The problem is, some people tend to do exercise or excessive exercise. Exercise is supposed to do with the portion of moderation, many do with excessive daily.
The notion that sport is too aggressive is a good thing is not true. Those who do have a greater risk for unhealthy eating patterns and also potentially more unhappy.
The experts believe that young women who exercise to excess on a diet that is more stringent, so obsessed with slimness, and more unhappy with their lives than those who enjoy doing light exercise.
People who exercise excessively may feel happy at all times, except for instance in the rain that made them could not run for miles. According to them, do such intense exercise is the best way to stay slim, muscular build a more muscular, and become a star field . Those who exercise excessively are also generally join in the kind of sports such as ballet, gymnastics, wrestling, or athletics.
So, what's the impact if done to excess sports?
Heart rate at rest in people who exercise too much more quickly than those who exercise moderation. Actors are also commonly experience insomnia, lethargy, and fatigue. Their physical performance also deteriorated.
Many women who exercise experience amenorrhea or excessive menstrual period of chaos. Amenorrhea can lead to serious reproductive problems, and also can cause bone fragility earlier. In some young women, excessive exercise can also delay puberty.