About Lossweight: June 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tips: Clean the Body from Toxins

You're feeling less comfortable body lately? Less healthy and weak because most of the toxic substance enters the body, for example. That's a time for you to do cleansing your body or that can be called detoxification.

The following tips are easy to clean your body to come back healthy and fit.

1. Note your activities calendar. Do not start a diet of juice when you have an important meeting scheduled in mid-week. The process of cleansing your body causing irritable and emotional.

2. Take care to keep it simple. Reduce caffeine, sugar and alcohol. Stay away from meat because it is difficult to digest, because you're resting your body organs.

3. Relax. Stay away from activity of the body that will move a lot. It's not about losing weight, this is about to start your diet back physically and mentally. It is essential pamper yourself a little. Take a bath of warm water mixed with salt, or relax in the sauna.

4. Listen to your body. The second day is the hardest to undergo cleaning, but after that will be easier. When you begin to feel hungry several times a day while cleaning, pay attention and stop your diet. Do not go on a diet of cleaning more from four or five days.

5. End slowly, do not rush. If during the cleaning process you only consume juice, soup and soft food a few days, do not end up eating Big Macs. Your body will be surprised. Slowly insert the healthy foods in your diet, and to return to your ideal size.
Read More Tips: Clean the Body from Toxins

Friday, June 25, 2010

An egg a day Not Affect Cholesterol

An egg a day Not Affect Cholesterol
Benefits of protein-rich eggs for nutrition course we already know. But many people avoid the consumption of eggs because of avoiding high cholesterol and heart disease risk. In fact, according to health studies, consumption of an egg every day would not harm health.

There is no medical reason that makes you have to avoid or limit consumption of eggs. Health research contained in the British Nutrition Foundation's Nutrition Bulletin states that the content of cholesterol in an egg is very small and will not increase the risk of heart disease.

Studies conducted Juliet Gray, a dietician was trying to abolish the myth of the high cholesterol content in eggs.

"The understanding of that egg consumption may increase blood cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease should be immediately corrected," Gray said as quoted by www.timesonline.com.

According to him, the content of cholesterol in eggs is not much. "If you're determined to reduce blood pressure, which is more important to do is avoid the consumption of saturated fats such as meat, high fat dairy products, cakes, biscuits, and so on."

With the results of the study, the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to revise the recommended consumption of eggs that only three eggs a week. In the newsletter, they do not give egg consumption limits even in people who have a history of heart disease.

"We recommend that the eggs can be consumed at any time provided that in accordance with a balanced diet. Indeed there are cholesterol content in eggs but not enough to be able to increase the risk of heart disease, "said Victoria Taylor, a senior researcher at the BHF.
Read More An egg a day Not Affect Cholesterol

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mediterranean Diet Boost Brain Power

Mediterranean Diet Boost Brain Power
Various benefits of Mediterranean diet has been revealed. Style diet on the mainland nations of the Mediterranean, not only can help you maintain your body shape. With this diet, you also can help maintain heart health, prevent premature aging, even if done by pregnant women can reduce the risk of asthma and allergies in her baby.

Recent research shows Mediterranean diet can also increase the ability of the brain and prevent dementia. The results, published in Archives of Neurology, earlier this week, said the Mediterranean diet is an effective way to help you sharpen your mind.

Dr. Nikolaos Scarmeas, assistant professor of neurology at Columbia University Medical Center in in New York said the Mediterranean diet could reduce risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease . Increasing dietary intake of fruits, vegetables, fish and olive oil to prevent and overcome the damage to cognitive abilities characterized by difficulty concentrating and forgetfulness.

The researchers conducted an evaluation of 1400 men who did not experience cognitive impairment and 482 people suffering from cognitive impairment. Then they were divided into three groups. The first group are those who regularly undergo Mediterranean diet. The second group that is rarely done and occupied the last group of people who never go on a diet at all that.

"By comparison, those who commit Mediterranean diet but rarely have the possibility of repair of damage cognitive abilities of 17% greater than that never do it," said Scarmeas as quoted from www.yahoo.com. "While they are diligent in doing the diet was improved cognitive ability to reach 28%."

According Scarmeas, it is not certain how the diet can help to overcome brain damage. But he theorized, probably due to nutritional intake in the diet rich in antioxidants may prevent brain cell damage that causes a decreased ability of the brain.

Two other experts who conducted an analysis of the results of this study also supports the greatness Mediterranean diet.

"If you are more diligent in doing this diet, the result will be the better for your body," said Dr. Gary Kennedy of Montefiore Medical Center in New York.

Alice Lichtenstein, of Tufts University in Boston, said the study results make people more confident to make it healthful diet.
Read More Mediterranean Diet Boost Brain Power

Monday, June 14, 2010

Diet Success Tips

Diet Success Tips
Your diet often fail? Maybe there is a need to be updated of how you go on a diet. According to Elizabeth Somer author of 10 Habits That Mess Up a Woman's Diet, cut 100 calories from their daily consumption enough to prevent weight gain. Check out other tips are simple to get started.

1. Replace your orange juice with blueberries at breakfast.
According to recent studies, animals that were fed blueberries showed 79 percent reduction in free radicals and 64 percent higher vitamin levels in the brain.

Blueberries contain antioxidants that strengthen the muscles of the body against oxidation and inflammation, the factors that underlie aging, also from a heart attack, cancer and diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's dementia. Blueberries act to prevent senility.

Even Tuft University study shows blueberries also regulate genes of the human body, in the production of cells and have disease-fighting chemicals for 24 hours 7 days, protect the brain and all body muscles from damage.

Add blueberries on your cereal, blended into smoothies. Mix with lemon juice and corn flour, make topping pancakes, French toast, waffles and ice cream.

2. Drink slowly.
Drink slowly, the body needs 15 minutes more to digest even a quarter cup of water. Drinking too fast will largely be wasted because the digestive system do not have time to absorb it.

3. Drink tea and coffee between meals.
Women usually drink coffee, iced tea or coffee during lunch and a glass of red wine at dinner. Habits that women are at risk of unwittingly causing iron deficiency.

Coffee, tea, and red wine contains tannin acid which reduces the absorption of iron between 60 to 94 percent.

Women who consume iron deficiency compared to the needs, equally harmful iron deficiency with symptoms of fatigue, colds and infections easily, difficulty concentrating and more. For best results, drink tea, coffee and wine between meals.

4. Avoid Snacking
Sounds cliche possible. But women often do trivial things that cause a lot of calories into the body unnoticed. For example, taste the food being cooked. Not just once but many times. Cleaning the breakfast dishes feed the children with food left in your mouth. Although a bit but the habit was causing calories increasingly overlapping.

Unsweetened chew gum while you cook, to avoid the desire to chew. If you want dessert after a meal, do not go into the kitchen to look for a sweet snack. Go to the bathroom and brush your teeth.

Brushing teeth is a sign for the body that you have finished eating, while leaving a sweet taste in the mouth.
Read More Diet Success Tips

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Avoid Eating When Emotions

Avoid Eating When Emotions
When emotions are not stable, most women find an outlet by way of eating. In fact, every time the heart is depressed, the food must always be sought as an outlet. A bar of chocolate, a bowl of ice cream, or a large bag of potato chips to be your friend when you're sad or angry.

Is this condition also happened to you? If yes, then you have a habit of eating the so-called emotional eating. Foraging habits when emotions make the perpetrators called emotional eaters.

Emotional eating is to use food as an outlet when emotions arise, such as disappointed, angry, sad, bored, tired and others. This outlet to get a better feeling.

Usually this outlet to meet the satisfaction of psychological rather than biological necessity. And, while not able to control emotions, body weight will also not be controlled.

Author of When Food Is Love, Geneen Roth, revealed problems eating habits when emotions are exploding this is a serious problem. Especially if it becomes a habit. If ongoing, it describes someone who is experienced not just a problem with eating habits but has a problem from the psychological side.

Food and stress
But many people do not realize the habit of emotional eating. When it becomes a habit, they do it reflexively.

Why so? Food can be comforting to the body. Nutrients contained in foods like chocolate for example, can stimulate the brain release serotonin which regulates our mood. Nutritional brain also triggers the production of dopamine, which can produce feelings of pleasure and mood is more comfortable.

Overcoming emotional eating problem is not with kekat diet, but with a pressing desire to eat when emotions are not stable.

- Divert your attention from the table or refrigerator when the mood was not comfortable. Overcome stress with other things that make you happy such as watching movies or reading. If the desire to snack is still large, grab a healthy snack such as fruit or salad.

- Treat yourself to the spa. Perform relaxation with aromatherapy body care that makes sense and your body more comfortable.

- Exercise can be outlet for your stress. Make a fun sports such as salsa dancing. If more seek peace, do yoga.
Read More Avoid Eating When Emotions

Friday, June 04, 2010

10 Ways to Control Blood Pressure

10 Ways to Control Blood Pressure
Healthy life is not difficult. Simple changes in everyday lifestyle is enough to improve the quality of our health. To control our blood pressure to remain normal, there are 10 easy ways.

1. Reduce weight. Make sure the body mass index, measure of weight proportionate to height, is in a range from 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2 and you will help the performance of the heart and blood pressure you to work better. Try to think like this, the extra weight brought this body everywhere like a brick in the backpack, hit each body part.

2. Eat lots of fiber wheat. Seven to eight servings a day of wheat and derived products, including cereals for breakfast, bread wheat, rice, pasta and others.

3. Eat fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Eight to 10 servings a day consisting of colorful fruits and vegetables will encourage the adequacy of healthy antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber your body needs.

4. Milk. Drink 2-3 glasses of milk a day or low-fat dairy products low in fat will also help strengthen bones, teeth, and improve weight loss.

5. Limit meat, fish, and chicken, maximum twice daily. Replace the meat and enjoy food from wheat. When choosing a menu of meat, fish or chicken, take always a kind of lean.

6. Expand the consumption of nuts, also seeds and legumes in your diet. Nuts contain lots of protein and healthful fat.

7. Limit fats and oils only two to three times per day. Fat is a source of calories at most. Limiting consumption of fats and oils will help control your weight.

8. Reduce salt. Limit your intake of 2400 milligrams of sodium a day maximum. This means less consumption of canned food or that have been preserved, and multiply the fresh food.

9. Move. Sports body at least 30 minutes a day will significantly reduce your blood pressure. Various forms of physical activity, carried out every day can also be regarded as an exercise.

10. Reduce alcohol consumption only twice a day maximum.
Read More 10 Ways to Control Blood Pressure