If the body is unable to cool down and restore body temperature to normal conditions, the heat can even be life threatening. Heat stroke can cause organ damage or death.
Those at high risk, among others, the elderly 65 years and older, infants and children, pregnant and lactating women, persons with physical unhealthy, especially people with heart disease or high blood pressure, as well as patients consuming drugs mental
Typically, heat stroke occurs when the air temperature rises above 40.5 Celsius. At this temperature, the heat started to potentially lethal internal systems in the body.
Normalize the body temperature in the heat can be done when the body sweats. When there is dehydration and the body does not sweat, the blood becomes concentrated so impaired organ function.
The result is a central nervous system changes such as delirium, coma and seizures. Heat stroke can affect liver function, kidney, muscle and heart damage.
To prevent this, drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids and avoid activities that will increase body temperature. Several types of drugs such as ecstasy and alcohol bridge can increase the body temperature causes dehydration.
Symptoms of heat stroke appear similar to heat exhaustion. But the skin can look dry with no sweating. Mental health of any person's condition worsens. The signs?
- Extremely high body temperature
- Skin flushed, hot and dry but do not sweat
- Tongue dry and swollen
- Rapid pulse
- Throbbing headache
- Dizziness, confusion, nausea
- Sometimes the unconscious
How to prevent it
1. Drink plenty of water or other nonalcoholic fluids. Avoid drinking extremely cold liquids, because it can cause stomach cramps.
2. Avoid too tired. Reduce physical activity and activity in hot weather. If unavoidable, rest more often. Should take shelter in a house or a shady spot.
3. Keep the cold air still blows around you. Use air conditioning if possible or go to the shopping center or library with air conditioning facilities.
4. Eat snacks regularly
5. Wear lightweight clothing
6. Using a cold water bath
7. Always check the condition of the elderly and people who are sick who need help coping with the heat at least twice a day.
8. Do not leave people or pets in a closed car.
Activity in hot weather tips
1. Limit activities during the day, is better done in the morning or afternoon.
2. Protect yourself from the sun during the move by using a sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.
3. Rest and shelter regularly and frequently drink liquids.