About Lossweight: May 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Does Fruit Juice In Package Same As Eating Fruit?

Currently, more intense fruit juice in package that offer products with promotional frills "sugar free" or "100% real fruit." For those of us busy women who rarely ate fruit, of course the offer is tempting. But, really drink juice package the same as eating fruit?

Actually, according to Sheah Rarback, experts from the American Dietetic Association diet of fresh fruit rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Because the solid and its structure is still intact, was still good fiber content. While the bottled juice, nutritional partially lost after going through the process of smoothing and filtering.

Even so, according to Rarback, fruit juice in package of 100% real fruit, could be an alternative to the habit of eating fruit. Practical and easy to get this make this product quite popular.

Only, the difference from the original fruit, though no added sugar, sugar (calories) in the fruit that made ​​the liquid diet was higher than the original fruit. Because, after going through the process of destruction, the sugar in fruit is already out, so be more easily absorbed by the body. Also, by drinking fruit juice, means the process of biting, chewing, and swallowing do not exist anymore.

You can also get energy from this drink. Fruit juice or fruit juice consumed with or without pulp, although no added sugar, have continued to have the energy or calorie value.

To get a glass of pure apple juice, for example, it takes more than one apple fruit. So, the calories that enter the body must be higher than eating an apple. But, so weight does not bounce when drinking fruit juices, restricted to 500 ml per day, and divided into two portions. For example, in the morning and afternoon.

To remember, for nutritional fruit does not quickly disappear, it's good to drink juice after opening. Or, if you want the rest is stored, you should seal the packaging.

In addition, you also need to carefully choose fruit juice in package. Noteworthy, among others:

- Read the label on the package carefully. Pay attention to the composition of ingredients and nutritional information listed on the label
- Select a product 100% real fruit, and preservative-free
- Select the packaging still has a normal appearance, ie not
bloated due to accumulation of gas produced by microbial contaminants
-Note the time limit expired
Read More Does Fruit Juice In Package Same As Eating Fruit?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Acai Berry, New Antioxidant

Acai Berry, New Antioxidant
The name of this fruit may sound strange. Acai berry is not so well known in Indonesia. But the fruit that comes from Central and South America is a favorite for the health and diet programs in the United States within two years.

Acai berry (Euterpe oleracea) grown in the Amazon tropical rain forest in Brazil. Small fruits purple similar to blackberries or blueberries.

High antioxidant content of
What makes acai berry special? As with other types of berries, this fruit is rich in antioxidants that the body needs to ward off free radicals and premature aging.

In www.acaiberrystudies.com sites mentioned, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) conducted a research content of antioxidants in the acai berry with a method of Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC). As a result, the content of antioxidants in the acai berry is the number one among other fruits and far more than his brother, blueberries.

Content of antioxidants in the acai berry by ORAC score reached 167, while the blueberry which ranks second only 32, followed by apples that have only scored 14.

Acai-rich content of anthocyanin and flavonoids. Anthocyanin pigments that give black and purple is a great antioxidant to prevent damage to body cells that trigger cancer.

Increase stamina
The athlete in football and jiu-jitsu in Brazil usual acau berry juice to increase stamina during the match. High antioxidant content in acai berries could increase energy and metabolism.

It also increases the body's immune system prevent disease or infection. The antioxidants did not make the body susceptible to swelling or inflammation.

Helping diet program
Acai berries contain omega-3 fatty acids are also found in salmon oil or olive oil. Fatty acids are needed for the body to increase metabolism, thus speeding up calorie burning.

This fruit also contains fiber so that makes us feel full faster. By eating them, you can suppress appetite and prevent you from snacking between meals.
Read More Acai Berry, New Antioxidant

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kiwi The Super Fruit

Kiwi The Super Fruit
Kiwi fruit is not commonly consumed fruit in Indonesia. Besides is not readily available, this fruit is also quite expensive.

But perhaps now is the time you eat more kiwi. This fruit has more benefits than other fruits of our common daily consumption such as apples, oranges, or bananas.

Rutgers University conducted a study of 27 popular fruits, one kiwi. The research that was launched early January found that the kiwi fruit, including the top and most beneficial among fruit was studied.

Kiwi is rich in vitamin C as antioxidants to counteract free radicals. The content of vitamin C in the kiwi more than twice as many than there are in orange.

No wonder the fruit is highly recommended to be consumed every day as the supply of nutrients to increase endurance in the transition seasons. Vitamin C is a lot of kiwi also prevent damage to body cells that cause cancer.

Petite brown-skinned fruit contains more potassium than bananas. Potassium is helping to overcome the problem of high blood pressure. Kiwi also contains vitamin E is good for your skin health. Compared with apples, kiwis contain more fiber

nice to help facilitate digestion. Kiwi is also low in calories. One kiwi fruit contains only 50 calories. So can you make this fruit diet.

The result also shows the benefits of kiwi for sports fans. For those of you who diligently worked out body, the kiwi is very well taken after heavy exercise. The content of enzymes in fruit can help restore muscle function are tired.
Read More Kiwi The Super Fruit

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hair Loss, Is it Normal?

Hair Loss, Is it Normal?
Your hair fall out? Do not panic. Pull a deep breath and calm your mind. You may be relieved, hair loss is normal.

Every person loses 40 to 120 hairs every day. Number of hair loss is influenced by the amount of hair you have, your age, and rate of hair growth. The more your hair unkempt, hair loss will be more rare.

Here are the causes of hair loss that you can make reference.

1. Weather factors. In countries with four seasons, the most severe hair loss occurs in the fall. So, if you will be traveling in a country that is experiencing the fall, do not be surprised. It would be a lot of hair stuck to your comb or fall on the bathroom floor when you wash it.

2. Diet. Warning to those that are on a diet. If your hair loss is enormous, it could be that you run the wrong diet. According to dermatologist from the University of Pennsylvania, George Cotsarelis iron deficiency during the diet can cause hair loss. Instead, consult with your doctor, or taking iron supplements.

3. Age. Being a parent is uncertain, so does hair. The older, the hair follicles to shrink or even die, strands of her shorter. Hair also will increasingly depleted, consistent age, especially after women experiencing menopause. However, the influence of age on hair loss is also influenced by genetic factors.

4. Pregnancy. Some women experience hair loss during pregnancy or after birth. It is caused by hormonal changes. Some women also experience hair loss while taking birth control pills.

5. Pain or stress. Hair loss usually experienced when sick. Stress, weight loss dramatically, drawback to iron, and thyroid gland problems can also cause hair loss.

If you're really worried about hair loss, can just go to the doctor. Experts recommend that you just might panic if an area loss widened or if you find there is baldness in the head.

Because, under normal conditions, women will not go bald, such as the usual experienced by men.
Read More Hair Loss, Is it Normal?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Avoid Stomach Ache And Flu With Yogurt

Avoid Stomach Ache And Flu With Yogurt
If your body fat, got the flu, as well as being abdominal pain, it's good to drink yogurt.

It may be that, yogurt is a panacea for all the complaints above.

Not only able to scrape the body weight, yogurt also claimed could ease the flu, as well as fend off irritable bowel syndrome.

Because the yogurt contains elements found in dietary supplements, such as probiotics and prebiotics. The two can complement each other to improve the system in the intestine.

Increase the number of beneficial probiotic bacteria needed by the intestine, while prebiotics provide food for beneficial bacteria that already exist in the gut, such as starch which can also be found in bananas, leeks, asparagus or chicory.

Results of recent studies say that the existence of 'good bacteria' in the gut would be useful against a variety of allergic diseases, such as eczema and asthma.

In fact, the findings of scientists from the Institute of Food Research, also claims that probiotics could increase immunity to the pollens of plants which usually triggers fever flu.

The digestive system is closely related to immunity. Therefore, some parts of the body's defense system within the intestine.

Good digestion, will be able to patch the 'leaky gut', ie allowing intestinal allergen proteins from digestion, seeping into the bloodstream.

Claire Williamson of the British Nutrition Foundation, revealed that probiotics can stabilize an unbalanced gut condition, due to consume antibiotics.

Probiotics can also help overcome the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and constipation problems, diarrhea, cramps, and fatigue.

But be careful, most probiotic supplements are unable to meet outstanding claims of efficacy that is written on their labels.

According to Professor of Microbiology at the University of Readings, Glenn Gibson, a single dose should contain at least 10 million probiotic bacteria, to ensure the number of bacteria that can survive until the intestine, through the acids contained in the stomach.

While Claire Hanike, a dietitian from St. George's Hospital London, said, at least every probiotic supplement should contain at least one billion bacteria.

If not, the supplements would not be too effective for your intestinal problems. Now, instead of doubt, you better be drinking yogurt.
Read More Avoid Stomach Ache And Flu With Yogurt

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Vegetarian Diet To Get Pregnant

Vegetarian Diet To Get Pregnant
The majority of causes of difficult pregnancy is a lack of ovulation cycle disorder. This is caused by hormonal disorders or diseases such as endometriosis, and cysts. One reason, according to Neal Barnard, MD, nutrition researcher at Washington DC, foods that tend fatty animal products can dramatically increase the levels of estrogen into the blood.

Answer to this problem was closely associated with vegetarian diets. According to Barnard, a vegetarian almost all women ovulate regularly. It turned out that vegetables and fruit can stabilize the hormones. By choosing plant-based foods means you avoid the hormonal swings that can make a mess of the menstrual cycle.

More than 5 million women in North America suffer from endometriosis, a condition in which diseased cells that should grow in the uterus spreads to other body parts. Tues wrong this place continues to pile up, swell and can cause sores that interfere with conception and pregnancy.

Advantages vegetarian diet is to avoid major source of organochlorines. That is, chemicals that are formed in animal fat and trigger endometriosis in a way weaken the resistance of cells such misplaced.

In short, with a stable estrogen, menstrual cycle will be more organized, then this will make the cells that grow in the wrong place will shrink and die. Adherents of a high-fiber vegetarian diet has a sufficient supply of fiber that serves to displace the excess estrogen from the body safely.

Soybeans are excellent sources of vegetable protein and estrogen, which is also known as phytoestrogens. This shape is different and has different effects. Some functions similar to estrogen in the body, although only a very weak effect compared to real estrogen.

Much more action to reduce the activity of estrogen. The evidence indicates that phytoestrogens may help reduce symptoms of menopause that interfere with and limit the growth of cancer cells.

Another food source that serves food to maintain a balance of hormones:
• Wheat: wheat chocolate, pasta, rice, seral, oatmeal.
• Vegetables: w ortel, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, broccoli
• Legumes: peas, soybeans, black soybeans.
• Fruits: apple, mango, banana, peach, pear.

Improving fertility
Two belle of the nutrients needed to repair fertility and healthy pregnancy, are:

- Folic acid, found in dark green vegetables, kale, citrus type fruits (including citrus, grapes, lemons), legumes, whole grains, and bread with folic acid additives and cereals. Consumption of folic acid supplement of 0.4 milligrams or often written as 400 micrograms (mcg) per day.

- Calcium. Recommended dosage is 1000 mg per day. The best sources of calcium are low-fat milk (414 mg per cup) and yogurt (a small pot containing 302 mg).
Read More Vegetarian Diet To Get Pregnant

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Low Salt Diet

Low Salt Diet
Many of us love to eat foods that taste savory or salty. In fact, consume excessive salt in our diets can lead to high blood pressure or hypertension.

Recent research has found that eating high amounts of salt can increase the risk of osteoporosis and stomach cancer. Salt also can aggravate asthma symptoms in patients.

In addition, the content of sodium in salt can bind and cause fluid buildup in the body, so that body weight increased.

According to the standard of health, the amount of salt we consume each day should be no more than 6 grams. It would be better if we limit our salt intake with a diet low in salt.

Sodium salt can exist naturally in certain foods, eg meat. While many processed foods that contain salt such as canned foods, processed meat, and so forth. Similarly, the biscuits and potato chips are very tasty and salty.

What should be done during low-salt diet? Follow these tips from Nathalie Winn, nutritionists World Cancer Research Fund, London, England.

- Reduce salt intake. Start by reducing salt levels during food processing. You also have to get rid of the salt at the dinner table. Most, excess salt intake occurs at the dinner table.

- If you can not stand the taste of food that is too fresh, may add other seasonings such as pepper, chili powder, garlic powder, and so forth.

- Avoid foods that contain lots of salt as potato chips, and so forth.

- Eat foods that are salt-free ingredients such as fresh fruit, vegetables, fish and also eat healthy carbohydrates, such as brown rice or oatmeal. Eating fruits and vegetables at least 5 servings a day can reduce cancer risk by 20%.

- Avoid canned foods. Choose foods from fresh ingredients. Because canned or processed foods contain salt up to three-fold.
Read More Low Salt Diet