A team from the University of Colorado says, the diet of pregnant women form the sensitivity of smell and taste even fetal brain formation. Study author, Dr Josephine Todrank stated, "This highlights the importance of a healthy diet and refrain from drinking alcohol and during pregnancy and lactation.
He says, mothers who drink alcohol may make children more interested in drinking alcohol when they are growing bigger. "Because the developing fetus 'expect' anything coming from her mother was safe. If the mother is eating a healthy diet during pregnancy, the child will also be more healthy food choices."
Studies find that studying mice, the mother teaches the smell and taste of food from the food they consume. At the same time, the experts found no significant changes in the structure of the glomeruli of the brain, which processes odors. The smell of amniotic fluid affects how these systems evolved.
Dr. Diego Restrepo, the study authors say, this is the first study to address changes in the brain janian while in the womb and early life after birth while receiving the milk from his mother. He says this discovery has important implications for public health.
"Many diseases that involve excessive consumption or avoidance of some foods," she said as published in the Daily Mail.
The study, published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, involved two groups of pregnant rats and two groups of dogs during weaning. One group of pregnant and lactating rats given a bland diet and another group with the diet flavors.
At the age of weaning, pups from mothers on a diet taste has changed in the glomeruli in significant than a bland diet. Children are also more like the taste of the same mother they eat, while another puppy does not have a preference.
Dr Todrank, from the University of Haifa in Israel, the results of experiments show results that are not much different in humans. "The choice of food the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding will give long-term effects of anatomy as well as sensors and memory odor preferences of children in the future," he said.