Fortunately, on heart health issues are not only determined by genetics alone. A U.S. study found smoking, obesity, lack of exercise contributes 30 to 40 percent risk of heart disease.
Want to know another way your heart healthy? Here are some tips you can apply in addition to reducing smoking, exercise, and diet.
Chinese Way
than good, it turns out peking duck can reduce your risk of heart problems. Researchers at Jefferson University in the United States found that red yeast rice to be one spice duck was able to lower cholesterol in the heart in 60 patients. Yeast is as effective as statins in suppressing cholesterol.
Sun exposure
Harvard University study found that people who are rarely exposed to sunlight are more susceptible to heart disease. Therefore, our body turns out to produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Apparently, this became a new reason for the holiday weekend.
A Glass of Wine
Before you sleep, it's good to drink a glass of wine. Research in the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition explained, the wine will increase in unsaturated fats, omega 3 which is known as a heart protector.
One study showed men who had sex three or four times a week can reduce the risk of heart disease.
Abundance of laughter is very good for the heart. Cardiologist from the University of Maryland Medical Center in the United States found that people with less laughter, more susceptible to 40 percent of heart attacked.
Some types of fruit shown to reduce cardiovascular risk. As a rich cherry anthocyanins, potent substances as antioxidants. Apples, rich in antioxidants that can help reduce the negative effects of LDL cholesterol types. In addition, you may want to try tomatoes, berries, and grapes.