Improve Your Diet | About Lossweight

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Improve Your Diet

Improve Your Diet
Improving diet is one of the biggest secrets to control your weight permanently. Many people try to lose weight in a way such as acupuncture, liposuction, dieting, strenuous exercise, etc., but they do not change their bad habits.

Well, now imagine if you had to lose weight by any means, but you stick with your old habits such as snacking, eating too much fried food, drinking soda, eating foods high in fat, etc., to be sure your weight will go up again right? Some who do not understand this will blame the weight loss program being operated. They say that the gratuitous use tried to lose weight this way and that, but the result is yes rise again. Though the causes of rising again so ourselves.

Tips and Guides In Improving Your Diet :

  • Reduce bad carbs such as bread, rice, noodles, potatoes, pasta. You can multiply the good carbs that are usually present in vegetables. Reduce the white poison also include sugar, salt that usually it is present in fast food and snacks.
  • Adequate protein consumption. Protein will make you full longer. In contrast to carbohydrates, the more you consume, the sooner you are hungry. The best come from vegetable protein such as tofu and tempeh. White eggs are also good sources of protein. If you like to eat meat, the best is chicken (the chest), and fish. Beef is not good for you because your body will require more energy to process it that makes you feel tired easily. Compare the difference in your energy level after eating a steak with a salad!
  • Drinking enough water. Needs normal water is 8 glasses per day. If you are over 1 kg of weight, you need to add 1 cup extra!. How many pounds overweight you? Reduce soft drinks or containing high sugar levels.

Of course, to change your eating habits need to struggle. If you do the guide above for a minimum of 90 days, without your realizing it, you'll have a new pattern or habit. And this new pattern will be easier to defend because that have become your habits (just like you brush your teeth every day).