About Lossweight: March 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Stay Beautiful In Old Age

Stay Beautiful In Old Age
There is an expression, the added age, fewer and fewer options for women. Including about maintaining appearances. You have to choose between maintaining body shape or maintain the freshness of the face.

If the body slim, so your choice, the stakes will face loss of volume. Although a posture like a model, your face will look older than actual age.

Instead, have a face bright with elastic bodies here and there, of course not the right choice. However, the position of women was not a dilemma. You do not need to worry, there is a way out. The trick?

You can make nutritious diet skin (skin diet). This diet will nourish the skin to become younger and looks radiant. And that is not less important, this diet effective weight loss.

Opt out fatty foods from your pantry. Replace with healthy foods that nourish the skin as well as fish oils, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables fresh.

There are a lot of fruits vegetables are proven to contain powerful antioxidants that fight wrinkles. In addition, you are also required to drink plenty of water to remove toxins from the body. No need to feel too miserable, you still may taste chocolate or red wine occasionally.

A week skin nutrition diet, prove just the results. Undoubtedly, the face is more brilliant, luminous hair, a fresh eye, and the shape of the body intact. You can see yourself with more positive.

Skin diet is perfect for you who are aged between 40-50 years. This diet is high in calcium which can help reduce the risk of bone loss (osteoporosis). Vitamin E and B in the diet recommended in this diet is also efficacious balance hormones.

For those of you who are still in the age range of 20-30s, there's no harm in implementing this diet since early.
Read More Stay Beautiful In Old Age

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Celebrity Style, Slim After Childbirth

Celebrity Style, Slim After Childbirth
During pregnancy and after childbirth, every woman must have body to swell. After your baby is born, the main target is to restore the ideal weight. But achieving weight loss as they are not easy, because the weight was gradually increased during pregnancy.

You must do the diet and regular exercise and discipline. Diet and exercise also must be healthy and balanced, because you are still in the breastfeeding period and requires the intake of healthy nutrients for your baby. Breastfeeding may be natural diet after childbirth. When feeding your baby, your body burns 500 calories every day.

Problem of excess weight after childbirth also experienced Hollywood celebrities. But as a public figure, they demanded always look slim and sexy in front of the camera. Of course they have to work hard to get back perfect.

Who are the celebrities who manages to appear sexy again after childbirth?

Jennifer Lopez
After childbirth her twins Max and Emme earlier this year, the artist who nicknamed J. Lo recently adopted a strict diet. He was specifically hired a nutritionist and personal trainer to achieve ideal body weight back.

Every day, J. Lo consume 1400 calories, which is divided into four stages mini menu. Ate every day menu includes fresh fruit, raw vegetables, protein sources of food, and drink plenty of water. He also reduces the consumption of carbohydrates and red meat until the weight reached 60 kg.

In addition to a strict diet, J. Lo also tried hard to burn calories with exercise. Every day he woke up at 4:00 and spent about three hours to do pilates, cardio exercises, and others.

Denise Richards
Artists of this section must work extra hard to lose weight after giving birth to her second child, Lola. Every day, she started the day with wake up at 05.00 and went to the gym to exercise under the supervision of his personal trainer Garrett Warren. He is also very tight to adjust his diet. But his hard work paid off. His weight dropped 15 pounds in four months.

Reese Witherspoon
Within four weeks after childbirth to her second child, Reese managed to restore his ideal weight. He took a Kundalini yoga class with yoga teacher popular among Hollywood celebrities, Gurmukh. Reese is also very disciplined implement dietary and healthy lifestyle. To relieve stress, he always spend time with her two children Ava and Deacon.

Gwyneth Paltrow
Blonde star was re-appear slimmerin camera only a few weeks after the birth of her daughter ,Apple . Gwynnie choose detox diet is at once to remove toxins in the body. He also uses yoga methods to restore the ideal body weight.
Read More Celebrity Style, Slim After Childbirth

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Restoring Energy After Childbirth

Restoring Energy After Childbirth
When the tiny baby in a sling, a sense of happiness mixed with anxiety began to crawl all over your heart. You are very happy because your little baby born safely and healthy.

But do not panic as far as whack. What should he do about it? What if she cries? Do you have to direct the feed? What if milk does not come out? Finally, all the energy out to devote all the attention on this tiny baby.

Energy is depleted due to give birth process needs to be collected again, because you need to nurture and care for your child. Try the following:

- When your baby is sleeping, try to go to sleep, or at least relax so that you do not lack time to rest. Nor should you use to leave the house.

- You are not a supermom. So look for people who can help you, at least to the problem of washing, ironing clothes, cooking and keeping the baby while you're doing something else.

- Do not be obsessed with such perfect condition clean house before you had children. You may see a messy diapers, or coffee you have not yet appointed a former husband. Let for once, do not force yourself to always clean.

- If you plan on dieting, wait at least two or three months after giving birth. Because these two months is needed to restore your body after childbirth, and that milk production is not disrupted.

In addition, losing weight is also not be drastic. Because once again would disturb the smoothness of your milk production. You are only allowed to lose weight 0.5 kg per week or no more than 2 kg per month.

- When you feel bothered by the housekeeping and child, not just grumbling. Communicate inconvenience to her husband. Because it is uncertain that your husband realize hassles.

Disclose the specific, avoid words that are less obvious or wished. For that, it's good to make a list of chores to be done. In order for the husband is committed to the task his part, let him choose the appropriate job interest.

Another compromise is to set the schedule task. For example, if you forced overtime, he may be asked to come home faster.
Read More Restoring Energy After Childbirth

Friday, March 12, 2010

You Threatened Cholesterol? Try This Recipe!

You Threatened Cholesterol? Try This Recipe!
The daily diet is not healthy to make the body into fat and cholesterol. You are slender-bodied free cholesterol was not necessarily that invites disease.

Apply a healthy diet is not easy. You are certainly busy workers who have little time to prepare healthy meals and prefer to eat lunch outside. The temptation to eat high-calorie snacks were so big.

If it were so, you need to cleanse the body with detoxification diet. Detox diet is very important to cleanse the blood and the whole body system of toxins that cause disease. As a result, blood circulation smoothly, working organs were run better. In addition, the detox can boost immunity.

No need to detox diet is a hassle. In just seven days, you can do it. If you've been eating unhealthy foods, within a week you should only eat fruits, vegetables, and low-calorie foods.

If done correctly, you can drive out fat and cholesterol from the body. Body feels fitter and lighter. Diet is also no need to do forever. Simply do 3-4 times a year. Want to try?

Day 1: 600 calories

Start a detox diet is definitely very heavy. But you have to strengthen the mental if you want to get healthy body.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner: 1 cup vegetable juice without sugar and salt, 1 serving of fat-free plain yogurt, drink mineral water or herbal tea.

Day-2: 1200 calories

Breakfast: 1 serving fresh fruit slices (apples, pears, mangoes, grapes, pineapple), 2 slices of wheat bread with fat-free fresh cheese, 1 serving of fat-free yogurt, 1 small glass of skim milk, 1 cup of herbal tea without sugar or milk.

Lunch: 1 kiwi fruit, 1 serving of salad vegetables (lettuce, carrots, celery, olive oil), 150 grams of steamed vegetables (add a slice of pickled garlic and olive oil), 1 cup of herbal tea.

Dinner: 50 black gramberi 1 cup orange juice, 1 prosi yogurt, 1 cup of herbal tea.

Day-3: 1100 calories

Breakfast: As day-to-2

Lunch: 1 large mango, 150 grams of salad vegetables (spinach, sprouts, tomatoes, onions, mint leaves, lemon juice, pepper, and olive oil, vegetable juice.

Dinner: 1 serving of fat-free yogurt (mix with sliced black raspberries and a teaspoon of pure honey), bread wheat and fat-free cheese, 1 cup of herbal tea.

Day 4: 800 calories

Breakfast: 75 grams of rice, 125 grams of stew apples with honey, eucalyptus and lemon juice.

Lunch: 75 grams of rice, steamed vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and celery).

Dinner: 75 grams of rice, steamed vegetables.

Day 5: 1100 calories

Breakfast: As day-to-2.

Lunch: 1 apple, 1 pear, salad vegetables (broccoli, carrots, red lettuce, vinegar sauce, olive oil), herbal teas.

Dinner: yogurt, fruit salad (kiwi, pineapple, oranges, grapes, black raspberries, apples), herbal teas.

Day-6: 1300 calories

Breakfast: As day-to-2

Lunch: 1 banana, 150 grams of salad vegetables (lettuce, tomatoes, olives, carrots, cucumber, garlic, pepper), 1 large potato, steamed with 75 grams of peas, serve with butter sauce and olive oil sunflower , herbal teas.

Dinner: 75 grams of cereal with lemon juice, one tablespoon of pure honey, apple slices, 1 serving bebeas fat yogurt, 1 slice wheat bread with fat-free cheese or honey, 1 cup of herbal tea.

Day-7: 1200 calories

Breakfast: As day-to-2

Lunch: 150 grams of mixed salad vegetables (spinach, lettuce, celery, garlic, basil, tomatoes, Dijon mustard, sunflower butter), 75 grams of roasted potatoes with tomatoes, almonds, onion, olive oil and sunflower butter.

Dinner: 1 grapefruit, 2 boiled eggs, 1 slice wheat bread, herbal tea.
Read More You Threatened Cholesterol? Try This Recipe!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tips For Choosing Healthy Foods For Brain

Tips For Choosing Healthy Foods For Brain
It has a slender body is craving, but make no mistake though you have to diet, health organs should still be maintained. The brain for example, it is a vital organ in which nutrient intake is nutritious and healthy is always required. Therefore, the model of diet that you do not carelessly.

Here are some tips you need to know to stay healthy diet and the brain can always intelligent:

1. Choose which powered
The brain that weighs only two percent of total body weight to consume at least 20 percent of calories your body needs. Choosing foods that are powered are important.

These foods contain such a high carbohydrate such as fruits, vegetables, grains and others. In such foods have high glucose levels and adequate to meet the nutrition of the brain. Lack of supply of glucose to the brain can cause a significant thing in the process of memory.

Glucose is needed especially in the forebrain (frontal cortex), which is the motor for all orders and organ activity. Frontal cortex is also referred to as the CEO of his brain.

This section is according to British researchers, Leigh Gibson of Roehampton University, is the most sensitive to the presence of glucose. "If your glucose levels fell in parts of the brain, it's just like you who do not breathe," he said.

When you are short of glucose is not advisable to drink lots of soda drinks (trigger force) to maintain optimal brain to work anyway. Because this will be a contraction between the need for glucose in the brain and functions to the muscles.

When glucose levels fall and remain triggered muscle works, it can cause damage to muscle cells throughout the body. According to Marc Montminy, Salk Institute of Biological Sciences in California, damage can also occur including the section of the brain itself.

2. Diligent eat
With a diet that does not mean you should not eat. The brain needs adequate food portions. The rule should not be too much and also not be too small.

To optimize this way of eating, a British scientist, Michael Green of Aston University suggest one tactic that is "more often but only a small snack. "

This idea, he said, can make our brains work better. Proportion is only by keeping glucose levels in the blood can be 25 grams. "This amount is equal to eating a banana," says Gibson.

3. Eating low GI (Glycemic index)
GI indicates the levels of glucose in the blood. Pretzels or salty types of cookies that can cause blood sugar levels rise quickly, so-called high GI index levels. Try to avoid.

J.M. Bourre from the French National Medicine Academy In September 2006 wrote in The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging that low-Gi foods are the best food. Type of carbohydrate foods with high fiber are including low GI.

Combine these foods with fat or protein type that will make it slowly absorbed by the body. For example, bread wheat has a low GI index. When mixed with meat or other protein foods, it can slow the absorption of glucose into the body.

This way is a key balance between the incorporation of macronutrient diet such as carbohydrates, fat and protein for a healthy way of eating.

4. Measure Your Fat
Although the body's ability to absorb fat in the lower levels, not all fats are equal. Trans fats or fats from fast food to stay logged in bad category. For that choice away from fatty foods are better for health care.

Gibson reminded the increase of stroke is one example of why fat becomes an important note on the diet. Fat is also blamed as the cause of damage to the hippocampus (part of the brain that play a role in memory process).
Read More Tips For Choosing Healthy Foods For Brain

Is Coconut Oil Safe For Diet?

Is Coconut Oil Safe For Diet?
Coconuts are rich sweet taste, soft texture nan chewy, delicious when combined in a cake, ice cream, it has a function for healing and good for diet.

Scientists from the Coconut Research Center in Colorado, United States, advocated the use of coconut oil as a supplement in your diet program. Positive Ingredients contained in these oils include: fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

Usability is very much coconut. That's why Palm had a place in the glorious culture of Asia and the Pacific. Coconut has been considered as a 'source of life'. In addition to for food and medicine, palm oil is also useful for the diet. American society considers as oil palm oil diet, because it can maintain the taste of food in order to remain there without the calories. This oil is a type of oil used for saturated fatty acids and are often sold as a supplement to reduce weight.

The scientists are asking us to see the other side of coconut oil, not only as an oil diet. Traditional medicine has been using coconut oil to overcome the various conditions and other symptoms, such as: shortness of breath (asthma), cough, nausea, sore throat, cramps, bruises or bruises, burns, scabies, infection, until the hair baldness. Western medicine also, from the development of medical studies conducted by scientists at the laboratory finally succeeded in proving that coconut oil does have a healing substance substance.

Its function is indeed so much. Starting from killing bacteria and parasites, increasing the strength of the immune system, to be antioxidants and low in cholesterol (compared to other oil types) for consumption.

Latest findings is a study Gilda Sapphire Erguiza, of Philippine Children's Medical Center, and Daniel Rauch, from New York University Langone Medical Center. They found that children diagnosed with inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) can recover more quickly during the normal antibiotics, along with coconut oil with doses adjusted to their weight.
Read More Is Coconut Oil Safe For Diet?

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Tips for Husbands Not Bloated

Tips for Husbands Not Bloated
Distended stomach can indeed ruin the appearance. In terms of health, far more worrisome. Despite frequent alarms about the dangers diwanti-obesity and high cholesterol, he still ate tongseng diligent and sate his favorite goat. In fact, according to nutritionist dr. Luciana Sutanto, the style of eating like that, a number of diseases 'heavy' ready to lurk, ranging from heart disease, diabetes and even stroke.

Indeed, it is not easy to invite a man for going on a diet. All you need to realize, if you want to partner on a diet, willy-nilly, you also have to come with her diet program. Do not just send the couple a healthy lifestyle. As a partner, you must compact to apply together. Do not worry first. A number of these tips worth trying.

- When couples hobby snack food 'heavy', you should start cooking more often providing 'home' for him, especially at breakfast and dinner. You still can, serve her favorite food, by choosing healthful ingredients. For example, instead of processed food containing saturated fats, like coconut milk, full cream milk, soybeans.

- Do not meet the pantry with potato chips, peanut skin, or pop-corn plus soft drinks. Replace it with the fruit, wheat bread, and bottled mineral water. Do not store prepared foods such as nuggets, fries, instant noodles or corned beef in the refrigerator.

- Do not let him eat too fast. Eating habits quickly turns to make the body more overweight. Therefore, new satiety felt after 15-20 minutes after the first cud. The solution, with whom he chatted casually as he ate.

Create a topic of interest, so he could join the chat replied. That way, bribes for bribes is not too quick drop into his mouth. However, select the topic light and relaxed, so he will not choke because of too eager to chat.

- If he often adds, start reducing rice dish at the dinner table. Conversely, the portion of vegetables reproduced. So if he's still hungry, but the rice was gone, the choice to stay two. Stop eating or eating vegetables.

- Do not let the she went to bed immediately after eating. Because, during sleep the body becomes very relaxed, so that the bowel movement is very slow. Since there is no wasted calories, fats that can go directly accumulate in the body. So, there must be a pause between the time eating and sleeping, at least for 30 minutes. You can invite the couple to chat after a meal, or perform activities other than sleep, such as washing dishes, playing games, watching television, or ... make love!
Read More Tips for Husbands Not Bloated

Monday, March 08, 2010

Control Your Cholesterol, Enjoy Life!

Control Your Cholesterol, Enjoy Life!
Cholesterol is not all bad. This type of cholesterol is divided based on high density lipoprotein (HDL), which works 'hunt' cholesterol and make blood flow clean and smooth, and low density lipoprotein (LDL). LDL is often referred to as bad cholesterol. Elevated LDL levels will accumulate along blood vessels, causing narrowing and blockages.

As a result, the heart pumps blood that difficulties arise in the chest pain and headaches. Worse, it can cause sudden heart attack. Levels of bad cholesterol can also be higher than the increase in triglycerides (a fat in the blood that can damage arteries). To work around this, diet and exercise program that really could be a strategy right that should be lived.

Being overweight can indeed indicate a high level of cholesterol in the body. But, you need to know, body lean or ideal does not mean free from high cholesterol. Irregular pattern of life is a major cause of high cholesterol. Such as smoking, too much high-fat foods, no exercise, and stress, mean the most likely exposed to high cholesterol. Women smoke have HDL levels of almost 14% lower than those who do not smoke.

The point is, no need to wait for ages to grow if you do not want to live burdened with cholesterol problems. The following are some strategies that can help lower bad cholesterol.

Choose unsaturated fats
All dairy products (full cream) as well as processed products, low-fat red meat, poultry skin, coconut milk, and butter contains saturated fats that act to increase levels of LDL. The American Heart Association recommends restriction of saturated fat intake per person, and it ranged between 7-10% of total daily calories (14-20 grams of a person who consumed 1,800 calories).

Therefore, to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, multiply the consumption of unsaturated fats that can lower LDL and raise HDL. Or, at least, to stabilize the levels of cholesterol. Sources of monounsaturated fats are olives, olive oil, canola oil, nuts such as walnuts and almonds, and avocados. While the sources of polyunsaturated fats are fish and vegetable oils.

Avoid Trans Fats
The term is aimed at trans fats, unsaturated fats that have undergone the process of hydrogenation (process used to make vegetable oil or other products more durable) so that it becomes saturated fat. These fats are found mainly in food packaging, such as crackers, cereals, baked goods, frozen foods, until the fried fast food. Therefore, beware if the product packaging papers listed partially hydrogenated (partially hydrogenated).

Measuring Cholesterol Levels
For those of you who are aged over 20 years, every five years or so should do blood tests to measure the amount of cholesterol. To obtain accurate results, you should not eat for 12 hours before the examination. Here are the results of normal cholesterol levels.

Good: Less than 130 mg / dl
Better: Less than 100 mg / dl
To reach the normal limits
Reduce eat: saturated fats, trans fats, high-cholesterol diet.
Expand eat: Monounsaturated fats (avocados, and omega 3, such as fish).
Do: Losing weight.

Good: 40 mg / dl or more
Better: 60 mg / dl or more
To reach the normal limits
Reduce meal: carbs and sugar and processed products.
Expand eat: Monounsaturated fats (avocados, and omega 3, such as fish).
Do: Exercise, not smoking, and lower weight.

- Triglicerin
Good: Less than 150 mg / dl
To reach the normal limits
Reduce meal: carbs and sugar and processed products, coconut milk, oil, and high fat foods (peanuts).
Do: Losing weight.
Read More Control Your Cholesterol, Enjoy Life!

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Do Not Be Hostile Fat

Do Not Be Hostile Fat
As with carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals, fat also has a sizable stake in the performance of the body. According to the journal Fats & Cholesterol: Nutrition Source, Harvard School of Public Health, outlined the fat or lipid is a nutrient, which serves as the main energy source for the body's metabolic processes.

Fat also serves to dissolve the vitamins A, D, E and K to be easily absorbed through the intestinal wall, thus, help maintain a healthy immune system, slows aging, and prevent osteoporosis. Therefore, fat can store vitamin D in the body, so that it can bind calcium better.

Fat obtained from food, divided into two types of unsaturated fats (unsaturated), and saturated fat (saturated). Unsaturated fats are fats that are friends with the blood and heart. Fat is what removing cholesterol from damage and unwanted blood vessels.

Unsaturated fats, are subdivided into monounsaturated fat / monounsaturated, which can be obtained from olive oil, nuts (walnuts and almonds), and avocado. Meanwhile, polyunsaturated fat / polyunsaturated, including omega 3 and omega 6 can be obtained from fish oil, vegetable oil, soy, salmon, and sesame oil.

While saturated fats, can be regarded as the bad fats. This fat can hamper arterial blood vessels, which can lead to hypertension, stroke, or heart disease. However, because saturated fat is obtained from foods rich in nutrients, such as seafood, eggs, beef, and milk, are advised to keep eating this food. However, the amount of intake is limited, so it does not increase the risk of heart disease.

Well, after knowing the types of food that can produce good fats and bad fats, meaning you just set the proper portion of fat intake per day. The American Heart Association recommends restriction of saturated fat intake per person, which ranges from 10-15% of total daily calories. While the intake of saturated fat, should not more than 10% of total daily calories.

Facts About Fats

1. Myth: The age increases, more and more difficult to burn body fat
Fact: Wrong. Hormonal changes as you age, generally it can lead to changes in body shape (more fat at the waist). However, if still active, and do not overeat, you can still burn fat, although it has reached the age of menopause.

2. Myth: In a diet, you should completely get rid of food containing fat.
Fact: Not as easy as that. Most women simply replace fat with foods containing high sugar, that would make it easier to feel hungry. Research shows, the program is done by eating a diet of fat within reasonable limits, the result is more successful, than a diet without fat.

3. Myth: Walking is the best exercise to burn fat
Fact: Not necessarily. The walk was good exercise for the heart. However, for the body to burn fat, so the weight can come down, you should intersperse walking exercise with weight training. This exercise, in addition to toning muscles, can also increase your metabolism, leading to more calories burned.
Read More Do Not Be Hostile Fat

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Want to Slim? Try the Banana Diet!

Want to Slim? Try the Banana Diet!
Since former Japanese opera singer Kumiko Mori announced, shrunk his weight about 7 pounds in a short time thanks to the morning banana diet, dietary pattern known to the morning banana diet is also popular in a short time.

The method developed diet pharmacists, Hitoshi Watanabe of Tokyo, Japan is a direct 'on the rise'. Because the stories from Mori and other celebrities to spread by word of mouth. In addition, the publication on the internet, television, magazine articles and books written Watanabe.

so popular. since then, it is very difficult to find a type of banana banana is on the shelves of supermarkets in Japan. Banana prices also jumped sharply. With the promotion of Japanese celebrities and sales of diet books sold to more than 600,000 copies, the demand for the fruit of this one is not at all indicate a decline.

This diet is quite simple. At breakfast, you just need to eat bananas and drink warm water. At noon and night, you may eat any food, and snacking.

But, there is prohibition. Do not eat again in the top eight in the evening and avoid dairy products, such as ice cream, cheese, and alcohol, after dinner. Sweet snacks should only be eaten in the afternoon.

New slimming program of Japanese origin are also being loved by many women. Moreover, it turns out, for those who undergo this diet do not need to be worked hard to get the desired weight.

Hitoshi Watanabe explains, this banana diet can lose weight, because bananas contain enzymes that can accelerate the process of digestion and defecation, resulting in weight loss. As well, the content of starch in bananas can also create a rumbling stomach did not fast.

Although loved by many women, there are many experts who doubt the ability of this diet. According to them, bananas do not have effective special content to lose weight. If you really want to lose weight, you must be disciplined diet and exercise regularly.
Read More Want to Slim? Try the Banana Diet!

Friday, March 05, 2010

Exercise Routine, But Not Also Slim?

Exercise Routine, But Not Also Slim?
"When the right time to exercise? How to scrape the fat in the abdomen and the hips? "These questions are often raised when women want, perhaps also by you, when being exercised. Have you found the answer? If not, then you need to peek Samba from personal trainer, Scott White, the following.

Is there a best time to exercise?
Based on the consideration of biological time and rhythm of the body work best time to exercise is: anytime! As long as it fits with your timetable. There are people who do so before leaving for work, on the sidelines of a lunch or after work. In essence, during the activity fun, you'll automatically do it more often. In this case, the best benefits are obtained by the more often do it regularly.

However, if you still insist on knowing the best time to exercise, then at 6 am is the answer, because not much happens to air pollution. At that time, the temperature of the body is in peak condition and therefore your body can burn calories better.

I routinely practiced in the gym five times a week, but, why do I still not slim?
Before exercising despair, just look back a few days later your activities. What is the composition portion and the food you eat is right? Try making a list of what you have to eat for a week. Maybe there are some things that turned out to surprise you.

After that, fix the back portion of the exercise. Perhaps you've been too focused on quantity and not quality. Weight training is conducted three times a week, on days that are not consecutive. Because, the body takes 48 hours to recharge after working hard.

How do I turn down the chubby cheeks?
You can tighten the cheek muscles with exercises to form the letter E and O for several minutes, twice a day. However, actually can be eliminated from the body fat in proportion to the aerobics and other sports. Normally, fat in the face is the slowest growing and most rapidly lost when losing weight.
Read More Exercise Routine, But Not Also Slim?

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Chocolate Cough Reliever

Chocolate Cough Reliever
Chocolate has long been known to have many health benefits due to the high antioxidant content. The content of this can protect the skin from damage.

Not only that, chocolate also contains theobromine, which can suppress the cough, especially coughing in a long time and continuous or persistent.

Scientists now have until the final stages of clinical testing on drugs that contain theobromine, a natural substance found in cocoa and chocolate. If the experiment is successful, this drug can be marketed within the next two years, was quoted by the Daily Mail.

This research was made because more and more people suffer from persistent coughing. More than seven million Britons suffer from a cough that lasted continuously or lasts more than two weeks. Their cough symptoms of asthma and heat.

Meanwhile, the most widely cough medicine is available only to soothe the symptoms, rather than deal with the cause. Drugs such as this has been criticized because it has side effects, like drowsiness. So, there are fears of side effects caused by codeine-based medicine, which uses chemicals similar drugs.

Research conducted at London's National Heart and Lung Institute found, theobromine, 33 percent more effective than codeine cough. These natural ingredients work directly on the vagus nerve, which is responsible for persistent cough.

In addition, research in South Korea also showed, theobromine has no side effects as other drugs commonly owned.
Read More Chocolate Cough Reliever

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Five Most Dangerous Diet

Five Most Dangerous Diet
In order to have beautiful bodies, many women are on a strict diet and reducing certain foods. Not infrequently, women melakoni extreme diet to reduce body weight in an instant. As a result of unhealthy diets, many are experiencing the effects of 'yoyo' ie, the body will thin quickly, but immediately followed by weight gain.

A healthy diet, according to food experts and diet is still consumed
all meals with a balanced portion. A good diet is eating healthy foods consistently, not just to lose weight. Here are some of the most dangerous types of diets such as Modern Mom loaded.

1. Low-Fat Diet
This diet aims to remove fat from the diet to lose weight. In fact, some fat is actually good for health, especially the type of fat in olive oil, fish oil, and avocados that have omega-3 fatty acids. In order to diet successfully, you should avoid trans fats such as oils used to fry several times. However, do not eliminate fat altogether. Because, the body will form a hard fat cycle is broken cause of obesity.

2. Diet Sugar
Dietary sugar and its variations are reserved for those who omit the sugar in the diet. Instead, people who use a regimen of diet sweeteners instead of sugar or low calorie candy to kill all kinds of appetite. However, all foods 'sweet' above no nutritional value, plus preservatives that cause side effects to health. If you want to reduce sugar, a better alternative is to eat the sweet fruits such as apples, grapes, and melons.

3. Mono Diet
The diet consists of eating one type of menu in a limited number of each meal, usually one of the following: buckwheat, tomatoes, wine, butter milk or watermelon. Diet with only one type of food makes the body lacks nutrition.

4. Diet Sleep
This diet recommends to increase the sleep time to reduce appetite. If so, you not only burn fewer calories, but harm the body. We recommend that you exercise to burn calories.

5. Low Carbohydrate Diet
Many diets that reduce and replace carbohydrates with protein intake, especially high fat meats. This diet will make you lack energy and tired more quickly. Instead of not eating carbs, it's better to replace the complex carbohydrates like brown rice and oatmeal.
Read More Five Most Dangerous Diet

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Want to Get Pregnant? Just Eat It!

Want to Get Pregnant? Just Eat It!
Having a baby is a dream for many women who have decided to live married. In fact, not a few women who have prepared well before the birth of a child.

When new programs start of pregnancy, you need to improve nutritional intake, because it can make the body more ready to support the pregnancy. There are many ways to increase fertility. One of them is by eating the nutrients that support the fertility of the mother. Any food that can enhance fertility?

Organic Food
Pesticides commonly found in fruits and vegetables inorganic. If you are running a program for pregnant, switching to organic foods may be a wise choice. Organic foods can ensure you get the nutrition that is needed by the body. And certainly, the food is free of chemicals that can cause fertility problems.

Fruits and vegetables
Think well of your personal health. Health site WebMD reported obesity are the main obstacles to fertility. Eating more fruits and vegetables every day will be very good. Try to eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, like kale, spinach and broccoli. These vegetables provide antioxidants and rich in vitamins.

Foods containing wheat can make your body store energy. Wheat quality foods, stay healthy and keep you full longer. Mmengonsumsi wheat not only to maintain good posture, but also can cause an increase in fertility, the report KidsHealth.org.

Try whole-grain cereal, warm bread and wheat pasta when trying to start a pregnancy program.

Foods rich in calcium
Calcium is essential for healthy pregnancy. Drinking milk, yogurt and ice cream consumption is low in fat is a simple way to increase your calcium intake.

Caffeine-free drinks
If you are accustomed to consumption of caffeinated beverages every day, you should stay away from now. As reported BabyHopes.com, caffeine is considered to inhibit ovulation.
Read More Want to Get Pregnant? Just Eat It!

Monday, March 01, 2010

Drinks To Streamline Stomach

Drinks To Streamline Stomach
You must have often heard the advice, to ensure adequate intake of fluids in the body, it takes at least eight glasses of water per day. Drinking water or eating fruits and vegetables that contain lots of water, does have a very large health benefits, including ward off fatigue.

Adequate water intake also have a positive impact on the health of the stomach. Good hydration can also help maintain water balance in the body of water retention, which helps prevent constipation, triggers a sense of bloating.

Eight glasses of water per day is actually only a guideline. That's because each person will need a liquid varies according to activity level and body condition. For those of you who always have problems with stomach conditions, water can be a 'cure'.

However, not only white water is healthy. Today, Sassy Water, a drink recipe from Prevention nutritionist, Cynthia Sass is not only healthy but also to streamline the body.

How to make it pretty easy. And, efficacy can help you streamline your abdomen. The following materials and how to create Sassy Water, as quoted by Prevention.com

2 liters of water (approximately about 8.5 cups)
1 teaspoon grated ginger which has been
1 piece of cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
1 medium size lemon, thinly sliced
12 small mint leaves.

Mix all ingredients in large pitcher. Leave on for one night for its flavor blend. The next day, have a drink on a regular basis until exhausted. This herb is safe for you to drink every day. Very enjoyable if taken when cold.
Read More Drinks To Streamline Stomach