About Lossweight: August 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Folic Acid Reduces Risk of Birth Defects

Folic Acid Reduces Risk of Birth Defects
Hormonal changes during pregnancy is often a prospective mother to be no appetite, nausea, dizziness and vomiting. So often when pregnant women have nutritional deficiencies. Yet even during pregnancy, you need good nutrition to the fetus growing into healthy babies.

In addition, a mother also often suffer from anemia or deficiency of red blood. As a result supply of food brought by the red blood is reduced, and the automatic also inhibited the growth of your fetus.

To prevent this and to be born a healthy baby, you need to eat nutritious foods, such as high protein foods, vegetables, and fruits. High carbohydrate foods that are usually less advisable because it can cause the fetus is too large. In addition you are also advised to take vitamins, like A, C, D, E, and K. Also other nutrients that are important to your fetal health. Among other things, folic acid or folic acid, and EFA (Essential Fatty Acids) or essential fatty acids.

Folic acid, from various studies of interventions proven to reduce the risk of neural tube defects (NTD) or neural tube defects. NTDs are serious birth defects that occur in the brain or spinal cord. Broadly speaking there are three types of NTD, ie Anensefalus, Spina Bifida and Enchephaloce. In the United States estimated 4000 births each year are infected with NTD.

From the number of infected was approximately 2500 babies born with neural tube defects. By taking folic acid this condition can be reduced. This is evident from studies of several countries. As in Britain, NTD type of Spina Bifida than 215 incidents in 1972 decreased to only 38 events in 1992 for per 100 thousand births. Anensefalus also declined from 149 in 1972 to 29 in 1992 per 100 thousand births.

In addition, KL Mahan and S. Stump Escott in the book Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy said folic acid during pregnancy contributes to the development of red blood cells. That is to prevent anemia.

In pregnant women need additional folic acid is as much as 50% compared to normal women (total of 600 ug DFE Folate per day).

Actually, folic acid is almost there on all kinds of food, especially in fresh green leafy vegetables (like spinach), liver, yeast, oranges, beans, potatoes and cereals. Unfortunately, folic acid which includes members of the vitamin B complex (vitamin B9) is also called folacine, easily damaged by heating during food processing. So the effort to get it in the form of milk or a specific vitamin needs to be done, especially 2-3 before and during pregnancy.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Three Ways to Reduce Calories

Three Ways to Reduce Calories
Reducing calories for those of you who are dieting can be done with simple things. Here are three ways to succeed in your diet and fewer calories in the body.

1. Reduce your portions
Most restaurants try to attract customers by offering lower-priced food menu with large portions, such as potatoes and bread. The standard dish at the restaurant, steak is served with a basket of bread, baked potatoes and 16 ounces of beef steak with vegetables.

The portion was sufficient to feed two and even three people. If you remember that do not have to take it all in one meal, you can begin to eat less and cut the calories you consume.

When you order a steak, ask for food boxes to wrap half of your servings to be eaten later. You also can ask the waiter for not bringing a basket of bread and desserts to your table. It would be easier to avoid temptation when no food was not in front of you, even though it was only an image menu.

2. Open up your food
Sauce a topical look like small portions of food than as a whole, but the calorie content can be many. For example, a serving of sauce for the salad which consisted of two cups consisting of 15 calories, while two tablespoons of Italian dressing in the supermarket contains 110 calories. In this case, almost all food calories come from as little spoon sauce.

Same also for sandwiches, pasta, and even your coffee in the morning. Cut calories by choosing a sauce or mustard, mayonnaise compare and choose a pasta marinara sauce instead of Alfredo sauce that crime, and vodka-based sauce.

Creamer in your coffee in the morning contains 40 calories, butter on bread dioles containing 70 calories. Make a conscious decision about the taste of food will distinguish the food you choose.

3. Replace high-calorie beverages with low-fat choices
People who like to drink wine or a cocktail at dinner, do not like to hear these facts, but alcohol contains a lot of calories. 140 calories per bottle of beer.

Mayo Clinic confirms that not only alcohol that contains many calories, calories are also only have little or no nutritional benefit at all.

If you limit the intake of calories per day 1400, one beer will spend a tenth of your daily calorie allotment. When your body takes nutrients from food, you will continue to feel hungry until those needs are met.

Replace high-calorie beer, wine, and drink the mixture with ice tea, diet soda, or sparkling water, which has no calories at all. Use calorie-free sweetener in the ice you than sugar, which contain 16 calories per teaspoon.
Read More Three Ways to Reduce Calories

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lazy Moving, Cancer Risk

Lazy Moving, Cancer Risk
Cancer is a disease of unknown cause with certainty, but is influenced by many risk factors, such as smoking, unhealthy diet, environmental factors, obesity, lack of physical activity, and stress.

Based on estimates of the World Health Organization (WHO), the factor of obesity and less physical activity accounted for 30 percent risk of cancer. Based on the research, there is a link between cancer with excess weight, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. This type of cancer arising from these risk factors is esophageal cancer (esophagus), kidney, uterus (endometrium), pancreas, breast, and colon.

Currently, 1.6 billion adults worldwide are overweight (overweight), and at least 400 million of them obese. By 2015, an estimated 2.3 billion adults are overweight and 700 million are obese.

In Indonesia, according to data from Health Research Association in 2007, the national prevalence of obesity common in people aged ≥ 15 years was 10.3% (male 13.9%, female 23.8%). While the prevalence of overweight children aged 6-14 years in males 9.5% and 6.4% in women. This figure is almost identical to the WHO estimates of 10% in children aged 5-17 years.

In the world, cancer is the number 2 cause of death after cardiovascular disease. According to the report World Health Organization (WHO) in 2003, arising every year more than 10 million new cases of cancer patients with a predicted increase in each year approximately 20%. It is estimated that by 2020 the number of new cases of cancer increased by almost 20 million people, 84 million of them will die in the next ten years if not done an adequate intervention.

Based on Household Health Survey in 2001 is the leading cause of cancer death number five in Indonesia after cardiovascular diseases, infections, respiratory and digestive tract. According to Health Research Data Base in 2007, the tumor prevalence in society of 4.3 per 1000 population. Meanwhile, hospital statistics in the Hospital Information System in 2006, showed that breast cancer ranks first in-patients (19.64%), followed by cervical cancer (11.07%), liver cancer and bile duct intrahepatic (8.12%), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (6.77%), and leukemia (5.93%). Leukemia is a cancer that often occurs in children.

World Cancer Day theme for 2009 is announced by the International Union Against Cancer UICC is I Love My Healthy Active Childhood, and the Ministry of Health is "Come on move, play, and eat nutritious food to prevent cancer. "

It should be concerted efforts to prevent cancer risk factors with physical activity campaigns and balanced diet and healthy for society at large, especially for children as the future generation.

We need to continue campaigning to keep the balance between energy (calories) is obtained with the energy expended. Making changes to sedentary habits (just sit around with no physical activity), which recently expanded as the development of science and technology, such as televisions, computers, internet, and play station that cause increased rates of obesity, with the balance it with enough physical activity.

Cancer control efforts in Indonesia has been widely implemented by the Ministry of Health and other parties outside government, such as Indonesia Cancer Foundation, Integrated Cancer Prevention Assembly , Female Cancer Control Project, Foundation for Children's Oncology Indonesia , Indonesian Childhood Cancer Foundation Love, and others.

Department of Health together with various programs and related sectors carry out a series of activities as part of global efforts in cancer prevention campaign. Activities undertaken are seminars and fun bike for kids elementary and junior high school. This activity is carried out to campaign for healthy lifestyles since the children as the future generation about the importance of a balanced and healthy diet balanced with physical activity.

HKS main message of 2009 is that we consume a balanced diet, physical activity at least 30 minutes a day, and maintaining an ideal weight for life. By implementing the three key messages are expected each person has an ideal weight so that the risk for cancer can also be lowered.
Read More Lazy Moving, Cancer Risk

Friday, August 13, 2010

Maple Syrup Diet Ala Beyonce

Want to know what the secret of Mrs. Jay-Z to have a sexy body? The secret turned out to be maple syrup, water, fresh orange juice and cayenne pepper (a type of pepper is very spicy).

If you want to try this Beyonce's favorite diet, consumption of any such materials to your dinner menu. In other words, this diet makes you only eat two times a day, ie breakfast and lunch.

Origin of low-calorie snacks are allowed to maintain your weight. And, when night came just consumption of these materials. According to Beyonce and a few people who've done this diet, fat in the body to be reduced and also to release toxins or detoxification.

Famous maple syrup since 1995, when one healthcare company in Switzerland recommend it as a new method to lose weight. And, in the not too long, the weight to come down.

Many people recommend the maple syrup is distributed in the UK by Pure Natural Products in Lincolnshire. Because, the results are effective for the body. In addition, the diet with maple syrup is very
safe. But, of course if you've got the ideal weight, you must defend it with exercise and diet regulation.

For this diet, you should make sure to consume a maximum of 1,500 calories per day. And, make sure you eat the natural foods instead of processed. Prepare yourself if at any time hunger comes. "I live with water, pepper cayenne pepper and maple syrup for 14 days. And, it is indeed very heavy, especially when seeing another person with a delicious dinner," said Beyonce.

However, when compared with diet maple, Azmina Govindji of the British Dietetic Association recommends a diet to regulate food intake. "There is no evidence that the detoxification will make us a more balanced meal.
Hunger at night, whether drinking or not will lose a lot of calories and producing an agency to be down.

It describes the body's need for protein, calories and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals has not been fulfilled. Better to just run in a balanced diet and do not make your stomach hunger, "said Govindji.
Read More Maple Syrup Diet Ala Beyonce

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Diet According Biological Clock

Diet According Biological Clock
The body has 'alarm' when feeling hungry. 'Alarm' body is meant here is the body's biological clock or clock. By eating certain foods according to meal time, you can control hunger.

Here's a guide to eat according to the velocity of a biological clock for a day.

At 07:00 to 09:00
Breakfast is as important as lunch. Only, the number or not as much need for breakfast lunch. Breakfast fruit indeed practical. But, you should also eat foods that contain fibrous carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread and cereals.

Also, select yogurt for breakfast. The content of amino acid tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine in it can make you feel full longer.

At 09:00 to 12:00
Be careful, at this hour, the desire to snack is high enough. If you are snacking chocolate and other sweet foods, for energy during the day to sucked. The best way for the brain continues to work, drink water. Dehydration can decrease the performance of several organs, especially the brain, kidney, and skin. Additional fluids to the body, apart from white water, also from fruit juices, tea, coffee, or milk.

At 12:00 to 18:00
To conquer drowsiness, you should not eat too many carbohydrates at lunch. It to boost serotonin, which to make the body weak.

Instead, protein-rich foods, such as red meat, chicken, and fish such as sardines, plus peas, a choice of lunch. accompanied by drinking fruit juice, drained of energy for after work to boost again, hot chocolate to be a stimulant for the body refreshed.

At 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
At night, the power of gastric slow. So, should you eat foods with less fat. For example, salmon is combined with vegetables and fruits. Number of servings of food also do not overdo it. Because, when a glut in the evening, the food can cause digestive tract to work hard, and the stomach feel full as well as bloating.

21.00 - until early morning
At this hour, our bodies are resting, but the cells in the body it is busy making food that is digested to be circulated throughout the body.

If you have difficulty sleeping, a glass of warm milk to increase serotonin. That is, the substance in the brain associated with the nerve, which to make you more relaxed. If you want to snack, eat fruit that is easily digested body, so as not to interfere with metabolic processes.
Read More Diet According Biological Clock

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Diet Food Combining Plus and Minus

Diet Food Combining Plus and Minus
When choosing a diet, you want a satisfactory outcome. One of adequate diet is a diet food combining popoler. But, you know, every diet there is pros and cons? In order not one chose, try to first identify the plus minus this diet.

Rules diet: According to Dr. creation diet. William Howard Hay, the food eaten should be harmonized with the natural mechanism of human body functions. It was intended to ease the work of digestion as well as energy efficiency.

Called food combining, because it must be very clever-align food intake according to Dr. Hay-categorized into three groups: high protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, etc.), alkaline forming foods (fruits and vegetables), and high carbohydrate-containing foods (wheat, rice, bread, noodles, etc.).

Plus: Surviving the right foods will produce acid and alkaline levels balanced, so that the process of digestion and metabolism running smoothly.

This diet recommends that we combine the carbohydrates with alkaline-forming groups, or groups of proteins with alkaline-forming group. Conversely, it is forbidden by combining groups of protein-carbohydrate group, because it will inhibit the absorption of sugar (from carbohydrates), so that later can disrupt the stability of sugar in the body.

Minus: As far as all the nutrients fulfilled (because there is no any dietary restrictions), it should not have a negative body reaction. So far not much research done about this diet in relation to weight loss efforts. It shows that there is no significant difference with a conventional diet.

Because protein and carbohydrate should not be mixed, so if you intend to run this diet, careful planning must be made. That is, you do not need too 'creative' eliminate one element of the completeness of nutrition, for example, by crossing out carbohydrates or protein. However, all the elements needed by the body.
Read More Diet Food Combining Plus and Minus