About Lossweight: 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Definition of Swimmer Ear Or Acute Otitis External

Definition of Swimmer Ear Or Acute Otitis External
External otitis or swimmer ear is an infection of the skin covering the outer ear and ear canal. Acute external otitis is usually a bacterial infection caused by the types of bacteria streptococcus, staphylococcus, or pseudomonas. Swimmer ear infections are usually caused by excessive exposure to water. When water collects in the ear canal (frequently trapped by wax), the skin will become moist and serve as an inviting culture media for bacteria. Incisions or wounds abrasions in the lining of the ear canal (for example, from a wound cotton bud) can also predispose to bacterial infections of the ear canal.

Swimmers Ear Symptoms

The first symptom of infection is that the ear will feel full, and it may itch. Next, the ear canal will swell and flow ears will follow. At this stage the ear will be very painful, especially with the movement of the outer ear. Ear canal can swell shut, and the side of the face may swell. Finally, the glands of the neck may swell, making it difficult or painful to open the jaw. People with swimmer's ear may experience reduced hearing capacity in the affected ear.

Definition of Chronic Swimmer Ear

Chronic swimmer's ear (long term) may be caused by bacterial infections, skin conditions (eczema or seborrhea), fungus (Aspergillosis), chronic irritation (such as from the use of hearing aid, revenue cotton bud, etc.), allergy, chronic drainage of middle ear disease, tumors (rare), or he may just nervous habit of frequently scratching the ear. In some patients, more than one factor may be involved. For example, a patient with eczema may subsequently develop black ear flow. This suggests a fungal infection that accompanies it.

Standard treatments and preventive measures, as noted below, is often all that is needed to treat even a case of chronic external otitis. However, in people with diabetes or those with immune systems are depressed, chronic swimmer's ear can be a serious disease (malignant external otitis). Malignant external otitis is a misnomer (a term that is not suitable) because he was not a tumor or cancer, but rather an aggressive bacterial infections (especially Pseudomonas) from the base of the skull.

Swimmers Ear Treatment

Regardless of the cause, moisture and irritation will prolong the journey of the matter. For these reasons, the ear should be kept dry. When bathing or swimming use earplugs, or use cotton with Vaseline on the outside.

Scratching the inner ear or using a cotton swab should be avoided. This will only aggravate the irritated skin, and in most situations will worsen the condition. In fact, the inner ear scratching will only make more itchy ears, and what medications are prescribed will be ineffective. Hearing aid must be paid as much as possible until the swelling and stop spending dirt.

The most common treatment consists of ear drops containing antibiotics or antibiotics with corticosteroids to reduce inflammation. Oral antibiotics may also be needed in some cases. It should be used as directed. In some situations, "wick" will need to be placed in the ear canal to make it open and serve as channels for ear drops. Periodically, and sometimes often, suctioning of the ear canal to help keep it open, removing debris, and reduce the amounts of bacteria.

Prevent Swimmers Ear

1. Reduce exposure to water. If you are prone to infection, it is advisable that you use earplugs when you shower or swim. Drugs swimmer's ear drops or drops of alcohol (Swim-EAR ®) used in the ears after exposure to the water followed by drying the ears with a hair dryer held at arm length distance will often help to maintain the ears free of moisture.

2. Do not include tools, scratching, or make use of a cotton bud in the ears.

3. Try to keep the ears free of wax. This may require visits to the doctor to get your ears cleaned.

4. If you already have an ear infection, or if you have a hole in your eardrum, or if you have had ear surgery or ear tubes, first consult your doctor before swimming and before you use any type of ear drops.

5. Prevention solution ear drops can be made cheaply and easily by mixing equal parts of rubbing alcohol and white vinegar (mixed 50:50). This solution will increase the rate of evaporation of water in the ear canal and has antibacterial properties. Using this solution to rinse the ear before and after exposure to water can serve as a precaution against infection.

6. Ear Mineral oil droplets can be used to protect the ear from water when a dry crusty skin condition present.
Read More Definition of Swimmer Ear Or Acute Otitis External

Friday, October 22, 2010

How To Cure Heat Rash In Babies

How To Cure Heat Rash In Babies
Prickly heat or heat rash in infants are small spots that can appear in all parts of the baby's body, usually occur in hot weather, so that your baby is a lot of sweat. Children can develop prickly heat, even in cold weather when wearing clothing that is too warm. Prickly heat can also arise if a child is using creams or oils on his skin.

Symptoms of prickly heat or heat rash is with spots of white or red on the skin that causes itching, especially in the chest, neck, and back are covered with clothes.

Tips Handling Prickly Heat/Heat Rash
- Often children change clothes wet with sweat. Control the state of children's clothing, especially when summer attack. Replace your child's clothing when wet with sweat. Then wipe clean your child's skin to dry, only then use the new clothes for your child.
- Wear clothes that are thin on the baby and do not use creams or oils.
- Use special itching powder or soap for babies.
- Immediately contact a doctor if:
1. Please note, if prickly heat is also lost after using the powder and soap above should immediately take your child to the doctor.
2. The rash gets worse, or the spots enlarge and watery.
3. The rash does not heal well within 3 days, or a child suffering from fever.
Read More How To Cure Heat Rash In Babies

Monday, October 18, 2010

How To Prevent Heat Exhaustion

How To Prevent Heat Exhaustion
Hot weather can trigger heat shock (heat stroke), which causes the body is dehydrated or dehydrated.

If the body is unable to cool down and restore body temperature to normal conditions, the heat can even be life threatening. Heat stroke can cause organ damage or death.

Those at high risk, among others, the elderly 65 years and older, infants and children, pregnant and lactating women, persons with physical unhealthy, especially people with heart disease or high blood pressure, as well as patients consuming drugs mental

Typically, heat stroke occurs when the air temperature rises above 40.5 Celsius. At this temperature, the heat started to potentially lethal internal systems in the body.

Normalize the body temperature in the heat can be done when the body sweats. When there is dehydration and the body does not sweat, the blood becomes concentrated so impaired organ function.

The result is a central nervous system changes such as delirium, coma and seizures. Heat stroke can affect liver function, kidney, muscle and heart damage.

To prevent this, drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids and avoid activities that will increase body temperature. Several types of drugs such as ecstasy and alcohol bridge can increase the body temperature causes dehydration.

Symptoms of heat stroke appear similar to heat exhaustion. But the skin can look dry with no sweating. Mental health of any person's condition worsens. The signs?

- Extremely high body temperature
- Skin flushed, hot and dry but do not sweat
- Tongue dry and swollen
- Rapid pulse
- Throbbing headache
- Dizziness, confusion, nausea
- Sometimes the unconscious

How to prevent it
1. Drink plenty of water or other nonalcoholic fluids. Avoid drinking extremely cold liquids, because it can cause stomach cramps.

2. Avoid too tired. Reduce physical activity and activity in hot weather. If unavoidable, rest more often. Should take shelter in a house or a shady spot.

3. Keep the cold air still blows around you. Use air conditioning if possible or go to the shopping center or library with air conditioning facilities.

4. Eat snacks regularly

5. Wear lightweight clothing

6. Using a cold water bath

7. Always check the condition of the elderly and people who are sick who need help coping with the heat at least twice a day.

8. Do not leave people or pets in a closed car.

Activity in hot weather tips

1. Limit activities during the day, is better done in the morning or afternoon.

2. Protect yourself from the sun during the move by using a sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.

3. Rest and shelter regularly and frequently drink liquids.
Read More How To Prevent Heat Exhaustion

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How To Make Smokey Eyes

How To Make Smokey Eyes
Style of eye makeup that is not consumed time is smokey eyes. On the occasion a party or clubbing, girls gothic-style make-up is still able to steal the attention. You just add eyeliner and eyeshadow just to make it look more alive.

The key to get smokey eyes that can accentuate your eyes is color mixing. Mixture of colors that match the exact dosage will make your eyes look prominent and sexy. For that frequently experimented with eyeshadow and eyeliner to get the right color for your eyes.

Be careful in choosing colors, do not let your eyes actually looks creepy.

The equipment you should provide are:
1. Eyeshadow base / skin color
2. Dark and light color eyeshadow
3. eyeliner
4. mascara
5. Make-up brush / shadow
6. Eyelash curler

Step 1: Prepare the eyelid
Clean your eyelids with cotton, then apply eyeshadow base. This is to reduce the oil content, and keep the color eyeshadow does not look cluttered.

Step 2: Use eyeliner
Wear dark eyeliner colors, like black, gray, or brown. Apply gently on your eye line. Trimmed line in the middle of the eye line. Be careful in using eyeliner. Do not get too thick, because your eyes will look scary.

Step 3: Create a line on the bottom eye lids
Use eyeliner to line the bottom eyelid. Give eyeliner thinner to make the eye line. Use eyeliner is very important because the basis of smokey eyes. The important thing is to line your eyes look clear and unequivocal.

Step 4: Give the base color on the petals
Give the lighter base color on the eyelid to brow bone. Better to use a cream eyeshadow.

Step 5: Combine the colors
To give color to the eyelid choose a dark color. Use a makeup brush to smooth eyeshadow. Combine light and dark eyeshadow color to color evenly, and eyeliner neatly closed.

Step 6: Check back to makeup
Look back at the color on the eyelid. Make sure the color is mixed evenly. do not let the eyeliner look messy. If it looks dirty clean them with a cotton bud, cover again with eyeshadow or powder until it looks neat.

Step 7: Use a mascara
Pinch your lashes up to look slender. Then, use a mascara that makes your eyes more volume. After that flops back to your lashes more tapering.
Read More How To Make Smokey Eyes

Friday, October 08, 2010

Healthy Diet for Office Workers

Healthy Diet for Office Workers
Office workers tend to have a poor diet. In addition to food choices that are far from healthy menu, office workers are also often violate the rules of eating right. For example, snacking between meals.

Work activities in an office that requires you to linger sitting in front of the computer is also not good for health. Too much sitting will make you at risk of experiencing low back pain and back. In addition, you are also less mobile so that over time, body weight increases.

In order for work activities in the office more effective, should follow the following diet.

Do not leave breakfast
Breakfast is very important to supply the energy body and brain at work. If no breakfast, you will be more difficult to concentrate and hunger would interfere with work.

If no time for breakfast, bring fruit or fruit juice. Choose fruit that can supply blood to the brain so that sugar inhibits hunger comes more quickly. For example, oranges, apples, and strawberries.

Reduce the habit of eating out
At lunch, you are with friends work together to find snacks at food stalls. Food choices in a variety of street stalls can also make you forget about healthy nutrition.

When the menu that you select meets all nutritional needs, no problem. Try selecting a balanced diet, there are carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, vitamins, and so forth.

But most of the hawker in the street level of cleanliness and health in doubt. For example, eating fried chicken, which used oil is not necessarily healthy. Oil is usually used to fry many times, so that could endanger health.

Forget the unhealthy snacks
In between meals, your stomach to keep working so that sometimes arise hunger. Surely you're tempted to snack.

Fries or potato chips is a fun friend in between meal breaks. But there was no food as nutrition and high cholesterol.

Prepare fruit for a snack
Try to eat fruit at least five times a day. When cravings come, eat fruit. Healthy nutrition content in the fruit need not be questioned again. High-fiber and vitamins can help increase the body's immunity and facilitate digestion.

Choose yellow fruit such as oranges, mangoes, apricots to meet the needs of beta carotene. Fruits were high antioxidants such as strawberries, blueberries or grapefruit can also be an option.

You can also eat in the form of fruit salad, salad, or fruit juice, or smoothies. In addition to fruit, you also can prepare vegetables for snacks, such as broccoli, spinach, or carrots.

Do not ignore thirst
Office employees spend more time inside a refrigerated chamber (AC). This makes the body more quickly dehydrated. Sometimes you delaying drinking because of busy work. But it is harmful to kidney function.

Recommendation of good drinking water at least eight glasses a day. But for you, you should add the portion of drinking. If you are lazy to go back and forth to take a drink in the dispenser, provide a pot on your desk.

Expand the fish menu
Working 8-10 hours a day makes you a lot of brain drain. So you need a high protein diet.

Health research reveals, those who ate fish at least three times a week had a lower risk of developing the disease. Omega-3 fatty acid content is very high in fish helps protect body cells from damage. In addition, high protein fish also helps repair brain cells and nervous system. Thus, the brain works and your concentration better.
Read More Healthy Diet for Office Workers

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Safe Diet for People With High Cholesterol

Safe Diet for People With High Cholesterol
What many may not realize is the problem of cholesterol not only those issues that get older. You are still young can be haunted by this problem if the daily diet is wrong.

Cholesterol is not all bad. This type of cholesterol is divided based on high density lipoprotein (HDL), which works 'hunt' cholesterol and make blood flow clean and smooth, and low density lipoprotein (LDL). LDL is often referred to as bad cholesterol.

Elevated LDL levels will accumulate along blood vessels, causing narrowing and blockages. As a result, the heart pumps blood that difficulties arise in the chest pain and headaches. Worse, it can cause sudden heart attack. Levels of bad cholesterol can also be higher than the increase in triglycerides (a fat in the blood that can damage arteries).

To work around this, right diet can be a strategy that should be played by sharpshooter. In addition to preparing the right menu, there are several things you must consider:

• Reduce the use of fat and sugar to balance the levels of triglycerides in your body

• Avoid organ meats (liver, intestines, tripe, kidneys, etc.), yolk (maximum of 2 tablets per week), full-cream milk, shrimp, lard (fat), which contain high cholesterol. Reduce use of oil or coconut milk in the food and limit consumption of sugary drinks.

• Stay away from foods that can cause gas, such as durian, jackfruit, radishes, mustard greens, cabbage, and red beans. Also Stay away from tea, strong coffee, and high alcohol content beverages, and food is too salty.

• Select the correct carbohydrate consumption by reducing refined carbohydrates (refined carbohydrates), such as flour and sugar. Instead, choose high-fiber carbohydrates, such as fruits, grains, and beans.

• Select the wheat and beans. Fiber contained in these two foods are water soluble fiber. Its source is apples, lemons, oranges and orange juice. Each gram of soluble fiber consumed per day will lower cholesterol levels by about two mg. Also, if you diligently eating beans four times or more each week, can lower the risk of heart disease by 22%.

Diet Diary
Pattern Menu 1700 calories:
Protein: 65 g Fat: 40 g Carbohydrates: 270 g
7:00: 150 g (6 tbsp) rice
50 g (1 pm) fish / meat
vegetables to taste
white water


10h00: 1 cup nonfat milk (2 tablespoons milk powder + 1 tsp sugar)
13:00: 150 g (6 tbsp) rice
50 g (1 pm) fish / meat / chicken
75 g (1 pm) know / tempeh
vegetables to taste

16:00: 200 g (1 plate of bread), fruits

18:00: 150 g rice
50 g meat / eggs / fish
50 g tofu tempeh
vegetables to taste
Read More Safe Diet for People With High Cholesterol

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Body detoxification with Fruit Diet

Body detoxification with Fruit Diet
Getting slim and healthy body really does not need the business too complicated. By eating fruit every two hours, you can lose weight up to five pounds in three days. Diet fruit called the Fruit Flush 3 Day Detox is also well as a detoxification tool to remove toxins in your body.

"For three days eat the fruit, the digestive system a rest from the heavy burden of digesting a variety of foods. Fruits and vegetables also will rid the body of toxins, "said Jay Robb, nutritionist and author of Fruit Flush 3 Day Detox.

In a book written by Robb, the water content and fiber in the fruit will expel toxins in the digestive organs and blood. The toxin, says Robb, is an accumulation due to consumption of unhealthy foods such as fried foods, fatty meats and other foods high in cholesterol.

What makes the diet Fruit Flush 3 Day Detox is different is the intake of high protein ingredient that increases muscle mass. This will help the process of burning fat faster.

"When you eat fruit, vegetables, and high-protein without fat ingredients for 36 hours, you burn fat and increase muscle mass," said Robb.

American Dietetic Association spokeswoman, Elisa Zied, say, this diet is quite safe and effective.

"When you combine the protein with fruit, fiber and protein will work together to stabilize blood sugar," he said.

How to run this diet?

The first day
On the first day, you have not started eating lots of fruit. On this first day you need to consume lots of protein drinks to increase muscle mass. Every two hours starting at 08.00-16.00, you should consume protein drinks.

For dinner, the consumption of 3-6 cups raw vegetable salad with two tablespoons of olive oil. Can also eat half avocado fruit.

The second and third day
Every two hours, during at 08.00-16.00, eat fresh fruit salad and drinking eight glasses of mineral water. For dinner, the same as the first day menu, but make a variety of fruit so as not boring.
Read More Body detoxification with Fruit Diet

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dangers of Excessive Exercise

Dangers of Excessive Exercise
Many people exercise regularly every day. Whether it's with team sports, indoor, or personal activities such as running, swimming, or biking. Not only fun, exercise also has excellent effects such as weight control, increase endurance, strengthen muscles and bones, and reduce the risk of serious illness.

The problem is, some people tend to do exercise or excessive exercise. Exercise is supposed to do with the portion of moderation, many do with excessive daily.

The notion that sport is too aggressive is a good thing is not true. Those who do have a greater risk for unhealthy eating patterns and also potentially more unhappy.

The experts believe that young women who exercise to excess on a diet that is more stringent, so obsessed with slimness, and more unhappy with their lives than those who enjoy doing light exercise.

People who exercise excessively may feel happy at all times, except for instance in the rain that made them could not run for miles. According to them, do such intense exercise is the best way to stay slim, muscular build a more muscular, and become a star field . Those who exercise excessively are also generally join in the kind of sports such as ballet, gymnastics, wrestling, or athletics.

So, what's the impact if done to excess sports?

Heart rate at rest in people who exercise too much more quickly than those who exercise moderation. Actors are also commonly experience insomnia, lethargy, and fatigue. Their physical performance also deteriorated.

Many women who exercise experience amenorrhea or excessive menstrual period of chaos. Amenorrhea can lead to serious reproductive problems, and also can cause bone fragility earlier. In some young women, excessive exercise can also delay puberty.
Read More Dangers of Excessive Exercise

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tips To Keep The Blood Sugar Stay Normal

Tips To Keep The Blood Sugar Stay Normal
Blood sugar in excess of normal limits is not only potentially diabetes, but also cancer, especially in women. Recent research describes the link high blood sugar with cancers in women. The problem of high blood sugar, although below the level of diabetes, also have increased risk of heart attacks and diabetes.

But do not worry yet, because blood sugar can be kept at safe levels for health. Professon Martin Wiseman, Medican and Scientific Advisor for Word Cancer Research Fund, share five tips that we can apply.

The most important thing is to keep the weight so as not excessive. If you are overweight, then subtract, you can do with the general healthy diet and regular physical exercise.

Always select the more fibrous food. Replace white rice with brown rice, and pasta contain wheat full.

Reduce or stop at all the consumption of sugary snacks, including drinks and pastries. The temptation sometimes is difficult to resist, but reduced for the purpose of dieting is a big step for your blood sugar levels remain within normally levels.

Make sure you eat lots of vegetables as much as possible. You can snack of fresh vegetables that are packaged ready to eat with the sauce, for your vegetable intake can be done not only during heavy meal.

Diligent physical activity. No need to practice at the health club, just walk away than to drive a car, or opted to take the stairs instead of elevators also has been very helpful.
Read More Tips To Keep The Blood Sugar Stay Normal

Monday, September 13, 2010

Healthy Diet South Africa

Healthy Diet South Africa
South African diet is to follow a healthy diet la population villages in South Africa. This diet is very healthy at the same time give priority to food processing a healthy manner.

According to the Medical Research Council study, their diets of rural people in South Africa are considered more healthy than the population in large cities. Therefore, these villagers eat more foods with a more complete nutrition.

Food consumed is a wild plant in the form of vegetables and tubers such as yams, pumpkin leaves, morogo (a kind of spinach), and so forth. How to cook it any more healthy for example boiled, steamed, or baked.

What should be considered when a diet of South Africa this?

Enjoy a variety of foods
South Africans love the variety of food in their daily menu. They are also always looking for innovative new healthy food. Raw foods are more variable will give a more varied results. Besides not boring when eaten, you also can feel a lot of nutritional intake.

Variation of carbohydrate
So far, we rely too much white rice as a source of carbohydrate. In fact, many other sources of carbohydrates are better than white rice. For example, brown rice, wheat cereals, wheat bread, pasta, and so forth.

Replace carbohydrates in your daily menu with ingredients that contain more fiber. Perform variety of brown rice or whole-grain cereal.

Reduce seasoning
Diet of rural communities in South Africa are not much use of spices. They better enjoy the original taste of food in accordance with boiled or steamed. Reduce sugar, salt and other seasonings such as soy sauce and sweet or sauce. Better to replace with olive oil or vegetable oil.

Drink plenty of water
This diet requires that you prefer to drink water than other drinks. Reduce soft drinks or coffee high in calories and not good for heart health

Increase fruits and vegetables as snacks
In between meals, get used to eating fruits and vegetables instead of snacks are not nutritious. Avoid heavy snacks that actually makes your weight soaring mosalnya fries, potato chips, and so forth. Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and antioxidants will be better for your body's endurance. Consumption of fruits and vegetables at least five times a day.
Read More Healthy Diet South Africa

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Diet for Ulcer Patients

Diet for Ulcer Patients
Stomach acid that is easy to increase, often making patients ulcer or gastric disorders are difficult to undergo a diet. Actually, despite suffering from gastric disorders, principles to lose weight remains the same, that is eating regularly, reducing fat intake, and exercise. The difference is, people with stomach disorders should avoid foods that stimulate stomach acid. Like, the food is too spicy, sour, salty, too sweet, too hot or too cold. Foods that cause gas, such as jackfruit and durian, also needs to be avoided.

Eat at regular intervals is the main principle. Eat every 3 hours, while treatment for ulcer disease remain running. Of course not easy, but if you have a strong motivation, you certainly can achieve ideal body weight.

Ideal body weight can be achieved in several stages. The first stage, you simply lose weight about 5-10% of current body weight, ie 4-9 kg only. Once achieved, then make the next target with the same amount of weight.

Reduce the amount of food you are up to one third or half of the portion you normally eat. Replace snacks with fresh fruits that are not acidic. Drink nonfat milk with no sugar or tea, also without sugar. As friends drinking tea, you may also select as many as 3 pieces of biscuit crackers.

Do not ever let your stomach empty for too long. In addition to eating less, try the regular practice of aerobic exercise, such as walking half an hour a day.

Patients with gastric disorders Diet Diary
Sample 1900-calorie diet (90 g protein, 50 grams fat and 272 grams of carbohydrate)

Morning, at 07.00:
8 tablespoons (200 grams) cooked rice
1 piece of medium (50 g) beef stew
1 piece of medium (75gr) stew know
½ cup (100 g) spinach saute
Hot tea

Interlude, 10:00 am:
A glass of nonfat milk (2 tablespoons nonfat milk powder + 2 tsp sugar diet)
3 pieces of crackers

Lunch, at 13:00:
10 tablespoons (250 grams) cooked rice
1 slice (50 grams) of meat / fish / chicken
1 slice (75 g) know / tempeh
vegetables to taste
1 slice (100 gr) of papaya

Interlude, at 16:00:
A glass of nonfat milk
Banana stew

Dinner, at 19:00:
8 tablespoons (200 grams) cooked rice
1 slice (50 grams) of meat / fish / chicken
1 slice (75 g) know / tempeh
vegetables to taste
1 slice small (100 gr) of papaya

After dinner, do not eat anything except tea or water. Avoid food processing with oil or thick coconut milk.
Read More Diet for Ulcer Patients

Friday, September 03, 2010

Preparing Diet Plan

Preparing Diet Plan
Losing weight is not easy. Especially for Heather Lemanski, a woman weighing 95 kilograms.

Heather knew she had started the diet in a planned and gradual. "But, I still do not want to be restricted to eat anything, as long as it is no more than 2000 calories per day," Heather said as quoted from the site health.com.

By designing her diet carefully, with clear performance targets. Heather was able to lose 1.3 kg in just one week alone.

Motivated by that result, Heather again reduced their daily caloric intake to only 1800 calories per day, coupled with regular exercise.

After a year, Heather was able to lose up to 34 pounds! Today, Heather's body back slim and thinner. And most importantly, he was more fit and healthy.

It is not easy to do the diet was. Here are the steps taken by Heather:

Consult your doctor
People who are obese or overweight usually have a lot of the risk of disease, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes.

Before doing the diet and exercise, consult with your doctor. Check your blood pressure, blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels, so the doctor can give you some hints and diabetes management.

When you have a history of heart disease among family or other problems, be sure to ask your doctor about it.

Determine the target achievement

Set targets based diet tips below:
Write the target of achieving a diet-specific and concrete. For example, you target to drop two pounds in two weeks

- Do it gradually. Determining targets small so that it can be easier to do

- Focus on health. Each target weight loss must remain focused to pay attention to health. For example, with respect to the consumption of healthier foods, which can lower the cholesterol the body, or by adding the daily sports activities.

- Beware of setbacks. When undergoing the program, be aware of the activities that could lead you to achievement setbacks diet, such as banquet or party. Continue to motivate them to remain obedient to the rules of diet

Determine the activity of a diet based on the following tips:
- Schedule a sports activity. As with other activities, time must be set aside to run this activity. While you're busy with work, remains on the commitment to exercise, such as training with cardio, about 10-15 minutes.

- Use a pedometer. Write down how many achievements have been obtained, and the projected increase in the next weeks.

- Sports outside the gym. Sports activities can also be done outside the gym, for example in the office. Within walking distance to the location of the printer for example, or park the car farther from your office, and others.

Determine consumption of healthy foods based on the tips below:
- Consumption of high-density foods, but low calorie. Mass by filling half of a lunch plate with vegetables, a quarter with protein, carbohydrates and a quarter again.

- Ignore list of abstinence. Rather than stop at all your favorite foods to eat, try to negotiate. If you like hamburgers and fries, try to switch to turkey burgers or grilled sweet potatoes.
Read More Preparing Diet Plan

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Folic Acid Reduces Risk of Birth Defects

Folic Acid Reduces Risk of Birth Defects
Hormonal changes during pregnancy is often a prospective mother to be no appetite, nausea, dizziness and vomiting. So often when pregnant women have nutritional deficiencies. Yet even during pregnancy, you need good nutrition to the fetus growing into healthy babies.

In addition, a mother also often suffer from anemia or deficiency of red blood. As a result supply of food brought by the red blood is reduced, and the automatic also inhibited the growth of your fetus.

To prevent this and to be born a healthy baby, you need to eat nutritious foods, such as high protein foods, vegetables, and fruits. High carbohydrate foods that are usually less advisable because it can cause the fetus is too large. In addition you are also advised to take vitamins, like A, C, D, E, and K. Also other nutrients that are important to your fetal health. Among other things, folic acid or folic acid, and EFA (Essential Fatty Acids) or essential fatty acids.

Folic acid, from various studies of interventions proven to reduce the risk of neural tube defects (NTD) or neural tube defects. NTDs are serious birth defects that occur in the brain or spinal cord. Broadly speaking there are three types of NTD, ie Anensefalus, Spina Bifida and Enchephaloce. In the United States estimated 4000 births each year are infected with NTD.

From the number of infected was approximately 2500 babies born with neural tube defects. By taking folic acid this condition can be reduced. This is evident from studies of several countries. As in Britain, NTD type of Spina Bifida than 215 incidents in 1972 decreased to only 38 events in 1992 for per 100 thousand births. Anensefalus also declined from 149 in 1972 to 29 in 1992 per 100 thousand births.

In addition, KL Mahan and S. Stump Escott in the book Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy said folic acid during pregnancy contributes to the development of red blood cells. That is to prevent anemia.

In pregnant women need additional folic acid is as much as 50% compared to normal women (total of 600 ug DFE Folate per day).

Actually, folic acid is almost there on all kinds of food, especially in fresh green leafy vegetables (like spinach), liver, yeast, oranges, beans, potatoes and cereals. Unfortunately, folic acid which includes members of the vitamin B complex (vitamin B9) is also called folacine, easily damaged by heating during food processing. So the effort to get it in the form of milk or a specific vitamin needs to be done, especially 2-3 before and during pregnancy.
Read More Folic Acid Reduces Risk of Birth Defects

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Three Ways to Reduce Calories

Three Ways to Reduce Calories
Reducing calories for those of you who are dieting can be done with simple things. Here are three ways to succeed in your diet and fewer calories in the body.

1. Reduce your portions
Most restaurants try to attract customers by offering lower-priced food menu with large portions, such as potatoes and bread. The standard dish at the restaurant, steak is served with a basket of bread, baked potatoes and 16 ounces of beef steak with vegetables.

The portion was sufficient to feed two and even three people. If you remember that do not have to take it all in one meal, you can begin to eat less and cut the calories you consume.

When you order a steak, ask for food boxes to wrap half of your servings to be eaten later. You also can ask the waiter for not bringing a basket of bread and desserts to your table. It would be easier to avoid temptation when no food was not in front of you, even though it was only an image menu.

2. Open up your food
Sauce a topical look like small portions of food than as a whole, but the calorie content can be many. For example, a serving of sauce for the salad which consisted of two cups consisting of 15 calories, while two tablespoons of Italian dressing in the supermarket contains 110 calories. In this case, almost all food calories come from as little spoon sauce.

Same also for sandwiches, pasta, and even your coffee in the morning. Cut calories by choosing a sauce or mustard, mayonnaise compare and choose a pasta marinara sauce instead of Alfredo sauce that crime, and vodka-based sauce.

Creamer in your coffee in the morning contains 40 calories, butter on bread dioles containing 70 calories. Make a conscious decision about the taste of food will distinguish the food you choose.

3. Replace high-calorie beverages with low-fat choices
People who like to drink wine or a cocktail at dinner, do not like to hear these facts, but alcohol contains a lot of calories. 140 calories per bottle of beer.

Mayo Clinic confirms that not only alcohol that contains many calories, calories are also only have little or no nutritional benefit at all.

If you limit the intake of calories per day 1400, one beer will spend a tenth of your daily calorie allotment. When your body takes nutrients from food, you will continue to feel hungry until those needs are met.

Replace high-calorie beer, wine, and drink the mixture with ice tea, diet soda, or sparkling water, which has no calories at all. Use calorie-free sweetener in the ice you than sugar, which contain 16 calories per teaspoon.
Read More Three Ways to Reduce Calories

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lazy Moving, Cancer Risk

Lazy Moving, Cancer Risk
Cancer is a disease of unknown cause with certainty, but is influenced by many risk factors, such as smoking, unhealthy diet, environmental factors, obesity, lack of physical activity, and stress.

Based on estimates of the World Health Organization (WHO), the factor of obesity and less physical activity accounted for 30 percent risk of cancer. Based on the research, there is a link between cancer with excess weight, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. This type of cancer arising from these risk factors is esophageal cancer (esophagus), kidney, uterus (endometrium), pancreas, breast, and colon.

Currently, 1.6 billion adults worldwide are overweight (overweight), and at least 400 million of them obese. By 2015, an estimated 2.3 billion adults are overweight and 700 million are obese.

In Indonesia, according to data from Health Research Association in 2007, the national prevalence of obesity common in people aged ≥ 15 years was 10.3% (male 13.9%, female 23.8%). While the prevalence of overweight children aged 6-14 years in males 9.5% and 6.4% in women. This figure is almost identical to the WHO estimates of 10% in children aged 5-17 years.

In the world, cancer is the number 2 cause of death after cardiovascular disease. According to the report World Health Organization (WHO) in 2003, arising every year more than 10 million new cases of cancer patients with a predicted increase in each year approximately 20%. It is estimated that by 2020 the number of new cases of cancer increased by almost 20 million people, 84 million of them will die in the next ten years if not done an adequate intervention.

Based on Household Health Survey in 2001 is the leading cause of cancer death number five in Indonesia after cardiovascular diseases, infections, respiratory and digestive tract. According to Health Research Data Base in 2007, the tumor prevalence in society of 4.3 per 1000 population. Meanwhile, hospital statistics in the Hospital Information System in 2006, showed that breast cancer ranks first in-patients (19.64%), followed by cervical cancer (11.07%), liver cancer and bile duct intrahepatic (8.12%), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (6.77%), and leukemia (5.93%). Leukemia is a cancer that often occurs in children.

World Cancer Day theme for 2009 is announced by the International Union Against Cancer UICC is I Love My Healthy Active Childhood, and the Ministry of Health is "Come on move, play, and eat nutritious food to prevent cancer. "

It should be concerted efforts to prevent cancer risk factors with physical activity campaigns and balanced diet and healthy for society at large, especially for children as the future generation.

We need to continue campaigning to keep the balance between energy (calories) is obtained with the energy expended. Making changes to sedentary habits (just sit around with no physical activity), which recently expanded as the development of science and technology, such as televisions, computers, internet, and play station that cause increased rates of obesity, with the balance it with enough physical activity.

Cancer control efforts in Indonesia has been widely implemented by the Ministry of Health and other parties outside government, such as Indonesia Cancer Foundation, Integrated Cancer Prevention Assembly , Female Cancer Control Project, Foundation for Children's Oncology Indonesia , Indonesian Childhood Cancer Foundation Love, and others.

Department of Health together with various programs and related sectors carry out a series of activities as part of global efforts in cancer prevention campaign. Activities undertaken are seminars and fun bike for kids elementary and junior high school. This activity is carried out to campaign for healthy lifestyles since the children as the future generation about the importance of a balanced and healthy diet balanced with physical activity.

HKS main message of 2009 is that we consume a balanced diet, physical activity at least 30 minutes a day, and maintaining an ideal weight for life. By implementing the three key messages are expected each person has an ideal weight so that the risk for cancer can also be lowered.
Read More Lazy Moving, Cancer Risk

Friday, August 13, 2010

Maple Syrup Diet Ala Beyonce

Want to know what the secret of Mrs. Jay-Z to have a sexy body? The secret turned out to be maple syrup, water, fresh orange juice and cayenne pepper (a type of pepper is very spicy).

If you want to try this Beyonce's favorite diet, consumption of any such materials to your dinner menu. In other words, this diet makes you only eat two times a day, ie breakfast and lunch.

Origin of low-calorie snacks are allowed to maintain your weight. And, when night came just consumption of these materials. According to Beyonce and a few people who've done this diet, fat in the body to be reduced and also to release toxins or detoxification.

Famous maple syrup since 1995, when one healthcare company in Switzerland recommend it as a new method to lose weight. And, in the not too long, the weight to come down.

Many people recommend the maple syrup is distributed in the UK by Pure Natural Products in Lincolnshire. Because, the results are effective for the body. In addition, the diet with maple syrup is very
safe. But, of course if you've got the ideal weight, you must defend it with exercise and diet regulation.

For this diet, you should make sure to consume a maximum of 1,500 calories per day. And, make sure you eat the natural foods instead of processed. Prepare yourself if at any time hunger comes. "I live with water, pepper cayenne pepper and maple syrup for 14 days. And, it is indeed very heavy, especially when seeing another person with a delicious dinner," said Beyonce.

However, when compared with diet maple, Azmina Govindji of the British Dietetic Association recommends a diet to regulate food intake. "There is no evidence that the detoxification will make us a more balanced meal.
Hunger at night, whether drinking or not will lose a lot of calories and producing an agency to be down.

It describes the body's need for protein, calories and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals has not been fulfilled. Better to just run in a balanced diet and do not make your stomach hunger, "said Govindji.
Read More Maple Syrup Diet Ala Beyonce

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Diet According Biological Clock

Diet According Biological Clock
The body has 'alarm' when feeling hungry. 'Alarm' body is meant here is the body's biological clock or clock. By eating certain foods according to meal time, you can control hunger.

Here's a guide to eat according to the velocity of a biological clock for a day.

At 07:00 to 09:00
Breakfast is as important as lunch. Only, the number or not as much need for breakfast lunch. Breakfast fruit indeed practical. But, you should also eat foods that contain fibrous carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread and cereals.

Also, select yogurt for breakfast. The content of amino acid tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine in it can make you feel full longer.

At 09:00 to 12:00
Be careful, at this hour, the desire to snack is high enough. If you are snacking chocolate and other sweet foods, for energy during the day to sucked. The best way for the brain continues to work, drink water. Dehydration can decrease the performance of several organs, especially the brain, kidney, and skin. Additional fluids to the body, apart from white water, also from fruit juices, tea, coffee, or milk.

At 12:00 to 18:00
To conquer drowsiness, you should not eat too many carbohydrates at lunch. It to boost serotonin, which to make the body weak.

Instead, protein-rich foods, such as red meat, chicken, and fish such as sardines, plus peas, a choice of lunch. accompanied by drinking fruit juice, drained of energy for after work to boost again, hot chocolate to be a stimulant for the body refreshed.

At 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
At night, the power of gastric slow. So, should you eat foods with less fat. For example, salmon is combined with vegetables and fruits. Number of servings of food also do not overdo it. Because, when a glut in the evening, the food can cause digestive tract to work hard, and the stomach feel full as well as bloating.

21.00 - until early morning
At this hour, our bodies are resting, but the cells in the body it is busy making food that is digested to be circulated throughout the body.

If you have difficulty sleeping, a glass of warm milk to increase serotonin. That is, the substance in the brain associated with the nerve, which to make you more relaxed. If you want to snack, eat fruit that is easily digested body, so as not to interfere with metabolic processes.
Read More Diet According Biological Clock

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Diet Food Combining Plus and Minus

Diet Food Combining Plus and Minus
When choosing a diet, you want a satisfactory outcome. One of adequate diet is a diet food combining popoler. But, you know, every diet there is pros and cons? In order not one chose, try to first identify the plus minus this diet.

Rules diet: According to Dr. creation diet. William Howard Hay, the food eaten should be harmonized with the natural mechanism of human body functions. It was intended to ease the work of digestion as well as energy efficiency.

Called food combining, because it must be very clever-align food intake according to Dr. Hay-categorized into three groups: high protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, cheese, etc.), alkaline forming foods (fruits and vegetables), and high carbohydrate-containing foods (wheat, rice, bread, noodles, etc.).

Plus: Surviving the right foods will produce acid and alkaline levels balanced, so that the process of digestion and metabolism running smoothly.

This diet recommends that we combine the carbohydrates with alkaline-forming groups, or groups of proteins with alkaline-forming group. Conversely, it is forbidden by combining groups of protein-carbohydrate group, because it will inhibit the absorption of sugar (from carbohydrates), so that later can disrupt the stability of sugar in the body.

Minus: As far as all the nutrients fulfilled (because there is no any dietary restrictions), it should not have a negative body reaction. So far not much research done about this diet in relation to weight loss efforts. It shows that there is no significant difference with a conventional diet.

Because protein and carbohydrate should not be mixed, so if you intend to run this diet, careful planning must be made. That is, you do not need too 'creative' eliminate one element of the completeness of nutrition, for example, by crossing out carbohydrates or protein. However, all the elements needed by the body.
Read More Diet Food Combining Plus and Minus

Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Dietary Pattern: Wine and Chocolate

New Dietary Pattern: Wine and Chocolate
Who does not want to enjoy chocolate and a glass of wine every day. Moreover, it turns out to consume wine and chocolate can make weight shrink, as well as create a healthier heart. It also can reduce the risk of developing dementia (a disease associated with memory capabilities), and diabetes.

It sounds "too good to be true", but that's the result of research by Professor Roger Corder, a health expert from England. Corder research has been done for 25 years, for found an association between consumption of wine or drink wine and heart health.

"I am doing this research for many years, to discover the health benefits of wine," said Corder.

"For optimal results, I recommend to take a glass of red wine every day," Corder added. Red wine contains a chemical that is procyanidin, which can also be found on the type of dark chocolate.

Procyanidin can help to help facilitate the circulation of blood. Then, to reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (EC) in the body. Some foods that also have these chemicals are Berri fruit, nuts, apples, and cinnamon.

If you are interested to follow the "Wine Diet", Prof. Corder provide some clues.

Red Wine: Try drinking red wine with a rate of 125 ml / glass every day. However, no more than 2 glasses per day. Choose the type of red wine instead of a mild type. Because red wine of mild type procyanidin which does not contain enough fora healthy body .

In his book, Prof. Corder advised to choose a red wine with tannin levels, acidity, and has a stronger taste for example, choose a type of red wine, Cabernet Sauvignon, Bordeaux, or Merlot.

Dark Chocolate: Try to eat two or three pieces of dark chocolate every day (if you're not drinking red wine you can replace it by eating dark chocolate).

Diet: Eat three meals a day, if you want to snack try; an apple, 4 walnuts. Do not forget to eat green vegetables to increase antioxidants that can counteract free radicals in the body.
Read More New Dietary Pattern: Wine and Chocolate

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Want to Slim? Eat Every 13 Minutes!

Who says dieting should not be snacking? Currently undergoing weight-loss program as you still can eat snacks in between meals.

Even in the diet of 13 minutes, you are advised to snack every 13 minutes. But of course you have to forget the fries or potato chips from your snack list. For a snack that can be eaten only fruit, raw vegetables and protein sources.

Diet 13 minutes was created by Norah Lane, founder of Vitaline Slimming Clubs. He designed the 14-day diet plan is to increase the body's metabolism so that it can burn calories faster.

People who undergo the diet is usually only eat at mealtimes so that the lag time, metabolism of the body does not take place because there was no supply of food. During that time, will be felt rumbling stomach.

But this diet will not make you hungry. Eat a snack during the intervals of food supplies to keep your metabolism remains stable and even increased.

According to Lane, this diet can also help increase fertility. Because nutrients consumed is indispensable for the improvement of fertility.

On average, those who undergo this diet can lose weight 3.5 kilos in two weeks.

By eating low-fat snacks on a regular basis, you can defeat hunger. Raw vegetables you eat as a snack can digest essential nutrients in the form of vitamins and antioxidants which help boost immunity.

You can also eat protein food ingredient to what makes you feel full longer.

For two weeks, you select menu breakfast, lunch, and dinner following.

- A bowl of whole-grain cereal or oatmeal with a glass of milk
- Two pieces of wheat bread with a smear of butter or lettuce and tomato
- One fruit poached eggs and toast
- One banana and one cup of fruit yogurt without sugar

Serve the soup vegetables, such as spinach, carrots, tomatoes. Then for the intake of protein, carbohydrate and other nutrients, eat:
- tuna salad, cottage cheese, and eggs
- Sandwiches of two pieces of wheat bread with tuna, grilled salmon, egg, and cheese
- Boiled Potatoes with cheese, tuna, lettuce
- slice of lean grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli.

- grilled chicken breast with mushroom sauce, add asparagus, sweet corn, and snow peas
- Meat roast with carrots, peas, broccoli, and sauce. Add a bowl of fresh fruit slices
- Steak of salmon with lemon sauce. Serve with steamed vegetables
- Rice with carrots and tomato saute peppers

- Snacks can you eat raw vegetables or a salad. Choice of vegetables such as carrots, celery, cabbage, asparagus, broccoli, and cucumbers.
- For the intake of protein, consumption of chicken, meat, fish, eggs, tofu, and cottage cheese.
- You can add a little sauce, mayonnaise, or olive oil for flavor enhancer.
- Do not drink calories during the diet. Expand water and tea.
Read More Want to Slim? Eat Every 13 Minutes!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Foods That Can Make Mood Better

Foods That Can Make Mood Better
When conditions are not good mood, you need special nutritional intake. Do diet by eating foods that can make you feel more comfortable.

According to nutrition experts from the United States Monica Grenfell, while psychological condition was not comfortable, take the intake of certain foods. For example, during cloudy or hot weather conditions that make body tired and uncomfortable.

"When the erratic weather conditions, you can easily carry emotions. For that you need a diet that can evoke the spirit," said Grenfell.

We're emotional, we tend to eat at random which makes it convenient. And it triggered a sharp increase body weight.

What are some foods that can make our mood better without having to make weight soared? Here are some types of foods that are recommended Grenfell.

- Breakfast Cereals
Cereals contain folic acid which helps the body absorb iron. This mineral is needed for the body to overcome fatigue.

- Wheat
Eating oatmeal that contains nutrients alkaloids and flavonoids. These antioxidants vitamin B will help to work so they can make our mood better.

- Potatoes or Pasta
Choose a high carbohydrate diet and low protein for dinner. For such a menu at night will help the body prepare itself to be more relaxed and ready for sleep.

- Turkey, Bananas, Dates, Yogurt, Tuna
These foods contain tryptophan, an amino acid which release the hormone serotonin which make the feeling more comfortable and happy.

- Lettuce
These vegetables contain lactucarium a calming effect.

- Cottage Cheese
In addition to a very high protein, cottage cheese types also contain tryptophan.

- Milk
Drinking milk before bedtime will make you more soundly and wake up with more spirit. Add pure honey to give effect more comfortable.

- Bean sprouts, Broccoli, Cabbage
These vegetables contain lots of folic acid such as wheat.

- Meat
You need vitamin B6 in the flesh. According to studies, people who are not in a good mood condition vitamin B6 in the body is very low. vitamins.

- Bananas
The fruit is high in carbohydrates and natural fruit sugar. Eating bananas enough make you satisfied and comfortable so there is no desire to snack.
Read More Foods That Can Make Mood Better

Thursday, July 15, 2010

5 Ways to Easily Prevent Heart Disease

Medical world claims to heart disease as leading cause of death in developed countries. The disease is a scourge of all citizens of the world.

Primary prevention of this disease to done by reducing fatty foods, stop smoking, and exercise regularly. But that all was not perfect.

American Heart Association spokeswoman, Jennifer H. Mieres, MD, said there were two important things that must be controlled, namely blood pressure and inflammation. "Unfortunately, doctors often do not notice two things that to have a serious impact on the heart," he said as quoted Shape.com.

He also revealed five simple ways to prevent heart disease from an early age by controlling these two aspects,

1. Watch Blood Pressure
- Keep your blood pressure less than 119/79 mmHg. If blood pressure exceeds that figure was immediately reduce the consumption of foods high sodium such as canned food, frozen foods, and fast food.
- Perform high blood pressure diet with emphasis on low sodium diet was like grains, nuts, low-fat milk, chicken, red meat, sugar, vegetables and fruit.
- Doing two things that can reduce the risk of heart disease by 24 percent.

2. Banana Consumption
- Cultural not eat bananas every day. The potassium in bananas will create a balance of fluid in the body. It is useful to make normal blood pressure.
- One banana contains 422 milligrams of potassium. To meet the needs of 4700 milligrams per day of potassium in the body, do a combination of foods such as fish silver potassium (490 milligrams per three ounces), and tomato paste (453 milligrams per half cup).
- Meeting the needs of potassium can reduce the risk of heart disease by 35 percent.

3. Sleep Eight Hours Day
- Sleep a therapy to strengthen and nourish the body. While lack of sleep, the body can not recover damages cells and tissues that occur every day. Sleep also reduces stress levels.
- Studies from the University Harvard express, sleeping less from five hours a night at risk of heart disease 39 percent higher from those who slept eight hours a night.

4. Eating Peanut Butter Bread
- Change the family breakfast with bread, peanut butter. Make sure also contain high fiber bread. This step to be implemented to prevent heart disease since the age of the child.
- content of magnesium in nuts combined with high fiber bread to help reduce the risk of heart disease by 40 percent.

5. Avoid Contraceptive Pills
- pregnancy-preventing hormones contained in oral contraceptives increase the risk of blood clots by two-fold.
- If you already eat, do blood pressure checks at least once a week.
Read More 5 Ways to Easily Prevent Heart Disease

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Main Key Diet: Count The Calories!

Main Key Diet: Count The Calories!
Options diet is very diverse. You to only do low-fat diet, low carbohydrate or high protein. But importantly from all calorie counting diet is appropriate.

According to recent studies, all types of diets to produce the ideal weight of origin limit the number of calories that enter the body.

Previously, we often hear, the key to losing weight is a low-carbohydrate diets. Even the diet is said to be more effective than low-fat diet.

But a study conducted in the United States over the past two years found that the most important is how much calories are in and out.

"The secret is not on a diet low in fat or carbohydrates," says Dr. Elizabeth Nabel, head researcher from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. "But, by restricting calorie intake and burn with exercise."

Results were published Thursday, February 26, 2009, in New England Journal of Medicine, by Harvard School of Public Health and the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana, USA.

The study was conducted on 811 adults who are overweight. Each respondent has a fat content, protein and carbohydrate are different. The respondents were required to reduce 750 calories per day and exercising for 90 minutes each week.

During the program, the respondents still consume dairy products and meat. They also must always be met with a nutritionist to monitor the development of diet. The result, on average the respondents have reduced 6.5 kg in six months. Within two years they to get the ideal body weight.

But not all respondents to obtain results. Respondents who more often come to a nutritionist to get better results.

According to one researcher, Dr. Frank Sacks, routinely meet with a nutritionist to make their diets monitored on an ongoing basis and calorie content in food is limited.

"They should be more focus on the calorie content of food consumed," says Sacks.

But some other researchers doubt the respondents still to maintain their weight if it is no longer in the monitoring of nutrition experts.

"Although the respondents have high motivation, when they separated from a nutritionist will be difficult to maintain their weight," says Martijn Katan from Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Read More Main Key Diet: Count The Calories!

Monday, July 05, 2010

Slim with the South Beach Diet

Slim with the South Beach Diet
This diet plan was first introduced by cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston, in Miami, Florida, United States. Originally designed specifically for people with clogged heart arteries, this diet is ultimately even more popular as a means of weight loss are powerful.

Rules: This diet should be implemented in three phases. In the first phase which lasted for 2 weeks, dieters must totally avoid carbohydrates that contain a high glycemic load, such as milk, sugar, sweets, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, fruits, cereals, and wheat. However, they are not forbidden to eat meat, fish, eggs, cheese, vegetables, and nuts in a normal portion.

Entering the second phase, you begin to be eating carbohydrates glycemic medium, such as sweet potatoes, until the desired weight is reached.

The third phase is the phase to maintain weight (maintenance phase). In this phase, you are allowed to devour little pieces of bread wheat and some fruits.

Plus: SBD (South Beach Diet) is also a very low carbohydrate diet, which is more focused on the distinction of the kinds of food through the content (glycemic load) carbohydrates. In this way weight faster shrinking.

Minus: The diet is at a very early stage could lead to constipation or difficult bowel movements. This is because no prohibition to eat the fruits on the first two weeks. If you still intend to run this diet, it may want to consume enough water.
Read More Slim with the South Beach Diet

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tips: Clean the Body from Toxins

You're feeling less comfortable body lately? Less healthy and weak because most of the toxic substance enters the body, for example. That's a time for you to do cleansing your body or that can be called detoxification.

The following tips are easy to clean your body to come back healthy and fit.

1. Note your activities calendar. Do not start a diet of juice when you have an important meeting scheduled in mid-week. The process of cleansing your body causing irritable and emotional.

2. Take care to keep it simple. Reduce caffeine, sugar and alcohol. Stay away from meat because it is difficult to digest, because you're resting your body organs.

3. Relax. Stay away from activity of the body that will move a lot. It's not about losing weight, this is about to start your diet back physically and mentally. It is essential pamper yourself a little. Take a bath of warm water mixed with salt, or relax in the sauna.

4. Listen to your body. The second day is the hardest to undergo cleaning, but after that will be easier. When you begin to feel hungry several times a day while cleaning, pay attention and stop your diet. Do not go on a diet of cleaning more from four or five days.

5. End slowly, do not rush. If during the cleaning process you only consume juice, soup and soft food a few days, do not end up eating Big Macs. Your body will be surprised. Slowly insert the healthy foods in your diet, and to return to your ideal size.
Read More Tips: Clean the Body from Toxins

Friday, June 25, 2010

An egg a day Not Affect Cholesterol

An egg a day Not Affect Cholesterol
Benefits of protein-rich eggs for nutrition course we already know. But many people avoid the consumption of eggs because of avoiding high cholesterol and heart disease risk. In fact, according to health studies, consumption of an egg every day would not harm health.

There is no medical reason that makes you have to avoid or limit consumption of eggs. Health research contained in the British Nutrition Foundation's Nutrition Bulletin states that the content of cholesterol in an egg is very small and will not increase the risk of heart disease.

Studies conducted Juliet Gray, a dietician was trying to abolish the myth of the high cholesterol content in eggs.

"The understanding of that egg consumption may increase blood cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease should be immediately corrected," Gray said as quoted by www.timesonline.com.

According to him, the content of cholesterol in eggs is not much. "If you're determined to reduce blood pressure, which is more important to do is avoid the consumption of saturated fats such as meat, high fat dairy products, cakes, biscuits, and so on."

With the results of the study, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to revise the recommended consumption of eggs that only three eggs a week. In the newsletter, they do not give egg consumption limits even in people who have a history of heart disease.

"We recommend that the eggs can be consumed at any time provided that in accordance with a balanced diet. Indeed there are cholesterol content in eggs but not enough to be able to increase the risk of heart disease, "said Victoria Taylor, a senior researcher at the BHF.
Read More An egg a day Not Affect Cholesterol

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mediterranean Diet Boost Brain Power

Mediterranean Diet Boost Brain Power
Various benefits of Mediterranean diet has been revealed. Style diet on the mainland nations of the Mediterranean, not only can help you maintain your body shape. With this diet, you also can help maintain heart health, prevent premature aging, even if done by pregnant women can reduce the risk of asthma and allergies in her baby.

Recent research shows Mediterranean diet can also increase the ability of the brain and prevent dementia. The results, published in Archives of Neurology, earlier this week, said the Mediterranean diet is an effective way to help you sharpen your mind.

Dr. Nikolaos Scarmeas, assistant professor of neurology at Columbia University Medical Center in in New York said the Mediterranean diet could reduce risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease . Increasing dietary intake of fruits, vegetables, fish and olive oil to prevent and overcome the damage to cognitive abilities characterized by difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness.

The researchers conducted an evaluation of 1400 men who did not experience cognitive impairment and 482 people suffering from cognitive impairment. Then they were divided into three groups. The first group are those who regularly undergo Mediterranean diet. The second group that is rarely done and occupied the last group of people who never go on a diet at all that.

"By comparison, those who commit Mediterranean diet but rarely have the possibility of repair of damage cognitive abilities of 17% greater than that never do it," said Scarmeas as quoted from www.yahoo.com. "While they are diligent in doing the diet was improved cognitive ability to reach 28%."

According Scarmeas, it is not certain how the diet can help to overcome brain damage. But he theorized, probably due to nutritional intake in the diet rich in antioxidants may prevent brain cell damage that causes a decreased ability of the brain.

Two other experts who conducted an analysis of the results of this study also supports the greatness Mediterranean diet.

"If you are more diligent in doing this diet, the result will be the better for your body," said Dr. Gary Kennedy of Montefiore Medical Center in New York.

Alice Lichtenstein, of Tufts University in Boston, said the study results make people more confident to make it healthful diet.
Read More Mediterranean Diet Boost Brain Power

Monday, June 14, 2010

Diet Success Tips

Diet Success Tips
Your diet often fail? Maybe there is a need to be updated of how you go on a diet. According to Elizabeth Somer author of 10 Habits That Mess Up a Woman's Diet, cut 100 calories from their daily consumption enough to prevent weight gain. Check out other tips are simple to get started.

1. Replace your orange juice with blueberries at breakfast.
According to recent studies, animals that were fed blueberries showed 79 percent reduction in free radicals and 64 percent higher vitamin levels in the brain.

Blueberries contain antioxidants that strengthen the muscles of the body against oxidation and inflammation, the factors that underlie aging, also from a heart attack, cancer and diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's dementia. Blueberries act to prevent senility.

Even Tuft University study shows blueberries also regulate genes of the human body, in the production of cells and have disease-fighting chemicals for 24 hours 7 days, protect the brain and all body muscles from damage.

Add blueberries on your cereal, blended into smoothies. Mix with lemon juice and corn flour, make topping pancakes, French toast, waffles and ice cream.

2. Drink slowly.
Drink slowly, the body needs 15 minutes more to digest even a quarter cup of water. Drinking too fast will largely be wasted because the digestive system do not have time to absorb it.

3. Drink tea and coffee between meals.
Women usually drink coffee, iced tea or coffee during lunch and a glass of red wine at dinner. Habits that women are at risk of unwittingly causing iron deficiency.

Coffee, tea, and red wine contains tannin acid which reduces the absorption of iron between 60 to 94 percent.

Women who consume iron deficiency compared to the needs, equally harmful iron deficiency with symptoms of fatigue, colds and infections easily, difficulty concentrating and more. For best results, drink tea, coffee and wine between meals.

4. Avoid Snacking
Sounds cliche possible. But women often do trivial things that cause a lot of calories into the body unnoticed. For example, taste the food being cooked. Not just once but many times. Cleaning the breakfast dishes feed the children with food left in your mouth. Although a bit but the habit was causing calories increasingly overlapping.

Unsweetened chew gum while you cook, to avoid the desire to chew. If you want dessert after a meal, do not go into the kitchen to look for a sweet snack. Go to the bathroom and brush your teeth.

Brushing teeth is a sign for the body that you have finished eating, while leaving a sweet taste in the mouth.
Read More Diet Success Tips

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Avoid Eating When Emotions

Avoid Eating When Emotions
When emotions are not stable, most women find an outlet by way of eating. In fact, every time the heart is depressed, the food must always be sought as an outlet. A bar of chocolate, a bowl of ice cream, or a large bag of potato chips to be your friend when you're sad or angry.

Is this condition also happened to you? If yes, then you have a habit of eating the so-called emotional eating. Foraging habits when emotions make the perpetrators called emotional eaters.

Emotional eating is to use food as an outlet when emotions arise, such as disappointed, angry, sad, bored, tired and others. This outlet to get a better feeling.

Usually this outlet to meet the satisfaction of psychological rather than biological necessity. And, while not able to control emotions, body weight will also not be controlled.

Author of When Food Is Love, Geneen Roth, revealed problems eating habits when emotions are exploding this is a serious problem. Especially if it becomes a habit. If ongoing, it describes someone who is experienced not just a problem with eating habits but has a problem from the psychological side.

Food and stress
But many people do not realize the habit of emotional eating. When it becomes a habit, they do it reflexively.

Why so? Food can be comforting to the body. Nutrients contained in foods like chocolate for example, can stimulate the brain release serotonin which regulates our mood. Nutritional brain also triggers the production of dopamine, which can produce feelings of pleasure and mood is more comfortable.

Overcoming emotional eating problem is not with kekat diet, but with a pressing desire to eat when emotions are not stable.

- Divert your attention from the table or refrigerator when the mood was not comfortable. Overcome stress with other things that make you happy such as watching movies or reading. If the desire to snack is still large, grab a healthy snack such as fruit or salad.

- Treat yourself to the spa. Perform relaxation with aromatherapy body care that makes sense and your body more comfortable.

- Exercise can be outlet for your stress. Make a fun sports such as salsa dancing. If more seek peace, do yoga.
Read More Avoid Eating When Emotions

Friday, June 04, 2010

10 Ways to Control Blood Pressure

10 Ways to Control Blood Pressure
Healthy life is not difficult. Simple changes in everyday lifestyle is enough to improve the quality of our health. To control our blood pressure to remain normal, there are 10 easy ways.

1. Reduce weight. Make sure the body mass index, measure of weight proportionate to height, is in a range from 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2 and you will help the performance of the heart and blood pressure you to work better. Try to think like this, the extra weight brought this body everywhere like a brick in the backpack, hit each body part.

2. Eat lots of fiber wheat. Seven to eight servings a day of wheat and derived products, including cereals for breakfast, bread wheat, rice, pasta and others.

3. Eat fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Eight to 10 servings a day consisting of colorful fruits and vegetables will encourage the adequacy of healthy antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber your body needs.

4. Milk. Drink 2-3 glasses of milk a day or low-fat dairy products low in fat will also help strengthen bones, teeth, and improve weight loss.

5. Limit meat, fish, and chicken, maximum twice daily. Replace the meat and enjoy food from wheat. When choosing a menu of meat, fish or chicken, take always a kind of lean.

6. Expand the consumption of nuts, also seeds and legumes in your diet. Nuts contain lots of protein and healthful fat.

7. Limit fats and oils only two to three times per day. Fat is a source of calories at most. Limiting consumption of fats and oils will help control your weight.

8. Reduce salt. Limit your intake of 2400 milligrams of sodium a day maximum. This means less consumption of canned food or that have been preserved, and multiply the fresh food.

9. Move. Sports body at least 30 minutes a day will significantly reduce your blood pressure. Various forms of physical activity, carried out every day can also be regarded as an exercise.

10. Reduce alcohol consumption only twice a day maximum.
Read More 10 Ways to Control Blood Pressure

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Does Fruit Juice In Package Same As Eating Fruit?

Currently, more intense fruit juice in package that offer products with promotional frills "sugar free" or "100% real fruit." For those of us busy women who rarely ate fruit, of course the offer is tempting. But, really drink juice package the same as eating fruit?

Actually, according to Sheah Rarback, experts from the American Dietetic Association diet of fresh fruit rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Because the solid and its structure is still intact, was still good fiber content. While the bottled juice, nutritional partially lost after going through the process of smoothing and filtering.

Even so, according to Rarback, fruit juice in package of 100% real fruit, could be an alternative to the habit of eating fruit. Practical and easy to get this make this product quite popular.

Only, the difference from the original fruit, though no added sugar, sugar (calories) in the fruit that made ​​the liquid diet was higher than the original fruit. Because, after going through the process of destruction, the sugar in fruit is already out, so be more easily absorbed by the body. Also, by drinking fruit juice, means the process of biting, chewing, and swallowing do not exist anymore.

You can also get energy from this drink. Fruit juice or fruit juice consumed with or without pulp, although no added sugar, have continued to have the energy or calorie value.

To get a glass of pure apple juice, for example, it takes more than one apple fruit. So, the calories that enter the body must be higher than eating an apple. But, so weight does not bounce when drinking fruit juices, restricted to 500 ml per day, and divided into two portions. For example, in the morning and afternoon.

To remember, for nutritional fruit does not quickly disappear, it's good to drink juice after opening. Or, if you want the rest is stored, you should seal the packaging.

In addition, you also need to carefully choose fruit juice in package. Noteworthy, among others:

- Read the label on the package carefully. Pay attention to the composition of ingredients and nutritional information listed on the label
- Select a product 100% real fruit, and preservative-free
- Select the packaging still has a normal appearance, ie not
bloated due to accumulation of gas produced by microbial contaminants
-Note the time limit expired
Read More Does Fruit Juice In Package Same As Eating Fruit?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Acai Berry, New Antioxidant

Acai Berry, New Antioxidant
The name of this fruit may sound strange. Acai berry is not so well known in Indonesia. But the fruit that comes from Central and South America is a favorite for the health and diet programs in the United States within two years.

Acai berry (Euterpe oleracea) grown in the Amazon tropical rain forest in Brazil. Small fruits purple similar to blackberries or blueberries.

High antioxidant content of
What makes acai berry special? As with other types of berries, this fruit is rich in antioxidants that the body needs to ward off free radicals and premature aging.

In www.acaiberrystudies.com sites mentioned, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) conducted a research content of antioxidants in the acai berry with a method of Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC). As a result, the content of antioxidants in the acai berry is the number one among other fruits and far more than his brother, blueberries.

Content of antioxidants in the acai berry by ORAC score reached 167, while the blueberry which ranks second only 32, followed by apples that have only scored 14.

Acai-rich content of anthocyanin and flavonoids. Anthocyanin pigments that give black and purple is a great antioxidant to prevent damage to body cells that trigger cancer.

Increase stamina
The athlete in football and jiu-jitsu in Brazil usual acau berry juice to increase stamina during the match. High antioxidant content in acai berries could increase energy and metabolism.

It also increases the body's immune system prevent disease or infection. The antioxidants did not make the body susceptible to swelling or inflammation.

Helping diet program
Acai berries contain omega-3 fatty acids are also found in salmon oil or olive oil. Fatty acids are needed for the body to increase metabolism, thus speeding up calorie burning.

This fruit also contains fiber so that makes us feel full faster. By eating them, you can suppress appetite and prevent you from snacking between meals.
Read More Acai Berry, New Antioxidant

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kiwi The Super Fruit

Kiwi The Super Fruit
Kiwi fruit is not commonly consumed fruit in Indonesia. Besides is not readily available, this fruit is also quite expensive.

But perhaps now is the time you eat more kiwi. This fruit has more benefits than other fruits of our common daily consumption such as apples, oranges, or bananas.

Rutgers University conducted a study of 27 popular fruits, one kiwi. The research that was launched early January found that the kiwi fruit, including the top and most beneficial among fruit was studied.

Kiwi is rich in vitamin C as antioxidants to counteract free radicals. The content of vitamin C in the kiwi more than twice as many than there are in orange.

No wonder the fruit is highly recommended to be consumed every day as the supply of nutrients to increase endurance in the transition seasons. Vitamin C is a lot of kiwi also prevent damage to body cells that cause cancer.

Petite brown-skinned fruit contains more potassium than bananas. Potassium is helping to overcome the problem of high blood pressure. Kiwi also contains vitamin E is good for your skin health. Compared with apples, kiwis contain more fiber

nice to help facilitate digestion. Kiwi is also low in calories. One kiwi fruit contains only 50 calories. So can you make this fruit diet.

The result also shows the benefits of kiwi for sports fans. For those of you who diligently worked out body, the kiwi is very well taken after heavy exercise. The content of enzymes in fruit can help restore muscle function are tired.
Read More Kiwi The Super Fruit

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hair Loss, Is it Normal?

Hair Loss, Is it Normal?
Your hair fall out? Do not panic. Pull a deep breath and calm your mind. You may be relieved, hair loss is normal.

Every person loses 40 to 120 hairs every day. Number of hair loss is influenced by the amount of hair you have, your age, and rate of hair growth. The more your hair unkempt, hair loss will be more rare.

Here are the causes of hair loss that you can make reference.

1. Weather factors. In countries with four seasons, the most severe hair loss occurs in the fall. So, if you will be traveling in a country that is experiencing the fall, do not be surprised. It would be a lot of hair stuck to your comb or fall on the bathroom floor when you wash it.

2. Diet. Warning to those that are on a diet. If your hair loss is enormous, it could be that you run the wrong diet. According to dermatologist from the University of Pennsylvania, George Cotsarelis iron deficiency during the diet can cause hair loss. Instead, consult with your doctor, or taking iron supplements.

3. Age. Being a parent is uncertain, so does hair. The older, the hair follicles to shrink or even die, strands of her shorter. Hair also will increasingly depleted, consistent age, especially after women experiencing menopause. However, the influence of age on hair loss is also influenced by genetic factors.

4. Pregnancy. Some women experience hair loss during pregnancy or after birth. It is caused by hormonal changes. Some women also experience hair loss while taking birth control pills.

5. Pain or stress. Hair loss usually experienced when sick. Stress, weight loss dramatically, drawback to iron, and thyroid gland problems can also cause hair loss.

If you're really worried about hair loss, can just go to the doctor. Experts recommend that you just might panic if an area loss widened or if you find there is baldness in the head.

Because, under normal conditions, women will not go bald, such as the usual experienced by men.
Read More Hair Loss, Is it Normal?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Avoid Stomach Ache And Flu With Yogurt

Avoid Stomach Ache And Flu With Yogurt
If your body fat, got the flu, as well as being abdominal pain, it's good to drink yogurt.

It may be that, yogurt is a panacea for all the complaints above.

Not only able to scrape the body weight, yogurt also claimed could ease the flu, as well as fend off irritable bowel syndrome.

Because the yogurt contains elements found in dietary supplements, such as probiotics and prebiotics. The two can complement each other to improve the system in the intestine.

Increase the number of beneficial probiotic bacteria needed by the intestine, while prebiotics provide food for beneficial bacteria that already exist in the gut, such as starch which can also be found in bananas, leeks, asparagus or chicory.

Results of recent studies say that the existence of 'good bacteria' in the gut would be useful against a variety of allergic diseases, such as eczema and asthma.

In fact, the findings of scientists from the Institute of Food Research, also claims that probiotics could increase immunity to the pollens of plants which usually triggers fever flu.

The digestive system is closely related to immunity. Therefore, some parts of the body's defense system within the intestine.

Good digestion, will be able to patch the 'leaky gut', ie allowing intestinal allergen proteins from digestion, seeping into the bloodstream.

Claire Williamson of the British Nutrition Foundation, revealed that probiotics can stabilize an unbalanced gut condition, due to consume antibiotics.

Probiotics can also help overcome the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and constipation problems, diarrhea, cramps, and fatigue.

But be careful, most probiotic supplements are unable to meet outstanding claims of efficacy that is written on their labels.

According to Professor of Microbiology at the University of Readings, Glenn Gibson, a single dose should contain at least 10 million probiotic bacteria, to ensure the number of bacteria that can survive until the intestine, through the acids contained in the stomach.

While Claire Hanike, a dietitian from St. George's Hospital London, said, at least every probiotic supplement should contain at least one billion bacteria.

If not, the supplements would not be too effective for your intestinal problems. Now, instead of doubt, you better be drinking yogurt.
Read More Avoid Stomach Ache And Flu With Yogurt

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Vegetarian Diet To Get Pregnant

Vegetarian Diet To Get Pregnant
The majority of causes of difficult pregnancy is a lack of ovulation cycle disorder. This is caused by hormonal disorders or diseases such as endometriosis, and cysts. One reason, according to Neal Barnard, MD, nutrition researcher at Washington DC, foods that tend fatty animal products can dramatically increase the levels of estrogen into the blood.

Answer to this problem was closely associated with vegetarian diets. According to Barnard, a vegetarian almost all women ovulate regularly. It turned out that vegetables and fruit can stabilize the hormones. By choosing plant-based foods means you avoid the hormonal swings that can make a mess of the menstrual cycle.

More than 5 million women in North America suffer from endometriosis, a condition in which diseased cells that should grow in the uterus spreads to other body parts. Tues wrong this place continues to pile up, swell and can cause sores that interfere with conception and pregnancy.

Advantages vegetarian diet is to avoid major source of organochlorines. That is, chemicals that are formed in animal fat and trigger endometriosis in a way weaken the resistance of cells such misplaced.

In short, with a stable estrogen, menstrual cycle will be more organized, then this will make the cells that grow in the wrong place will shrink and die. Adherents of a high-fiber vegetarian diet has a sufficient supply of fiber that serves to displace the excess estrogen from the body safely.

Soybeans are excellent sources of vegetable protein and estrogen, which is also known as phytoestrogens. This shape is different and has different effects. Some functions similar to estrogen in the body, although only a very weak effect compared to real estrogen.

Much more action to reduce the activity of estrogen. The evidence indicates that phytoestrogens may help reduce symptoms of menopause that interfere with and limit the growth of cancer cells.

Another food source that serves food to maintain a balance of hormones:
• Wheat: wheat chocolate, pasta, rice, seral, oatmeal.
• Vegetables: w ortel, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, broccoli
• Legumes: peas, soybeans, black soybeans.
• Fruits: apple, mango, banana, peach, pear.

Improving fertility
Two belle of the nutrients needed to repair fertility and healthy pregnancy, are:

- Folic acid, found in dark green vegetables, kale, citrus type fruits (including citrus, grapes, lemons), legumes, whole grains, and bread with folic acid additives and cereals. Consumption of folic acid supplement of 0.4 milligrams or often written as 400 micrograms (mcg) per day.

- Calcium. Recommended dosage is 1000 mg per day. The best sources of calcium are low-fat milk (414 mg per cup) and yogurt (a small pot containing 302 mg).
Read More Vegetarian Diet To Get Pregnant