About Lossweight: April 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

5 Reasons Consume Healthy Fats

Many of us who avoid fat because they want to live healthy and maintain weight. Though not all fats harmful to health.

Fat is one nutrient that the body needs to help increase metabolism. For example, omega-3 fatty acids. A lot of fat contained in fish from cold seas, such as salmon and mackerel is very much needed body to heart health as well as intelligence.

Other foodstuffs that contain healthy fats are walnuts, almonds, spinach, avocad, as well as material from a case of knowing soy, tofu, and edamame beans.

What are the other benefits of fat for health?

Maintaining heart health
Omega-3 fatty acids can prevent swelling and prevent the risk of high blood pressure. Fat is also good for diabetics. Omega 3 can help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes this.

Overcoming pain
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center found that more than 60% of patients with neck pain or back stop the intake of painkillers after taking salmon oil pills for 20-30 days. That's because the omega-3 fatty acid content in salmon that can fight inflammation or swelling.

Maintain weight
When the mood is not stable, women tend to eat uncontrollably. Douglas Bibus, PhD, omega-3 fatty acids researchers from the University of Minnesota's Academic Health Center, said Omega-3 can help stabilize mood. If the mood is stable, any diet will be better. So you do not have to worry about diet disrupted.

Improving the working brain
Omega-3 fatty acid DHA mengasup forming 25% of nutritional needs of the brain and regulate the production of the hormone serotonin, which causes feelings of pleasure. Those who are depressed need more DHA intake to cope with stress.

Reduce asthma symptoms
Omega 3 helps reduce swelling of the respiratory tract in patients with asthma. According to Indiana University research, people with asthma who eat salmon oil pills have the ability to overcome the symptoms of asthma than those only taking the drug.
Read More 5 Reasons Consume Healthy Fats

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Delicious Meals Without Fat

Delicious Meals Without Fat
At a party or social gathering would provide tasty foods. However, it feels uncomfortable when not taste dishes. Moreover, if some dishes that are served are your favorite foods. But, if all are worth trying, it could be weight will soar.

Do not worry, you can still eat well, really, on these occasions. Check out his strategy!

Fill the stomach before you go
Do not arrive at the event with a very empty stomach or you get hundreds of extra calories just from the appetizers. Eat a bowl of vegetable soup or other snack an hour before you depart. When I got there, skip the food abundant amount of cream or sauce, or baked goods.

You can also eat fruit at home first before going to the event. That way, your stomach is too empty when he got there. Because the stomach is filled, you were not too 'crazy' to eat a meal there.

Keep your food portions
Take the dishes in small portions. You can sample all the food while satisfy the desire to eat your favorite foods . Another trick you can use a small plate, so the portion taken is not excessive.

Beware of the calories in drinks
Before you are aware, alcoholic Beverages, soda, and juice has Contributed hundreds of calories. Also Alcohol cans reduce the desire for healthy food. Consider as an additional liquid calories Because They do not reduce the amount of food you devoured. If forced to, enjoy a glass of wine, or as a mixture of diet soda make your cocktail.

Controlling food
You are more Difficult to control the food while outside the home. A WHO study shows That people eat out 13 times EACH month to obtain 32 percent more calories Than those WHO only eat out four times a month.

The restaurant serves a larger portion. Also You cans not know how They process food. "When you cook at home, you cans present what you really Want, and you know all the ingredients," says the author of The Foods You Crave and host of Healthy Appetite on the Food Network, Ellie Krieger.
Read More Delicious Meals Without Fat

Friday, April 16, 2010

Healthy Heart Tips

Healthy Heart Tips
Recently, researchers in the United States announced that the defective genes named MYBPC3 increase the risk of heart disease up to seven times compared to people who do not have the gene.

Fortunately, on heart health issues are not only determined by genetics alone. A U.S. study found smoking, obesity, lack of exercise contributes 30 to 40 percent risk of heart disease.

Want to know another way your heart healthy? Here are some tips you can apply in addition to reducing smoking, exercise, and diet.

Chinese Way
than good, it turns out peking duck can reduce your risk of heart problems. Researchers at Jefferson University in the United States found that red yeast rice to be one spice duck was able to lower cholesterol in the heart in 60 patients. Yeast is as effective as statins in suppressing cholesterol.

Sun exposure
Harvard University study found that people who are rarely exposed to sunlight are more susceptible to heart disease. Therefore, our body turns out to produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Apparently, this became a new reason for the holiday weekend.

A Glass of Wine
Before you sleep, it's good to drink a glass of wine. Research in the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition explained, the wine will increase in unsaturated fats, omega 3 which is known as a heart protector.

One study showed men who had sex three or four times a week can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Abundance of laughter is very good for the heart. Cardiologist from the University of Maryland Medical Center in the United States found that people with less laughter, more susceptible to 40 percent of heart attacked.

Some types of fruit shown to reduce cardiovascular risk. As a rich cherry anthocyanins, potent substances as antioxidants. Apples, rich in antioxidants that can help reduce the negative effects of LDL cholesterol types. In addition, you may want to try tomatoes, berries, and grapes.
Read More Healthy Heart Tips

Friday, April 09, 2010

Mushrooms Food Good For Slim

Mushrooms Food Good For Slim
Already desperately diet and exercise regularly, but the weight would not go down? Eating different types of mushrooms can be an alternative to reduce the calories in the body.

Mushrooms are rich in nutrients. If processed into food, among other properties, the source of vegetable protein. able to reduce the risk of coronary artery blockage, containing antibiotics are useful for the prevention of anemia, and is also believed to be aphrodisiac (passion-enhancing foods.) However, mushrooms can be slimming, it's new!

The reason women difficult to lose weight, one of them is because they do not pay attention to the high caloric content in the body. In a study published journal Appetite, as quoted VIVAnews from the Women's Health, 18 January, found that most people who consume a variety of dishes contain meat or mushrooms once a week, reduced calorie levels up to 420 kcal.

So, if you eat it every week, according to research results, is not impossible that the body can burn calories to 1680 kcal per month. Then, how is the calorie content by weight?

When the body burns 3500 kcal, it turns out to reduce weight up to 0.45 pounds. That way, you need to eat a meal containing mushrooms, like oyster mushrooms, shitake, or straw routinely once per week for six months to dispose of one kilogram of body weight.

However, you need to know the amount of calories that go in the body. This is to avoid excessive calorie burning later. There is an easy way to calculate your calorie needs each day formula is as follows:

Men = 66 + (7.13 x IBW) + (5 x H) - (6.8 x A)
Women = 65.5 + (9.6 x IBW) + (1.7 x H) - (4.7 x A)

IBW = ideal body weight (kg)
H = Height (cm)
A = Age (years)

With the above calculation, then both the strengths and weaknesses can be overcome weight by eating according to the caloric needs for an ideal body weight.

Well, then, would be nice if this mushroom cuisine tailored to your diet program. Could be shrinking weight faster than you think. Good luck!
Read More Mushrooms Food Good For Slim

Friday, April 02, 2010

Diet Without Hunger

Diet Without Hunger
Tired with all sorts of diets and no results? Unable to diet with the hunger that makes the stomach tortured?

Hunger during the diet was often makes people reluctant to live it. Limiting the intake of main meals make people even surreptitiously snacking. This is often the reason for the failure of your diet.

Maybe you should try this one diet. Within seven days, the weight will decrease to 2.5 kilograms without you feeling hungry. Raw foods should be consumed in this diet is a food that makes the stomach feel full longer.

The materials that have a level of satiety index (SI) or very high filling ability. For example orange, the SI was higher than the banana.

Because of rapid filling, you do not need to snack again. These foods are also low in calories and fat.

Diet without hunger is the perfect venue for those who have a high appetite and the hobby of eating snacks in between meals.

During this diet, you can still eat three times a day as usual. All you need to do is change the menu. Do not forget to keep drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. You'll also be able to enjoy the coffee or your favorite. But avoid added sugar, milk, or cream.

Sample menu:
- porridge oats with a glass of low fat milk and sliced ​​fresh fruit.
- Two oatmeal cookies with a pack of non-fat cheese and a citrus fruit
- Two slices of fat-free bacon, a poached egg fruit, and one glass of orange juice
- Two low-fat cheese slices and two tomatoes
- 30 grams of cereal without sugar, low-fat milk and berries
- One box of yogurt without sugar, one tablespoon of honey, one pear
- Two scrambled eggs, one slice of bacon, and orange juice
Read More Diet Without Hunger