There is no medical reason that makes you have to avoid or limit consumption of eggs. Health research contained in the British Nutrition Foundation's Nutrition Bulletin states that the content of cholesterol in an egg is very small and will not increase the risk of heart disease.
Studies conducted Juliet Gray, a dietician was trying to abolish the myth of the high cholesterol content in eggs.
"The understanding of that egg consumption may increase blood cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease should be immediately corrected," Gray said as quoted by
According to him, the content of cholesterol in eggs is not much. "If you're determined to reduce blood pressure, which is more important to do is avoid the consumption of saturated fats such as meat, high fat dairy products, cakes, biscuits, and so on."
With the results of the study, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to revise the recommended consumption of eggs that only three eggs a week. In the newsletter, they do not give egg consumption limits even in people who have a history of heart disease.
"We recommend that the eggs can be consumed at any time provided that in accordance with a balanced diet. Indeed there are cholesterol content in eggs but not enough to be able to increase the risk of heart disease, "said Victoria Taylor, a senior researcher at the BHF.