Actually, according to Sheah Rarback, experts from the American Dietetic Association diet of fresh fruit rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Because the solid and its structure is still intact, was still good fiber content. While the bottled juice, nutritional partially lost after going through the process of smoothing and filtering.
Even so, according to Rarback, fruit juice in package of 100% real fruit, could be an alternative to the habit of eating fruit. Practical and easy to get this make this product quite popular.
Only, the difference from the original fruit, though no added sugar, sugar (calories) in the fruit that made the liquid diet was higher than the original fruit. Because, after going through the process of destruction, the sugar in fruit is already out, so be more easily absorbed by the body. Also, by drinking fruit juice, means the process of biting, chewing, and swallowing do not exist anymore.
You can also get energy from this drink. Fruit juice or fruit juice consumed with or without pulp, although no added sugar, have continued to have the energy or calorie value.
To get a glass of pure apple juice, for example, it takes more than one apple fruit. So, the calories that enter the body must be higher than eating an apple. But, so weight does not bounce when drinking fruit juices, restricted to 500 ml per day, and divided into two portions. For example, in the morning and afternoon.
To remember, for nutritional fruit does not quickly disappear, it's good to drink juice after opening. Or, if you want the rest is stored, you should seal the packaging.
In addition, you also need to carefully choose fruit juice in package. Noteworthy, among others:
- Read the label on the package carefully. Pay attention to the composition of ingredients and nutritional information listed on the label
- Select a product 100% real fruit, and preservative-free
- Select the packaging still has a normal appearance, ie not
bloated due to accumulation of gas produced by microbial contaminants
-Note the time limit expired