Fat is one nutrient that the body needs to help increase metabolism. For example, omega-3 fatty acids. A lot of fat contained in fish from cold seas, such as salmon and mackerel is very much needed body to heart health as well as intelligence.
Other foodstuffs that contain healthy fats are walnuts, almonds, spinach, avocad, as well as material from a case of knowing soy, tofu, and edamame beans.
What are the other benefits of fat for health?
Maintaining heart health
Omega-3 fatty acids can prevent swelling and prevent the risk of high blood pressure. Fat is also good for diabetics. Omega 3 can help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes this.
Overcoming pain
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center found that more than 60% of patients with neck pain or back stop the intake of painkillers after taking salmon oil pills for 20-30 days. That's because the omega-3 fatty acid content in salmon that can fight inflammation or swelling.
Maintain weight
When the mood is not stable, women tend to eat uncontrollably. Douglas Bibus, PhD, omega-3 fatty acids researchers from the University of Minnesota's Academic Health Center, said Omega-3 can help stabilize mood. If the mood is stable, any diet will be better. So you do not have to worry about diet disrupted.
Improving the working brain
Omega-3 fatty acid DHA mengasup forming 25% of nutritional needs of the brain and regulate the production of the hormone serotonin, which causes feelings of pleasure. Those who are depressed need more DHA intake to cope with stress.
Reduce asthma symptoms
Omega 3 helps reduce swelling of the respiratory tract in patients with asthma. According to Indiana University research, people with asthma who eat salmon oil pills have the ability to overcome the symptoms of asthma than those only taking the drug.