined carbohydrates), such as flour and sugar. Instead, choose high-fiber carbohydrates, such as fruits, grains, and beans.

• Select the wheat and beans. Fiber contained in these two foods are water soluble fiber. Its source is apples, lemons, oranges and orange juice. Each gram of soluble fiber consumed per day will lower cholesterol levels by about two mg. Also, if you diligently eating beans four times or more each week, can lower the risk of heart disease by 22%.

Diet Diary
Pattern Menu 1700 calories:
Protein: 65 g Fat: 40 g Carbohydrates: 270 g
7:00: 150 g (6 tbsp) rice
50 g (1 pm) fish / meat
vegetables to taste
white water


10h00: 1 cup nonfat milk (2 tablespoons milk powder + 1 tsp sugar)
13:00: 150 g (6 tbsp) rice
50 g (1 pm) fish / meat / chicken
75 g (1 pm) know / tempeh
vegetables to taste

16:00: 200 g (1 plate of bread), fruits

18:00: 150 g rice
50 g meat / eggs / fish
50 g tofu tempeh
vegetables to taste
Read More Safe Diet for People With High Cholesterol