Based on estimates of the World Health Organization (WHO), the factor of obesity and less physical activity accounted for 30 percent risk of cancer. Based on the research, there is a link between cancer with excess weight, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. This type of cancer arising from these risk factors is esophageal cancer (esophagus), kidney, uterus (endometrium), pancreas, breast, and colon.
Currently, 1.6 billion adults worldwide are overweight (overweight), and at least 400 million of them obese. By 2015, an estimated 2.3 billion adults are overweight and 700 million are obese.
In Indonesia, according to data from Health Research Association in 2007, the national prevalence of obesity common in people aged ≥ 15 years was 10.3% (male 13.9%, female 23.8%). While the prevalence of overweight children aged 6-14 years in males 9.5% and 6.4% in women. This figure is almost identical to the WHO estimates of 10% in children aged 5-17 years.
In the world, cancer is the number 2 cause of death after cardiovascular disease. According to the report World Health Organization (WHO) in 2003, arising every year more than 10 million new cases of cancer patients with a predicted increase in each year approximately 20%. It is estimated that by 2020 the number of new cases of cancer increased by almost 20 million people, 84 million of them will die in the next ten years if not done an adequate intervention.
Based on Household Health Survey in 2001 is the leading cause of cancer death number five in Indonesia after cardiovascular diseases, infections, respiratory and digestive tract. According to Health Research Data Base in 2007, the tumor prevalence in society of 4.3 per 1000 population. Meanwhile, hospital statistics in the Hospital Information System in 2006, showed that breast cancer ranks first in-patients (19.64%), followed by cervical cancer (11.07%), liver cancer and bile duct intrahepatic (8.12%), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (6.77%), and leukemia (5.93%). Leukemia is a cancer that often occurs in children.
World Cancer Day theme for 2009 is announced by the International Union Against Cancer UICC is I Love My Healthy Active Childhood, and the Ministry of Health is "Come on move, play, and eat nutritious food to prevent cancer. "
It should be concerted efforts to prevent cancer risk factors with physical activity campaigns and balanced diet and healthy for society at large, especially for children as the future generation.
We need to continue campaigning to keep the balance between energy (calories) is obtained with the energy expended. Making changes to sedentary habits (just sit around with no physical activity), which recently expanded as the development of science and technology, such as televisions, computers, internet, and play station that cause increased rates of obesity, with the balance it with enough physical activity.
Cancer control efforts in Indonesia has been widely implemented by the Ministry of Health and other parties outside government, such as Indonesia Cancer Foundation, Integrated Cancer Prevention Assembly , Female Cancer Control Project, Foundation for Children's Oncology Indonesia , Indonesian Childhood Cancer Foundation Love, and others.
Department of Health together with various programs and related sectors carry out a series of activities as part of global efforts in cancer prevention campaign. Activities undertaken are seminars and fun bike for kids elementary and junior high school. This activity is carried out to campaign for healthy lifestyles since the children as the future generation about the importance of a balanced and healthy diet balanced with physical activity.
HKS main message of 2009 is that we consume a balanced diet, physical activity at least 30 minutes a day, and maintaining an ideal weight for life. By implementing the three key messages are expected each person has an ideal weight so that the risk for cancer can also be lowered.