It sounds "too good to be true", but that's the result of research by Professor Roger Corder, a health expert from England. Corder research has been done for 25 years, for found an association between consumption of wine or drink wine and heart health.
"I am doing this research for many years, to discover the health benefits of wine," said Corder.
"For optimal results, I recommend to take a glass of red wine every day," Corder added. Red wine contains a chemical that is procyanidin, which can also be found on the type of dark chocolate.
Procyanidin can help to help facilitate the circulation of blood. Then, to reduce levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (EC) in the body. Some foods that also have these chemicals are Berri fruit, nuts, apples, and cinnamon.
If you are interested to follow the "Wine Diet", Prof. Corder provide some clues.
Red Wine: Try drinking red wine with a rate of 125 ml / glass every day. However, no more than 2 glasses per day. Choose the type of red wine instead of a mild type. Because red wine of mild type procyanidin which does not contain enough fora healthy body .
In his book, Prof. Corder advised to choose a red wine with tannin levels, acidity, and has a stronger taste for example, choose a type of red wine, Cabernet Sauvignon, Bordeaux, or Merlot.
Dark Chocolate: Try to eat two or three pieces of dark chocolate every day (if you're not drinking red wine you can replace it by eating dark chocolate).
Diet: Eat three meals a day, if you want to snack try; an apple, 4 walnuts. Do not forget to eat green vegetables to increase antioxidants that can counteract free radicals in the body.