1. Reduce weight. Make sure the body mass index, measure of weight proportionate to height, is in a range from 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2 and you will help the performance of the heart and blood pressure you to work better. Try to think like this, the extra weight brought this body everywhere like a brick in the backpack, hit each body part.
2. Eat lots of fiber wheat. Seven to eight servings a day of wheat and derived products, including cereals for breakfast, bread wheat, rice, pasta and others.
3. Eat fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Eight to 10 servings a day consisting of colorful fruits and vegetables will encourage the adequacy of healthy antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber your body needs.
4. Milk. Drink 2-3 glasses of milk a day or low-fat dairy products low in fat will also help strengthen bones, teeth, and improve weight loss.
5. Limit meat, fish, and chicken, maximum twice daily. Replace the meat and enjoy food from wheat. When choosing a menu of meat, fish or chicken, take always a kind of lean.
6. Expand the consumption of nuts, also seeds and legumes in your diet. Nuts contain lots of protein and healthful fat.
7. Limit fats and oils only two to three times per day. Fat is a source of calories at most. Limiting consumption of fats and oils will help control your weight.
8. Reduce salt. Limit your intake of 2400 milligrams of sodium a day maximum. This means less consumption of canned food or that have been preserved, and multiply the fresh food.
9. Move. Sports body at least 30 minutes a day will significantly reduce your blood pressure. Various forms of physical activity, carried out every day can also be regarded as an exercise.
10. Reduce alcohol consumption only twice a day maximum.