But perhaps now is the time you eat more kiwi. This fruit has more benefits than other fruits of our common daily consumption such as apples, oranges, or bananas.
Rutgers University conducted a study of 27 popular fruits, one kiwi. The research that was launched early January found that the kiwi fruit, including the top and most beneficial among fruit was studied.
Kiwi is rich in vitamin C as antioxidants to counteract free radicals. The content of vitamin C in the kiwi more than twice as many than there are in orange.
No wonder the fruit is highly recommended to be consumed every day as the supply of nutrients to increase endurance in the transition seasons. Vitamin C is a lot of kiwi also prevent damage to body cells that cause cancer.
Petite brown-skinned fruit contains more potassium than bananas. Potassium is helping to overcome the problem of high blood pressure. Kiwi also contains vitamin E is good for your skin health. Compared with apples, kiwis contain more fiber
nice to help facilitate digestion. Kiwi is also low in calories. One kiwi fruit contains only 50 calories. So can you make this fruit diet.
The result also shows the benefits of kiwi for sports fans. For those of you who diligently worked out body, the kiwi is very well taken after heavy exercise. The content of enzymes in fruit can help restore muscle function are tired.