1. Replace your orange juice with blueberries at breakfast.
According to recent studies, animals that were fed blueberries showed 79 percent reduction in free radicals and 64 percent higher vitamin levels in the brain.
Blueberries contain antioxidants that strengthen the muscles of the body against oxidation and inflammation, the factors that underlie aging, also from a heart attack, cancer and diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's dementia. Blueberries act to prevent senility.
Even Tuft University study shows blueberries also regulate genes of the human body, in the production of cells and have disease-fighting chemicals for 24 hours 7 days, protect the brain and all body muscles from damage.
Add blueberries on your cereal, blended into smoothies. Mix with lemon juice and corn flour, make topping pancakes, French toast, waffles and ice cream.
2. Drink slowly.
Drink slowly, the body needs 15 minutes more to digest even a quarter cup of water. Drinking too fast will largely be wasted because the digestive system do not have time to absorb it.
3. Drink tea and coffee between meals.
Women usually drink coffee, iced tea or coffee during lunch and a glass of red wine at dinner. Habits that women are at risk of unwittingly causing iron deficiency.
Coffee, tea, and red wine contains tannin acid which reduces the absorption of iron between 60 to 94 percent.
Women who consume iron deficiency compared to the needs, equally harmful iron deficiency with symptoms of fatigue, colds and infections easily, difficulty concentrating and more. For best results, drink tea, coffee and wine between meals.
4. Avoid Snacking
Sounds cliche possible. But women often do trivial things that cause a lot of calories into the body unnoticed. For example, taste the food being cooked. Not just once but many times. Cleaning the breakfast dishes feed the children with food left in your mouth. Although a bit but the habit was causing calories increasingly overlapping.
Unsweetened chew gum while you cook, to avoid the desire to chew. If you want dessert after a meal, do not go into the kitchen to look for a sweet snack. Go to the bathroom and brush your teeth.
Brushing teeth is a sign for the body that you have finished eating, while leaving a sweet taste in the mouth.